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Chapter 130 Surrounded By The Hundreds [Part: I]


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.Trivia of the day #71: Demon Kings will at first maintain their original personality, however as time goes on, their true personality will mature into something that falls heavily under their initial sin, in most cases their sin warps their most horrible side of them into something even viler, he believes everything act of violence he is doing is for the greater good of the planet.


"Isn't this sweet, I am very happy to see my girls are getting along so perfectly."

Spoke the voice of a calm boy who was lying on his side watching the sudden truce between Nero and Lilith.

Of course, this garnered the attention of all present before him, as everyone turned in the direction of the voice, and upon looking in the direction of the voice, they saw a green-headed boy, with average looks, and clear skin.

He was relatively short and had a rather gentle voice, however all who were there no that behind that gentle and calm demeanor, was a heartless sociopath of a Demon King, of course, everyone present here was no saint either.

But in terms of character in that very subject their insanity dwarfs his, then and again, everyone present here where just a product of Asmodeus's influence.

Lilith due to a curse.

Nero due to love.

Lilu due to fear.

Necroma due to force.

Rize due to threat and seduction.

Gorgo due to loyalty.

Everyone present had no choice in the matter, but they all grow to love and appreciate their master for his benevolence and kindness.

Moments after Nero replied to Asmodeus by saying as such.

"Well, darling technically speaking... Your power demands a large variety of women to be by your side, although it hurts me to say this, I have no choice but to share you, so I decide to make friends."

Nero responded a little sadden by the fact that she has to share her darling with others, honestly speaking if she could have chosen, she would not have preferred a non-harem route.

She wanted Asmodeus all to herself, but even now she has acknowledged the fact that the dream would never be a reality, no matter how badly she wanted it to be true. All in all, though, her goal now is to at least become Asmodeus's favorite, as she hopes and prays that his harem won't be too large, honestly, it is just wishful thinking at this point.

Meanwhile, Asmodeus looked at Nero, he was analyzing her behavior very thoroughly, of course, it wasn't hard to see that her disappointment was very evident, he must commend her for her efforts, although raising a human pet is never easy, especially one that is a Yandere.

Yes despite Nero being a Yule Lord, it was still just a transformation due to her Singularity, even now Nero is still a high human, then and again she is most likely one of the strongest high humans in the world seeing all her powers came from Asmodeus. And to be dead honest Asmodeus had no qualms about making Nero a full fledge Demon either, why you might be asking, well it was simple he had huge plans for Nero.

And making her a full-bred Demon would deter her from the path he has created for her, although Asmodeus had not brought the topic up of resetting the world to others just as yet, he had been planning the inevitable apocalypse of the world every day now, and Nero would play a big role in this apocalypse.

Although some annoying factors are stopping him from reaching his ultimate goal, however, though that is only temporary, for instance, the Pandora organization.

For one he hates them, Asmodeus know to all his heart they would intervene with his plans, they would interview with his act of love for the planet. He knows they are too blind to acknowledge his ideals, everyone thinks he is the villain when in reality he is the savior, he is balanced, and he is order and justice but at its coldest.

Why can't witches and warlocks for all their Nigh-Omnipotency see reason, why can't they understand that humanity is the enemy of the world, humans are the main reason why the planet is dying each day, they are the reason why Gaia's mana is not on the level of the age of the Gods, for as infinite as it might have been every day the quality of it goes down.

Humans are no good, their existence was a mistake that should have been corrected the moment they came to be, they have no use at all, no reason, and no right to exist in this world, no worries though he will save this planet from the parasite known as humans, as one of the Antibodies of the world, he shall correct the mistake no Demon King of past even tries to correct, that he vows.

And no one was going to stop him from doing his job even if he had to kill and sacrificed his subordinate to achieve his goals then he would not hesitate even for a second.

But apart from that, his plans for the future were still a work in progress, but either way, like always Asmodeus convince himself that he will take things one step at a time, so with his plan already in motion he arises from his ritual circle as he brushes off his pants and said to the group before him.

"Now then, let's all take a seat, we have a lot of important things to discuss, believe it or not, I have a very important task for you if you follow my direction then Victory is reassured."

Yes, there was a lot to talk about, everyone seems to see the seriousness in Asmodeu's eyes, so they went ahead and comply with his orders, so he first took a seat on the patriarch's seat, and moments after his servants followed him, everyone was quiet, as they await Asmodeus to voice his thoughts. And a minute later Asmodeus began to speak, his tone still as calm as ever, the first line of the topic was as such.

"Good night everyone, as you all may or may not know I brought you all here as there is a great threat that is tampering with the laws of the universe, although many, we exist to clean up the filth that is the heretics that dare to disturb this law, as such, they are five notable heretics in this filthy zoo these humans dogs call an academy."

No one dared to speak as they listen thoroughly to Asmodeus's explanation.

"For instance, the existence of half-breeds, the tampering of time, communication with something otherworldly, humans playing gods, etc. these are all laws we must abide by, these are all rules we must never disobey under any circumstances, and yet these Academy dogs have not only disobeyed one but three of these sacred rules, and not once, or not twice either, but a countless amount of times at that, the audacity of these wild animals, I tell you, these human animals have no respect on the things we call sacred, they are disrespectful in every sense of the word."

Asmodeus announces still maintaining his calm expression, not even shouting, or showing shock, his demeanor was that of a human and pet animal, it was as if these acts he considered crimes were to be expected, he was behaving with an attitude that screams "What can one expect from an uncivilized animal"

But even so, no one replied, they just listen to every word Asmodeus speaks of.please visit

"But you know what my servants all of these atrocities are due to human nature, so it's up to us to correct such a predicament, so listen carefully, I have a task for every one of you."

Right after Asmodeus looks over to Rize as he said.

"Let us starts with you Rize."


"Rize it's clear that you know this place better than most of us, as a result, you are one of the key factors of this mission, honestly speaking for a bunch of modern animals, they do possess quite a large quantity of magic theory, and information singularities, I want you to join the Archive community, and use your photography memory to memorize every book in the school Archive."

Rize looks at Asmodeus a little lost as to what his intentions are, but seeing they have reached a fair conclusion in their previous contract she would obey his order nonetheless, however, there was one problem with his request, so she decides to voice it out as she said.

"I don't mind doing it, but you are aware that it might take me a month, to do that right."

"I understand that completely, if anything I don't want to prolong my stay here any more than two months, in this zoo full of animals, either way, though I know if there is anyone cable of doing such a task then it's you, if you need further assistance then please don't be afraid to reach out to me."

"I see well, the library must be even larger than before... Sigh... Well if I start now, and focus on nothing but that task, then I can finish in half the time, however, before I go I need to eat as I could feel my power weaken in this bo...

However, before Rize could finish, Asmodeus stretch his hand forward, as he released one of his right tights from his storage space for all to see, he then looks at Necroma who was possessing the body of Rita, and said to her.

"Can you please feed Rize for me, just process the meat as usual, and you Rize just sit back and relax, right after you may go to do your given task, keep in mind to stay hidden in the shadows, and avoid being caught."

Necroma didn't complain as she took the meat to the kitchen and enter full maid mode on it.

Meanwhile, Asmodeus looks at Nero and Gorgo as he said to the two.

"Now then, I need you two to work immediately on this task for me, as you all should know time is of the essence, keep in mind this is a very important task, as the both of you specialize in stealth and assassination, Nero especially will be a key factor in this mission."

Upon hearing this Nero began to blush profoundly as she said out loud while drooling with glee and laughing manically to herself.

"Darling complimented me, hehe hehe!"

However, ignoring her simping with zero care in the world, Asmodeus turn to Gorgo his face still calm and unmoved as he said to her.

"Gorgo I want you to go with Nero that way collateral damage won't be too great to the point Michael notices something is off in his academy if things go too south."

"I live to serve master, how may I be of assistance?"

"Nero listing carefully."

Asmodeus order.

"Yes, daddy."

She said submitted to his tone and demeanor.

However once again Asmodeus ignore her simping and began to explain his orders while manifesting a pair of identical files out of thin air, from there is the role over to both Nero and Gorgo as he said.

"Those files contain all the information I know about the Diablo and Lucifer family, based on both Ryu, Elisha, and Victor's memories, for now, I want you to investigate this family for me as I have plans for the Mistress."

"Is there anything, in particular, you want us to investigate?"

Gorgo asks as she skims through the file.

"Your main goal is to investigate everything about them, I want details, from the smallest insignificant actions to the top secretive occult shit they do."

"I see, very well then, I shall see that this is done, please await our return."

"Gladly, and Nero keeps in mind to always stay out of sight of young children under the age of 12 seeing your presence affect them to the point of madness, I have no idea of how fuck in the head these people are but I don't want you to be noticed either way, so always stay in your toy dimension, you are only permitted to kill if they see your face, and make sure the job is done silently as well, Gorgo will be in charge of this operation so listen well to your spartan senpais orders, am I clear?"

"Clear as day darling."

"Good I expect great things from you two, report back to me, once a week, or if it's really important, report to me ASAP."

"We shall not fail you, my lord."

And with that said Nero began to cut through the fabric of reality, as both Nero and Gorgo disappear into the unknown.

Now with this only Lilu remains, as he looks at Asmodeus and said.

"And how may I be of assistance father."

Asmodeus smile at this as he asks Lilu as such.

"Lilu, how depraved can you be?"

To Be Continued

Next Time: Surrounded by The Hundreds [Part: II]


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