What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 126 And This One Is A Creep

Our next lesson was a lesson on melee engagements, which was mainly targeted towards teaching how a group fight could, might and should happen. Quite useful for Mercenaries and Dungeoneers who are looking to join or create a party and also for future Knights.

The teacher was once again Instructor Henry and most of the students in the class were from our previous class as well with some other additions.

I did notice that Matthias also attended the lesson but he stayed on the other side of the class, clearly avoiding me. Whether that was because of the agreement he made with Odeta or because Sean told him to was unknown to me.

Since this class was more focused on group fights than individual fights, the skill level of the students were much more varied as compared to the previous class.

The Instructor assigned us into groups of five people each and unfortunately, Odeta was not in my group.

She was quite upset that she couldn't group up with me and kept stomping her foot in frustration.

Thankfully, she calmed down after I told her I wanted to watch her fights from the sidelines and she promised that she would give me a good show.

I believe Instructor Henry had grouped us up so that none of the skills of the groups would be as evenly dispersed as possible to avoid having one group being way stronger than the others.

I was put together with four other males where, incidentally, one of them was also a special class student.

[Name: Andrew

Title: Off-Worlder Transmigrator, Lucky Bastard

Race: Mahun

Gender: Male

Current Mood: Amused


260 Strength

155 Dexterity

164 Endurance

352 Magic


Leadership(Tier 2), Cooking (Tier 2), Marksman Skill (Tier 2), Martial Skill-(Sword Proficiency (Tier 3), Unarmed Proficiency (Tier 3), Bow Proficiency (Tier 2)

Magic Skills:

Necromancy (Tier 4) Kalomancy (Tier 4)]

Damn, Necromancy and Kalomancy? This guy must be aiming to build an army or something…

He seemed to have taken an interest in me as he approached me with a grin.

"Hey, Aster right?"

I tilted my head at him, "Yes?"

"Ah, I'm Andrew, but you can call me Drew. So what's a hottie like you doing in a place like this?"




Does he think this is some kind of club where he's trying to talk up girls or something.

I gestured around us vaguely, "Err… I guess I'm here to learn… Seeing that I'm in school and all…"

"Ah, of course, sorry. I tend to find myself unable to talk as well as I would like when I'm in the presence of a world class beauty."

Then why not just… Don't talk?

Like you look like an absolute buffoon at the moment so why not do yourself a favour and just keep quiet? I'm already starting to regret that I let Odeta join another group instead of insisting we stayed together.

I was hoping that my group mates wouldn't be morons but I guess that was expecting a little too much.

I sighed, "Andrew… Is there something you need?"

His grin turned into a smirk, "Yeah… Have sex with me."

What in the flying fuck?

My mouth opened to rebut him until I realised that everything around us had stopped moving, an indication that time had stopped.

No way… I know what exactly this is… He has the lewd bane [Dating Sim] where he can ask people for sex and he has to play a game for it. If he wins, the person in question will agree to the request while he will be rejected if he loses.

I know about this because this was something I picked too… But man I was not expecting it to happen to me…

But that begs the question of what happens if this was used on another Off-Worlder when they are aware of such a thing? Would I be forced to have sex with him even if I didn't want to? Would I lose control of myself or would I actually be unconsciously altered to feel that it was ok for me to have sex with him?

That's a rather scary thought…

Right now, I can safely say that I most definitely do not have any interest in this guy so I would most definitely not want to sleep with him.

Andrew then took a step back and the entire field was suddenly filled with marbles of varying sizes, enough to fill it all the way to just below our knees.

The words 'Find the rainbow marble' appeared in the sky and Andrew cursed quite loudly at the mission he was given.

I looked towards the field's edge and I realised there's an invisible wall keeping all the marbles inside the field, which probably means that this was the challenge area and he can't leave until he wins or loses the challenge.

Each of the marbles scattered around have different colours inside them but apparently there is only one rainbow marble that he had to find in order to get me to sleep with him.

Oh yeah, the difficulty of the game he gets increases the more the other party isn't interested in him.

I'd say that this was a sufficiently challenging enough game seeing that there's no way a normal person would be able to do this on their own.

The unfortunate thing was that this guy was not a normal person.

He stretched out his hands and started to chant.

"By the Gods I bind you, the spirits of my summons that I call upon once again. With my power, my will and my soul, I command you to come forth and materialise upon the material plane. Take my essence as your due and serve me and my will. From the smallest creatures to the biggest of monsters, I summon forth the beings of my creation. Forged of mana and with my soul as the anchor, the…"

I tuned him out after that since the chant was getting really, really long.

It was then that I realised this guy didn't take Mana Management either so I couldn't tell if that's the skill that allowed me to cast my magic without chanting. Is this guy a noob?

I gathered from the chant that he was most likely using his Kalomancy magic to conjure up some creatures to help him, though what kind of creature could even help him with this?

It got a little tiring standing around while waiting for him to finish his chant so I actually sat down on top of the marbles and started fiddling with a few of them, just waiting for this guy to be done with his long ass chanting.

If only I brought along some snacks…

"... and let them appear! [Mass Familiar Creation]!"

I looked up after he chanted for a full, solid six minutes. Are all spells beyond tier four this long? I guess there's a drawback to all that power.

Circles of light appeared around him numbering in the dozens before various birds, a few moles and even some Mahuns looking dolls appeared from those circles.

"Go forth and search for a rainbow marble and bring it back to me!" He commanded, prompting the various summons to spread out to fulfil his command.

The birds took to the sky, the moles burrowed into the marble pile and the Mahuns started crawling through the pile on their hands and knees.

Andrew then nodded to himself before finally turning towards my direction.

When he saw me fiddling with the marbles though, he let out a scream of shock and collapsed onto his haunches, his eyes filled with disbelief.

"How… How are you moving?!"

I tilted my head at him, "Am I not supposed to?"

"This can't be… Unless it's a competitive game, you shouldn't be able to move! Unless… Unless you're also supposed to find the rainbow marble to beat me? But this doesn't make any sense… Wait, do you understand what is going on?"

"Err… Yeah? Though I don't know why you would even ask me to have sex with you in the middle of class. Like what the heck… Are you some kind of creep? Or are you trying to ruin my reputation by making me look like some loose girl that would start fucking in the middle of class?"

He blinked at me, "Err… What? Eh? Isn't that something normal? Wait… Are you… Are you from another world too?"

Something normal? What the fu-- Oh right, ok… Other World standards…

"Yes? Oh, right, I guess you didn't take the [Screened] boon huh? Guess you aren't into systems?"

"What… What systems? Like a computer system?"

"Err… Yeah? You know… Those kinds of stories where you have characters obtaining some kind of status window that can display their stats and also give them quests and stuff."

"Sounds stupid. Why would anyone want that?"

I shrugged, "You'll be surprised by how popular that genre is."

He stared at me for awhile before shaking his head, "Anyway, that's not the point! How are you able to move?!"

I shrugged again, "I don't know, you're the first one I've met who used that [Dating Sim] bane on me. This is the first time I've seen it work. Am I the first Off-Worlder you've seen?"

"What is an Off-Worlder?"

"Oh wow, you've been living under a rock huh… People like us who came to this World are known as Off-Worlders. How long have you even been here? Judging by your age, I'm surprised you haven't encountered more Off-Worlders considering you're like my third."

"Huh? I've only been here for a year!"


Well that explains things…


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