What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 142 The Closet Pervert

Finaday, otherwise known as Friday in my old World, was actually a free day for me.

For this day in particular, all the classes were focused on teaching basic knowledge skills like mathematics and language which were subjects I was already familiar with. Thus, as I did not sign up for any of these classes, I had no lessons today.

Odeta had surprisingly chosen to learn how to read and write so she still had classes however.

Since she had chosen to accompany me on her free day before, I of course returned the favour by following her to school as well.

I decided to use it to do some self study inside the special classroom, perhaps do some practice on my basic elements and hopefully I could bring them up to tier two by the end of the year.

After seeing Odeta off to her class, I went to the special classroom on my own.

I wasn't expecting to see anyone there so imagine my surprise when I found Lucas, the one who specialises in Pyromancy in our special class, sitting inside the classroom.

He seemed to be engrossed in reading a book so he did not realise I was there.

I'm assuming he had also chosen not to take any of those types of classes but came to school to do some self study as well, looks like he's quite a diligent student.

He's probably worried about keeping his position in this school since he could be challenged by other students so he has to make sure he's always ahead of his peers, especially considering the fact that Pyromancy was a popular subject of study.

Respect to him.

Unfortunately, his presence here meant that I wouldn't be able to do my own practice as I wanted to be in a place where I could avoid having witnesses.

I was in the midst of trying to decide if I should actually just go back home until lunchtime to meet up with Odeta again when I suddenly got the idea that I could ask Lucas to give me some tips on Pyromancy. It should be fine since I won't be challenging him for disposition, right?

The boy was still totally engrossed in his book so I got a little curious about what he was reading. Maybe he was researching advanced Pyromancy magic? This I have to see!

I crept up behind him so as to not disturb his reading before I peeked over his shoulder to look at the book's contents.

My eyes quickly scanned the pages and I realised instantly what book he was reading…

It was, simply put, an erotic book with pictures of girls in provocative poses wearing very little clothing.

Ok, first of all, I'm quite surprised that such a thing exists here, though I suspect that this had something to do with some Off-Worlder introducing this.

Second of all… Give me back the respect I had for you damn it.

"Heh heh heh… This girl has quite big boobies…" He muttered, completely oblivious to the fact that I was behind him.

Right… Now I remember… He has the 'closet pervert' as one of his titles… Guess that explains it…

I sighed, standing back up before going towards my own table, deciding to just completely ignore him.

The sound of me pulling out my chair finally got his attention and he shoved the book under his shirt in a panic before turning to face me.

"Oh. Errr… Hi! Err… What are you doing here?" He asked in a panicked voice.

"I came here to study, of course. I don't have any lessons today. What are you doing?"

"Just… Erm… Also studying of course! I was just taking a break!"

"I see… Well, good luck with your studies I guess?"

I took out my own notebook and started scribbling on it.

I actually don't really use my notebooks to write my stuff much since I basically use the journal part of my [Screened] boon to record all my notes alongside my journal. It's really useful since things are written with a thought instead of typing or writing, allowing me to record information much faster.

The reason why I was scribbling in my notebook was so that it will make Lucas think I'll be here for a while and he would decide to vacate the premises to find somewhere else to read that book of his.

I watched from the corner of my eye as he slowly slipped the book from under his shirt, checking me from time to time to see if I noticed him moving.

Just because of that, I intentionally kept my head down to make it look like I was fully concentrated in writing my notebook.

Contrary to what I thought might happen, Lucas did not make some excuse before leaving the class. Instead, he kept the book in his bag before moving towards my direction.

I tried to make it look like I didn't know he was there by pretending he didn't exist.

He took the chair in front of me and sat down on it, clearing his throat to get my attention.

Since we've gone this far, no reason for me to continue ignoring him so I looked up and raised a questioning eyebrow at him.

Lucas took a deep breath before opening his mouth to ask, "Can I touch your boobs?"

I blinked at him a few times, "What?"

"Can I touch your boobies?" He repeated like it was the most normal request in the world.

I managed to suppress my urge to slap him when I remembered that he was still a naive and stupid child.

"No," I told him curtly before looking back down at my notebook.

"Ehhh? Why not? It's not like it's a big deal right?"

I didn't even look at him to ask, "What makes you think it's not a big deal?"

"You don't lose anything and we'll both feel good! I promise you'll feel good if you let me touch them!"

"I lose my dignity for one and I'm not interested in boys, much less getting groped by one."

"Oh come on… Don't be selfish. They're just boobs! You've never let someone else touch them before, right? I can promise you it'll feel really good if I touch them! They'll also get bigger if I do that!"

Holy shit… This kid… Are you for real right now? This is just sexual harassment isn't it?

Ah wait… Since he's a minor, it'll probably just be seen as some kind of juvenile prank or something…

I looked up at him, "Do you go around asking all girls you meet whether you can touch their boobs?"

"Of course not, they need to at least have boobs as big as yours!"

I suppressed the urge to sigh, "You know that no girl will be happy to hear such a request from you right?"

"E… Eh? Re… Really? But… But my sister lets me do it though?"

I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear anything…

"Well, my answer is still no. Only cute and pretty girls get to touch my boobs."

"Awww… That's so unfair… I wanna touch them… They look so nice and big and bouncy and soft…"

He really said all that with a straight face huh… No wonder he's shameless enough to read that book inside class.

I raised an eyebrow at him, "Why don't you go and study for real instead of reading that erotic book of yours? Actually, why are you even reading that in class? Just stay at home to read it."

"Ah… You saw it?"

"Hard not to when you're not even bothering to hide it."

"Ahaha… Err… I… I guess…"

This boy can openly ask a girl to let him grope their boobs but gets shy when he's caught reading such a book. I'm seriously questioning what kind of environment he was brought up in.

I thought he would give up after I rejected him but he suddenly leaned forward while giving me an eager look, "In that case… Can I see your panties?"

I was just about to blow him off when I stopped myself.

Maybe… I can mess with him a little?

I propped up my chin with my hand and grinned at him lazily, "I can't show you that… Because I'm not wearing any~"

His eyes widened considerably and he leaned forward even more, "Can… Can I see?"

My grin turned into a smirk, "Oh? You can't be expecting me to let you see it for free right? You have to give me something in return, don't you think?"

"I'll… I'll let you see mine too!"

It took me a moment to realise he was not referring to his panties.

"Ara? I already told you I'm not interested in boys though? So I gain nothing by seeing your thing. Try again~"

"I… I… Please! I'll do anything!"

"Hoooo~ Anything?"

"Anything! Please! Just a peek! My sister always teases me that I'll never see it! I wanna see it!"

Oof, now I feel a little bad but oh well, this might actually dissuade him from coming to ask me to do these sorts of things in the future so whatever.

I stood up, "Alright~ Just a peek, ok?"

"Yes, yes! Just a peek!"

I held the hem of my skirt and lifted them slightly, stopping just below my waist, "Are you ready?"

He nodded his head vigorously, going so far as to squat down to make sure he could see the entire thing.

I flipped up my skirt to show I was wearing spats underneath.

"Ahahaha~ Sorry! I'm actually not naked underneath there! Maybe you should… Eh?"

The boy actually fainted and was bleeding through his nose with a contented expression on his face.

What the heck… It's just spats…


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