What!? Never seen a Demon King of Lust before?

Chapter 131 Surrounded By The Hundreds [Part: II]


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.Trivia of the day #72: Lilu despite being a Demon stills finds it hard to let go of his humanity


"But father w-w-why?."

Lilu questioned Asmodeus' request, as it was a very disturbing mission to take on, it was very cruel, no cruel wasn't the proper word, it was wrong.

Asmodeus sees both hesitation and defiance in Lilu's being, however, his calm facial expression didn't falter once in their conversation, although his reaction did make him tilt his head a little, even now he was looking at his son with a gentle smile filled with fatherly love, although deep down it would not be a lie to say that his disappointment was immaculate.

Then and again, Asmodeus was a different breed of calculating, many would see a defiant child, who did not want to abide by their parent's orders or wishes, however, Asmodeus's smile just grew even larger, if anything it was as if he was slightly proud, the gentleness and caring expression he was giving Lilu became noticeable, his aura did not spike, his anger did not show, neither did his disappointment, however, this is just a facade, unlike before, these days Asmodeus was slowly feeling his existence was becoming even calmer the stronger he became.

Of course, even Lilith notices this slight change in Asmodeus's behavioral pattern, the only time when he shows obvious signs of anger, disgust, and rage was when something was disturbing the balance, such as Elisha and her children, along with the existence of Michael, and his Sephiroths.

She observes her beloved behavior from afar, not bothering them, seeing that Asmodeus ask for privacy between the two.

Meanwhile, Necroma and Rize were stationed in the kitchen as Necroma was preparing the weekly meal for Rize.

Instead of being around the main dining table, seeing that Asmodeus also ask them to give Asmodeus and Lilu some privacy, as their discussion was very important for the growth of their son.

However, Lilith could not help but look at Asmodeus thoroughly and keenly, her eyes were focused heavily on his soul, and after a brief analysis, she brought forth a satisfied smile as she said to herself.

'So it has begun, the germination of the Demon King Seed is finally starting, no wonder why his personality, actions, and emotions are all over the place these past six days.'

'Then and again due to those two other busted passive skills of his, "Harem Empowerment", and "limitless potential" working in perfect unison, he is leaving the realm of a factor (4) existence, and stepping into the realm of factor a (5) existence, this is good news, very good news indeed, after all, I have that carnivorous vampire to thank for such a divine assistant, after all, when gaining that power up from Rize he broke his mortal limitation, and became a factor (4) existence, and if he becomes a factor (5) existence then he should be on par with a Divine beast, any higher than that, he will stop being a Demon and evolve into a greater being known as a Devil, that would be a grand event seeing there have only been five known Demon King that reached that realm of power in their lifetime.'

This was very good news for Lilith, for various reasons of course, as this opened many more opportunities for her.

'If that's the case I can become even more forceful in my methods, for instance, I can maybe even make the "Adaptive immortality" skill reach its ultimate state and re-evolve it back to its former glory "Absolute Adaptation" the skill to adapt to everything, although that will quite a long time."

These were Lilith's initial thoughts just looking at Asmodeus's growth was extremely satisfying to her although just thinking about him was making her slightly hot and bothered, so much so, she was biting her finger to point to blood and began to drip.

And at the taste of her blood, she looks down at the inflicted area which made her snap out of her trance and regain her senses, immediately after the wound began to heal as she said.

"Just thinking about my husband is making me a little bit too excited but how could I not be excited, strong men were a treat to the succubi, his growth is insane, stupidly insane, abnormally insane, hell even Lord Azazel, Duklimiez, and Ashtion, some of the most destructive powerhouses who once bear the title of Lust would not be able to defeat Asmodeus as he is now, in all my years, I have never seen such fast growth rate for any other Demon King."

"Then and again, every time a new Demon King emerges, they possess something that will make them stronger than the former, this time around, the creator seems to be extremely fond of this one name Asmodeus, to the point [S]he is giving him special preferential treatment, even her personal favorite like Evangella and Solomon wasn't loved like this to point she ask for their entire existence as whole"

"Asmodeus seems to be the sole exception, fascinating indeed, why is Akashina so obsessed with the king of Lust this time around, I wonder... well what do I know, I can't understand the creator's will, then and again maybe I'm just looking too far into things, either way, he is mind as long as death doesn't claim him, I will make sure of it."

Even now, his growth was reaching an extremely high level in such observe short time frame.

After all the factor listing was a rank listing that separated a person's existence status into four realms, with three limitations for each realm with the sole exception being the fourth realm as a whole, these realms consist of the [Mortal realm, Divine realm, Transcendence realm, and Outer realm]

The way how these realms works are as followed.

.Factor 1 to 3: Mortal Realm: Beings who are mortal or nearing the breaking point of their mortal shell, at the peak, a factor three mortal has vast power that can easily destroy multiple continents of a planet with ease, a perfect example would be individuals like Rize and Ophis, Rize been factor two, and Ophis nearing factor three.

.Factor 4 to 6: Divine Realm: Beings who can easily destroy planets, and stars, and at their strongest they can wipe out multiple galaxies with little to no effort, they have complex powers, some that effects even laws and concepts to a limited extent, a perfect example would be Asmodeus, Gaia, and Eve although the entire old Zennith race is at this level.

.Factor 6 to 9: Transcendent Realm: At this level, you are either 4th dimensional or higher, you are at the level of being Nigh Omnipotent, and at your weakest, you can destroy, create, alter, and manipulate the vast majority of infinite multiverses that exist inside or outside your plane of existence, a perfect example would be Saint Michael, Pyyrah, Prime Anastasia, and the Conceptual race.

.Factor 10: Outer realm: Reality is whatever you want it to be, there are Zero limitations to your power, and you exist outside all possible forms of existing existence past, present, and future, at this level you are absolute in every sense of the word, your only weakness is boredom, in short, you are omnipotent, as they are no greater power, an example would be the Akashina, other Outer Gods, and Shublavara 100 body parts unseal, at this level, you exist outside all of creation and is beyond even concepts, its the Zenith of power, for the mere fact anything can be achieved at this level of power as nothing is impossible.

That was just the natural order of things but for now, Lilith will just watch from the shadows and assist him with her utmost support.

Meanwhile, Lilu was still trembling before Asmodeus, he could not bring himself to do anything so vile to another, it made him rather uncomfortable, yes he understands the importance of this mission, it was also necessary for his own sake, but he wasn't ready.

But he knew he couldn't deny Asmodeu's orders, if anything Lilu deeply respects Asmodeus for being someone with immense power, so much so, he would die for him without batting an eye, that was just how much the contract affect him.

He also knew if he didn't answer soon, Asmodeus would take this as a sign of defiance and might misunderstand his hesitation as a betrayal.

Killing he doesn't mind.

Torturing he doesn't mind.

But r*ping another person against their will was just something he could not do, as power-hungry, and cold-blooded as he might be, he couldn't bring himself to do such an awful act to another soul.

He had a sister, not his twin, but a genuine older sister, well not blood-related of course, but someone he look up to enough to call as such, that woman was a nun named sister Carol, she was one of the few nuns at the local church in their neighborhood that he and Mio grow up in, she was someone who takes in local orphans in the church foster care program, a kind soul, a maiden, and also a victim of the such horrible and barbaric act due to unseeable circumstances.

He couldn't protect her, he was useless, he saw and witness the entire deed from start to finish, yes that woman did that to protect him and Mio, but it destroyed her, the trauma was too much and the next time he saw her was with a rope around her neck hanging off the railing of the foster home balcony, if only he had unlocked the power of his "Mane of Ambition" at that time things would have being different.

This guilt was one of the many misfortunes that plague his soul and drive his ambition to acquire more power to protect the things that give his life meaning.

Meanwhile, Asmodeus see how stressed and bothered Lilu looks when it comes to the sensitive topic of eating by absorbing life force from another, deep down he was saying to himself.

'Honestly, what's the problem, their just human live stocks to begin with, succubus and incubus r*pe human men and women all the time to ensure they don't perish, why is he so bothered by it, hmm?.. I see he still hanging on to fragments of his humanity, just let it go boy, you're not an inferior human being, to begin with, you are so much more than these things.'

But as Asmodeus was thinking, Anastasia said to him.

『Master letting go of one's humanity isn't an easy thing to do, especially if you were originally human, to begin with, not everyone is like you master』

'Why do I feel offended when you say it like that?'

『I didn't say it to offend you, if anything it's a compliment, you're a natural-born demon, I honestly think you were unlucky to be born as a human when Lilith first met you, even though she was shocked to see how little you care for morals』

'Fuck morals why should I care for something so stupid, honestly why should I care about others as a whole, that doesn't satisfy me at all, I care only for my satisfaction, honestly I might sound like an egotistical asshole, but I honestly don't feel any guilt towards anything I do, I kill, so what, I r*pe, so fucking what, who going to stop me, God pfft...

Asmodeus laugh at the thought and irony of the rhetorical question, after all, it was hilarious in a mundane way.

But his slanders didn't end there as he continue.

'Hell I dislike humanity, why should I pity or care for something I genuinely hate with all my heart, tell me, Anastasia am I wrong for abusing my authority and power with Zero care in the world, as a Demon King that works to maintain the balance of the universe it's only fair I receive payment in satisfaction, Akashina won't punish me as long as I do my job, and as far as I am concerned that's a sweet fucking deal, and like you said Anastasia humans are just one of the countless many life forms that exist in our vast multiverse, so them as a species, are not all that important, to begin with, and I'm well aware the fable that exists aren't subjected to Earth alone.'

'Hell, I could bet you my title as the Demon King, that if I give any random human the power to stop time, they will use it for their gain, and both I and you know the only good human is a dead human.'

Anastasia couldn't refute Asmodeus's argument, to pick a fight of morals with the embodiment of Lust is the equivalent of a normal human being challenging a cheetah to a race on foot.

『Well, you are not wrong』


But as Asmodeus was engaging in a conversation with Anastasia, Lilu took his silence as irritation, as he sighed and said.

"Father, can I share a story with you?"

At these words, Asmodeus place his attention on Lilu as he said in a soft tone.

"Sure I'm all ears, tell me what is bothering you, if I know what the cause of your hesitation is then I can help you."

Said Asmodeus with a neutral smile on his face, at his reply Lilu sighed in relief as he began to speak about his past trauma and guilt.

The story took about ten minutes but Asmodeus could see how much weight and burden this was on Lilu, he even shed a tear.

And after the story was finished he said to Lilu.

"I see, so this sister Carol of yours and the unfortunate set of events that befalls her is the reason you are hesitating to embrace your inner incubus?"


Lilu said with embarrassment, but even so, the gentle calm expression on Asmodeus's face didn't wither down even for a second, however, his lack of response and the small liberty of silence between him and his father was making him worry.

Thankfully though that silence didn't last long, but what came out of Asmodeus's mouth next would make Lilu wish it was so.

"I see, I see... it's so clear to me now, your act of childish love is beautiful I will give you that, it's pure and sacred, but being weak is exactly why she hit the bucket, it's exactly why they took her away from you, you're right though, you are worthless, and you are to blame you spineless coward, your trash, your waste, your a disgraced to your desire that is your satisfaction, if you wanted to keep her, own her, and dominate her as yours you should assume your dominance, you should have awakened right then and there, that power was always with you, although maybe your love was too weak."

Asmodeus announce softly and calmly to Lilu who had a devastated face, as he felt his heart breaking bit by bit, the more he heard Asmodeus's voice, as he was taking a lot of emotional damage.

But Asmodeus didn't end his slanders no he continues even further as he said.

"However, that weak love and admiration are becoming a plague, Ms.Carol is the one hindering your growth, I don't want to see my son feeling bad about himself, I am your father after all, yes your loving father, who wishes you all the best, and want nothing but the best for you, so this won't do, as a result, I will do the right thing by taking your burden as my own, I will fix that fraud thinking of yours lovingly, gently, caringly, I will eliminate her from your very being, so let me help you by correcting you."

At these words Lilu tensed up, he knew from experience nothing good comes when Asmodeus use the word "correct" as a result due to fear, and instinct, he was about to run away and wait for him to calm down, but before his body receives that information.

He suddenly felt something grab his shoulders softly, and enthusiastically, as that something pins him to his chair, and to make things worse; a familiar aura hold his soul in place which causes beads of sweat to pour from his head in fear.

And when he looks up, his heart almost left him, there she was his, a drill hair Milf, the person who has registered as Mother, the same monster of a woman who he had the honor of training with for ten years in the dream world.

The Demoness was an all-rounder, overall he can still remember the hell she put him through, he can still remember the bones she break, the flesh she has torn, the blood she spilled, and the mental trauma she inflicted on him during their ten years together.

She Is a master at CQC and magic, and because of her Lilu who was a power-hungry boy learns that the world is far bigger than he originally expected, Lilith his mother has even admitted that the current her is far stronger than Asmodeus in terms of fighting prowess.

Even so, she was humble enough, despite being millions of years old to admit that her talent in magic could not compare to mine, she said I was a rare gem with the potential of reaching the truth of magic higher than anyone has ever seen before, seeing that she has informed me I have immense talent in mana manipulation.

A thousand years, that was how long she gave me before I reach my Zenith as a Mortal, seeing that to become Divine existence and transcend to a higher realm they must first shed their physical form by reaching inner enlightenment and understanding, as a result, they will reach a state call Divine Liberation that represent their inner self, a perfect example of such power according to Mother was Father.

Mother has once informed him that Asmodeus despite being a tall and handsome Demon always remains in his base form, for the sheer fact he can't control his Divine Liberation form, as a mere punch from him in a form that multiplies his power by a large margin can destroy the planet.

This alone makes him terrified enough to freeze up, leaving him to look at his mother's face.

She had a daunting and motherly smile on her face but at the same time a strict and threatening glare behind that imposing stare of hers, she then look at me as she said.

"You know it's not nice to walk away from your parents when they are talking to you, could it be you are entering your rebellious phase already?"


"Yes, it's your loving mother."

Lilith said to Lilu however his facial expression made her look like she was about to kill him, so she ask him.

"Hmmm... You look like you're about to die, what's the problem, are you scared of me?"


Lilu didn't answer he was indeed terrified, no he was horrified beyond comprehension.

"I..I...I d-d-don't want to be corrected!"

He answered in fear of the worst that is to come.

However, Lilith smile as she bends down to his ears and whispered as such.

"Corrected what are you talking about, you are just having a nightmare sweety, everything you see here, and feel right now is a dream, it's not real, when you get up you will forget about everything that transpired between me, you, and your father."

"A dre...


But before Lilu had the chance to talk he suddenly fell unconscious as his head hit the table hard, and his body fell to the ground right after.

Leaving only a smiling Asmodeus and Lilith in the dining room, meanwhile, Lilith looks at Asmodeus as she walks up to him, and sat on his lap while cuddling her head in his chest, and asks.

"Did I do good husband?"

Asmodeus smile as he heads pats Lilith and said.

"You did a wonderful job as always Lilith, however, that boy is honestly a handful, who would have thought raising a child would be this hard, I'm doing him a favor if he doesn't bed a woman soon he will perish, an incubus can't go on without vitality of a woman, and to think he refuses my kindness like that, I went as far as offering the mother of Ether Pendragon to him as his first bride, seeing she had good genes, an abnormal amount of vitality, and high mana reserve to boot, she would make an excellent match for him seeing that I see high compatibility between the two."

Asmodeus said as he continued to rub Lilith's head like a cat while engaging in a conversation with her, to which Lilith replied as such.

"His body might have changed to that of a Demon without a doubt, but fragments of his humanity remain, you can't blame him for that, like Anastasia said you are built differently from day one, unlike you who discarded your humanity long before your ascension to the throne of Lust, he still has morals to which he abides by."

"Hindrances is more I like it, either way, erase all his memories of that sister Carol's character, and only leave memories that matter, I will entrust his re-education to you, by tomorrow morning I expect him to be willing to do the deed that is necessary."

"You can count on me hubby, when he wakes up tomorrow you will be pleased with the result, I will thoroughly dispose of his humanity, and useless moral code, and he will be perfected that I promise."

"Hehehe. You see that's why I trust you more than anyone else."

"I'm honored, and after all, as your envoy, I must ensure thy will be done, hmm... Then and again you have eyes on the target don't you hubby?"

Lilith asks as she notices that Asmodeus seem to have acquired information without moving from the mansion, to which he responded as such.

"Yea I am overseeing seven different places at once, using the Lumen butterflies, as my eyes, I'm looking at Ether's mom as we speak, I'm looking at the Lucifer household, I even have two of them exploring the vast world of Eden, and I must say I am seeing some interesting things."

"Then you must be aware of the two hundred assassins outside right?"

"Heh heh ohh those guys well the funny thing is there not much of a threat, I have already infected them with the power of my lumen dust, in laymen terms I have every one them looking at a false image of me and you doing the deed in our bedroom, while the kids are just sleeping, and the butlers are patrolling, it's kind of funny how no one notices the illusion they are trap in, I will deal with them as soon Rize leaves."

"They're not from the Lucifer family though."

"No according to my eyes, they are from the Hassan family, although they send some rather weak humans most of them are only one unit."

"One unit, what do you mean by that hubby?"

"It's one person, however, this guy seems to have the ability to clone himself perfectly, with his cloning magic, he is a mere B-rank warlock, although he is trained in the art of killing, he is a fodder, to be honest."

"You are quite brutal in your ways, what do plan to do with him?"

Lilith asks intrigued by the trivial situation before them, to which Asmodeus replied.

"Hmm of course I am going to kill him, although I do have plans for him, well his corpse at least."

"Do you want me to take care of him for you, just say the word, and I will ensure that I bring you his head, and serve on a platter."

"A tempting offer, but to send you would be too much of an overkill, so I have a better idea."

And with that said, Asmodeus tap his finger on the chair hand two times.

And seamlessly out of nowhere Necroma suddenly teleported in front of Asmodeus bowing down as she said.

"You call master?"

Upon seeing this Lilith looks at this with a surprised expression as she asks Asmodeus via telepathy.

'When did you teach her how to do that?'

'The same day she learn the joys of a good curve.'

'I see.'

Lilith didn't have to ask anything else, the bitch was tame the same night she got a taste of a Demon King's sexual technique.

Asmodeus look at Necroma and said to her.

"I have a job for you."

To Be Continued

Next Time: A Flawed Existence


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