Weird Live Broadcast: I Can Deduce Endlessly

Chapter 114: Secrets of the Library (1)

Chapter 114: Secrets of the Library (1)

Gu Yi followed Gao Da and Gao Qiang to the library.

There were already many students sitting at the tables reading. Other than the sound of flipping pages, Gu Yi couldn't hear any other noise.

Gao Da leaned close to Gu Yi and whispered softly, "You'll work on aisles 11-20 to sort out the books. After an hour, we will meet up at the librarian's office."

Gu Yi nodded and gave a thumbs up.

Gu Yi quickly moved to the 11th aisle and closed his eyes.

(Deduction begins!)

(While organizing the books, you also observe your surroundings.)

(Gao Da is organizing books in aisles 1-10, while Gao Qiang is at 21-30. They are focused on their task and aren't paying attention to you.)

(You discreetly sneak out.)

(You arrive in the hallway and look at the library's layout to determine the location of Section B.)

(The library has a T-shape, with Section A on the east, Section C on the west, and Section B on the north.)

(You cross the hallway and approach the door to Section B.)

(A librarian approaches and stops you with his hand.)

(He doesn't speak, but you hear his voice in your mind.)

(Librarian: Section B is off-limits. Please step back.)

(You try to use psychological suggestion, but the librarian's mental strength is greater than yours, making it ineffective.)

(You apologize and walk away from Section B.)

(Recalling the library's map, you exit from a side door in the corridor and head north.)

(Reaching the outer wall of Section B, you notice several guards nearby.)

(You realize their mental strength is weaker than yours.)

(You rest briefly, waiting for your skill's cooldown to finish.)

(You apply psychological suggestion to one of the guards.)

(He suddenly starts to argue with his colleague, then pulls out a stun baton and knocks him out.)

(Taking advantage of his distraction, you sneak up behind the guard and stab him in the temple with a pen from your pocket.)

(Both guards collapse.)

(You find the key to the back door of Section B on one of the guards.)

(You throw the two guards into the void.)

(A prompt from the invigilator rings in your mind.)

(Invigilator: Cold and heartless. Rationality increases by 5 points, emotionality decreases by 5 points.)

(You pause for a moment.)

(This incident wasn't a part of the system's special plotline. However, if you leverage weird powers to bypass the rules and commit crimes, the invigilator will still grade you based on your actions.)

(You decide to ignore this matter for now.)

(Regardless, you need to find out what's inside Section B and how to enter it properly.)

(You unlock and open the back door with the key.)

(As you enter Section B, you find that the space is completely warped. Sometimes when you move forward, the surroundings also seem to move with you. You feel like you're falling into an abyss, only to hit your head on the ceiling.)

(Your spatial perception becomes incredibly distorted.)

(Closing your eyes, you randomly grab a book from the shelf.)




(The words in the book are all twisted together and nearly indecipherable. You can only make out a few isolated words.)

(The book repeatedly mentions terms like "humanity," "civilization," and "dissipation." Based on these keywords, you can't deduce the book's main topic.)

(The chaotic space around you starts to stabilize.)

(When you look up, you find yourself stuck inside a wall, unable to move forward or backward.)

(The Section B librarian approaches and pulls a hammer from his pocket.)

(Librarian: Don't worry, I'll get you out!)

(The hammer hits you squarely on the head.)

(Your vision turns blood red.)

(You are dead.)

(Deduction ends!)

Gu Yi opened his eyes.

He realized that Section B was closed to the public due to its chaotic space, and only the Section B librarian could move freely within it.

To explore Section B, he would need abilities similar to the librarian's.

The librarian's mental strength far exceeded his own, so trying to force his way in wasn't an option. He would need to gather more information.

The books in Section B might hold the truth about the dungeon world, which is why cognitive distortions were present. Before entering Section B, he might need a way to break through these distortions.

Additionally, both the rooftop and the basement in the dormitory were off-limits and controlled by the void. There must be other tools in the school that could assist him in navigating through the void.

With a clear direction in mind, the rest should be straightforward.

Knock, knock—

A knocking sound drew Gu Yi's attention.

He turned to see the librarian from Section A staring at him, pointing at the bookshelf, urging him to work faster.

Gu Yi nodded and swiftly arranged the books alphabetically. In less than half an hour, he had finished arranging all of them.

Though he wanted to skim through the books during his spare time, he noticed both Gao Da and Gao Qiang working non-stop. Even after they had finished arranging the books, they kept dusting the shelves.

Frowning, Gu Yi imitated them by picking up a duster, and then activated his talent once more.

(Deduction begins!)

(You intentionally slack off by the bookshelf.)

(The Section A librarian walks by you thrice, reminding you each time.)

(The voice of the invigilator resounds in your mind.)

(Invigilator: Slacking off. Rationality decreases by 1 point, Emotionality decreases by 1 point.)

(As you expected, the Gao brothers didn't explain all the rules. If you slack off during work to earn credits, the invigilator will deduct points.)

(You check the time, realizing there are only twenty minutes left before your shift ends.)

(Instead of pretending to work, you quickly skim through the books on the shelf.)

(The books here are all about humanities and social sciences. You specifically look for history books.)

(The history of this world is similar to that of Earth but differs slightly in details. Many historical figures have different names compared to Earth.)

(You suspect this world might have some mapping relationship with Earth.)

(Your shift ends.)

(You, along with Gao Da and Gao Qiang, approach the librarian.)

(The librarian awards Gao Da and Gao Qiang 10 points, 5 points each for Rationality and Emotionality.)

(Due to your slacking off, you only earn 4 points, with 2 points each for Rationality and Emotionality.)

(The librarian allows you some free time.)

(You search around Section A for a while, but don't find any books of interest.)

(You proceed to the open Section C.)

(A chill runs down your spine, causing a sudden unrest within you. You quickly use your skill to calm your emotions.)


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