What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 143 The Pretty Boys

I left the boy on the floor and decided I'll do my practice elsewhere instead.

My first thought was to head to the fields outside the school building but it looked like another group of people were using it at that moment, the group being the student council themselves.

I was a little curious about what they were doing so I got closer to check them out.

"It seems you got a little sloppy, Leonard! Maybe sitting behind a desk has made you grow weaker!"

"I could say the same to your studies, Fabian!"

The two young men lunged at each other, their wooden swords clashing against the other's in a blade dance.

Ah… This is like some sort of practice session for them since they know no other classes would be using the field today.

Still, for the Secretary and the Discipline Officer of the student council to be sparring with each other, aren't your roles a little too far apart?

Despite that, the two of them seemed to be evenly matched and their forms were quite impressive. It was clear that both of them have experience in sword fighting.

"Interested?" A voice called out from behind me out of the blue, causing me to jump slightly in surprise.

I turned around to see Daniel, the student council president, grinning at me.

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you~ How's your classes so far?"

"They're good I suppose. I have no complaints at least."

"Haha, I expected as much. I had a feeling your batch would be an interesting one and I was right. Already a challenge for the special class position within the first week."

"Which has nothing to do with me," I pointed out.

"That is debatable," He chuckled before gesturing to the field. "So… Leonard or Fabian?"

I turned back to see the fight. I assumed he was asking who I thought would win the spar.

Just by considering their physical aspects, Fabian was the Disciplinary Officer and his physique obviously suggested that he worked out quite often. His sword techniques were heavy and aggressive, forcing his opponent to be on the defensive.

On the other hand, Leonard was athletically thin and his sword techniques flowed more smoothly than Fabian's, making it look like a dance in his form.

If you just consider that, Fabian should be the obvious choice but for some reason, I actually believe that Leonard would win this.

"Leonard," I decided.

Daniel grinned at me, "Oh? I suppose I can understand why you would choose him."

The both of us then settled into silence as the two fighters on the field disengaged from each other, preparing for one final strike against their opponent.

I watched as the two of them leapt at each other and their swords slashed out at the same time in a final blow against their opponent.

It looked like I was right since Leonard had his sword resting against Fabian's neck while the Disciplinary Officer's sword was stuck in the ground by Leonard's foot.

If Daniel was surprised by the outcome, he did not show it and was smiling calmly throughout the entire match.

He turned to me, "So… You want to go talk to him?"

Oh? Is he offering him to teach me his sword skills? But that's a little bit too sudden don't you think?

I tilted my head, "Wouldn't that be a little awkward? Actually, there's no need for that right? It's not like I have business here, I just happened to pass by that's all."

"Hahaha, it's no problem really. It's a free day for you right?"

I nodded, "I'm just looking for a place to do some self-study outside the classroom."

"Ah, you were thinking of using the field huh? Sorry, but we usually use it on Finadays although you are still welcome to join us if you'd like?"

"Eh? It's alright, I don't want to be a bother. I'm not a student council member after all."

"Ahaha! Did you forget? As a special class student, you are already an honorary member of the student council! So you don't have to be so worried about that!"

Oh yeah, I actually forgot about that point…

Before I could come up with another excuse though, Daniel had shouted out towards  the field, "Leonard! Get over here!"

The young man looked up and strolled over while wiping his forehead with a towel to clean his sweat.

Ugh… Can't this stupid Daniel take the hint that I didn't need or want to be involved with them?

"What do you need, Daniel?" Leonard asked.

The president of the student council gestured to me, "Our junior here is looking for a good spot to do some self-study, I thought you might be free to guide her around?"

Leonard looked me up and down, "You want a place more… Private?"

"Err… I guess? I don't really want people to see what I'm doing…"

Daniel and Leonard shared a look before the student council secretary turned back to me, "I have a girlfriend and we agreed not to have multiple partners."

I raised an eyebrow at him, "Err… Congratulations? I'm not sure what you want me to say to that?"

"E… Eh? Weren't you coming on to me?"

"Ahahaha! You wish, Leonard, it's obvious she prefers more muscular guys like myself, isn't that right? No need to be shy!" Fabian laughed, appearing beside him.

Ah… They thought I came here specifically to check them out or something… Daniel wasn't asking who I thought would win but who I fancied…

I raised my hand to get their attention, "Sorry but… I like girls."

All three of them stared at me.

"Hahaha! Guess you were wrong, Daniel! Pay up!"

"Damn… And I was so sure too…"

I watched as the student council president passed over a handful of coins to Fabian who was grinning at him.

I looked at Leonard in confusion and the secretary shrugged, "Daniel thought you were interested in at least one of us while Fabian said you weren't. Thus… What you saw there."

"Did I even give any indication that I was?"

Daniel shook his head, "Not really but there's a reason for this… It's a bit embarrassing but we're actually quite popular amongst the female students of the school. Even before we  took over the positions as student council members, we've had girls chasing us and the ones in the special classes are the most relentless…"

Fabian nodded, "No kidding. There was that girl who was really good at Umbramancy. She basically stalked Terrence for three whole months before she got found out didn't she?"

Leonard shuddered, "Yeah… And she wasn't even the worst one… Remember that girl in the sixth year's special class?"

"You mean the one who actually tried to kidnap you?" Daniel asked.

"That's the one… If that squad of knights hadn't been nearby I think she would have even succeeded…"

Fabian then turned towards the student council president, "I think you still have the worst one. What was her name again?"

Daniel sighed, "Taylor… That girl really was crazy… She tried to kill the other girls who spoke to me and then when that failed, tried to kill me instead…"

Woah… This actually sounds pretty serious. Is this even normal?

I widened my eyes at them, "Are you guys serious?"

Leonard nodded his head solemnly, "It's all true… So we were a little concerned that you might also turn out like that… Because truth be told, I don't have the confidence to overpower you should I have to fight you, junior Aster…"

I waved my hand dismissively, "Well you don't have to worry about me then, I have no interest in any of you."

Fabian barked out a laugh, "Ahahaha! That sounds both reassuring and also sad at the same time! If I didn't know you prefer girls, I might have wanted to go and try to prove you wrong!"

Daniel narrowed his eyes at me, "Just to be sure… You aren't pulling our leg about you liking girls right? You're not just pretending that you're not into us just to get closer to us right?"

I rolled my eyes at him, "Yes, I can assure you that I am not interested in any of you in that sort of way so you can rest easy. In fact… You can say that I'm already in a relationship with someone else already."

That got his attention, "Oh? Who is it? Is it someone in school?"

I hesitated, briefly considering if I should tell them about it when I remembered that this was considered something normal anyway so there's no need to hide it like some sort of secret relationship.

"It's Professor Lisa."

That seemed to surprise them for some reason.

Leonard raised his hand, "Wai… Wait… You mean the Alchemy professor, Professor Lisa?"

I nodded.

"The Professor Lisa that would feed you your failed potions in her class?"

Oh yeah I almost forgot about that. That didn't happen in our first class since no one managed to successfully brew it yet so I wasn't sure if this rumour was true. Maybe it was one of those bluffs she did to keep the troublemakers out?

"The same Professor Lisa that was voted the strictest and scariest teacher for the last few years?"

Ok, that one I did not know. She seemed pretty ok though? I mean sure, she's quite particular about how we do things but that's all for our safety and stuff isn't it?

Still… I don't think there's another Professor Lisa here in this school, is there? So I simply nodded and confirmed it was her.

The three of them then saluted me out of the blue.


"Big respect."

"Mad respect."

What the hell guys?


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