What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 125 Call For Backup... But Not For Me

It seems like combat lessons mostly take twice as long as the theory classes so it was lunchtime when our class finally ended.

Matthias never came back so I'm not sure if he was still being healed or he just chose to stay away from the class.

Nevertheless, Odeta happily showed me how to do the disarming technique Instructor Henry taught them yesterday.

It was quite a simple technique where you lock your blade with your opponent's and twirl it in a circle to twist it out of their grip.

The only problem was that this technique most likely can't be used in an actual combat situation since you need to put both the opponent's and your sword at a specific angle for it to work.

I pointed that out to our Instructor and he nodded with a knowing look, quietly explaining to Odeta and I that it served as the foundation to the more advanced techniques that he would teach later on.

Lunchtime was once again spent together with Odeta and Katsuki delivering the food to us from home.

The good thing was that both Katsuki and Odeta seem to be on friendlier terms now.

"Oh hello Katsuki!! So what did you make for sister Aster today?"

"Only everything that would be good for Mistress's growth, naturally."

"Ooohh! That means meat!"

Katsuki took out a lunchbox and presented it to me, "Close, but not quite. Baked fish with lemon and herbs for the main course, perfect for maintaining Mistress's healthy skin."

I opened up the cover and the fragrant smell of lemon and fish exploded out from the box, causing my mouth to water. Sitting in the central compartment was the aforementioned fish that was drizzled with squeezed lemon juice while the smaller compartments around it had various other side dishes to go along with it.

Just from a look, even though it was packed into a box, you could see that the utmost care was put into preparing this dish. It was to the point where it wouldn't be weird to find such a dish in a high class establishment.

"And after that, herbal tea and a slice of chocolate cake for dessert," Katsuki continued, presenting me with another box.

Ahhhh! I want to eat the cake now!!

Nngghh!! But I have to hold it in and eat the main course first, that would make the dessert taste better!

Katsuki then took out another box and passed it to Odeta, "And here's yours."

Yesterday, Odeta simply got the same food as I did so it was no surprise, but I quickly realised that the lunch box Odeta got today was significantly bigger than mine.

I peeked over her shoulder to see what she got in her box and…

It was literally just a giant piece of meat.

That's it.

Just a big slab of meat that looked like it was roasted over a fire and sprinkled with a little seasoning.

I thought Katsuki was still bullying Odeta but the Amrap clapped her hands together and let out a loud gasp, "Oh by the Gods! It looks delish!! As expected of sister Aster's exclusive maid!"

"Fuu~ This much is nothing to me."

Ah, so she specifically requested for it huh? That explains it then.

Katsuki then turned to me and bowed, "Please enjoy your lunch, Mistress. I shall return later to collect the boxes."

Odeta tilted her head, "Eh? You're not eating with us?"

"No, it would be improper for a servant like myself to be seen eating with my Mistress in such a setting. You need not mind me as I will take my meal later."

Well, at least she no longer refers to herself as my slave but my servant instead so that's a big plus.

With another bow, Katsuki disappeared behind the bushes and out of view.

"Heeeeh~ Katsuki's a pretty serious girl eh?" Odeta commented, picking up the slab of meat in the box with her hand and taking a bite out of it.

I giggled, cutting a piece of my own food with the fork and knife, "She has a rather serious teacher after all so she learned her mannerisms from her."

"Oh, Mary right? She told me about her. Something about being the perfect maid or something, whatever that means."

"Ah, speaking of which, what did the two of you talk about last night?"

Odeta smirked at me, "Eheh heh~ We just talked about how we met you, sister Aster! Just listening to her stories made me regret not insisting on staying with you all those years ago! But I suppose it's also because of that which allowed me to grow stronger to protect sister Aster! Oh! Talking about that, I still do sister Aster's exercise regime too! How many repetitions are you at now?"

I was about to answer her when a group of people appeared in my peripheral vision.

Turning my head, I found a large group of senior students walking towards our direction with Matthias amongst them.

Oh great, I think I already know what's going to happen soon enough…

Ten thousand Creas says that this guy came here to take revenge for his loss in the duel with Odeta.

Sure enough, Matthias pointed a finger at Odeta, "That's the one! She attacked me and broke my arm!"

Oh wow, lying about it on top of that huh? Maybe the people he brought along can still be reasoned with? I don't exactly want a fight to break out now since I have yet to eat my desert yet.

The one leading the group walked up to me and I took the chance to look at his stats first.

[Name: Sean Palsea

Title: Boss, Leader, Problem Son, Misguided Genius 

Race: Mahun

Gender: Male

Current Mood: Angry


60 Strength

55 Dexterity

64 Endurance

52 Magic


Noble Etiquette (Tier 2), Martial Skill-(Sword Proficiency (Tier 1), Unarmed Proficiency (Tier 2))

Magic Skills:

Cryomancy (Tier 2)]

Well, his stats certainly look quite impressive for his age.

I guess I should not have been surprised considering the fact that he was wearing the special class uniform like myself after all.

Odeta also noticed the group of people coming towards us and placed her food aside to stand on her feet and face them.

He raised his hand and the rest of his followers stopped, allowing him to approach us by himself.

Odeta crossed her arms and waited for him to reach her. Not looking concerned at all that we were currently outnumbered five to one.

Sean stopped within arm's length of her, also showing no signs of fear that Odeta was distinctly bigger in size as compared to him.

"You're the Amrap that hurt one of my people?"

'His people'? Seriously? Is he some kind of mafia boss wannabe or something?

Odeta raised her chin slightly, "I dunno what you're talking about."

Eh? Why is Odeta playing dumb now?

Sean growled, "Don't lie to me, you're the one who broke Matthias arm, weren't you?"

"Ha?! His arm was broken from that?! Then he's even more pathetic than I thought he would be! Something like a light tap would have been enough to defeat him instead of me going all out!"

"So you did hurt him!"

I decided I should step in at that point of time.

"Ahem… Sorry to interrupt you but… Matthias and Odeta were engaged in a duel that both parties had agreed to beforehand. So it's not like she assaulted him unjustly."

He shifted his gaze from Odeta to me, "So you're saying he lied to me?"

I shrugged, "I don't know what he told you but what I said was the truth. We were in swordsmanship class and Odeta won the first round of the duel and he insisted that the results were not valid and demanded a second round. In that second round, he was also beaten where one of his injuries was indeed a broken arm."

Sean pointed a finger at Odeta, "So you're saying that not only did Matthias boy lie to me, this Amrap here could also kick his ass whenever she wants to?"

A rather crude way of putting it but it is, nevertheless, still a fact, so I nodded my head to confirm his suspicions.

Sean then turned back to look in the direction of his followers, "Matthias!! Get your sorry ass over here!"

The boy in question ran up to him, "Ye… Yes, leader?"

"Is what she said true?!"

"I… No! She's lying! There's no way that what they said could be true!" He protested.

How dumb can you seriously be? If we were to involve our classmates or even the teacher, your lies would unravel faster than Odeta can break your legs you know? Or is it just because you're so concentrated on trying to get us beat up first before worrying about all these details later?

Sean then turned back to me, "So now who am I supposed to believe?"

I thought about it for a moment before reaching into the grass to pick up a fist shaped rock.

"Odeta, could you help me crush this please?"

She didn't understand why but she followed my lead anyway.

Everyone watched as Odeta picked up the rock with her right hand and, without a hint of hesitation, crushed the rock into dust without much effort on her part.

Yeah, I highly doubt Matthias could do something like that, which is saying something about their difference in strength.

Sean then turned back around and clenched his fist, punching Matthias in his stomach.

"You dare lie to me?! Bastard! Get this piece of trash out of my sight!"

His followers rushed to obey and he quickly turned towards us, "Sorry about that moron, we'll deal with him. Have a good day."

I watched him leave with a confused face while Odeta happily pulled me back to continue our lunch.

Eh? Really? Just like that? He really admitted his mistake and left? I thought he would continue to argue about it…

Well alright then.


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