Weird Live Broadcast: I Can Deduce Endlessly

Chapter 113: Murderer? Savior?

Chapter 113: Murderer? Savior?

Chris hailed from Lighthouse Country, Gotham City.

He was an infamous serial killer. He stormed into a kindergarten, shot and killed 7 little boys and 13 little girls, severely injuring two teachers and a security guard.

Last month, he voluntarily surrendered to the police.

During his trial, in hopes of getting a lighter sentence, he put on a remorseful act, shifting the blame onto alcohol.

According to local law, being intoxicated was seen similarly to being mentally ill, implying the brain was not in control. Thus, if a crime was committed while intoxicated, the sentence would be reduced.

Due to intoxication and being underage at the time of the crime, Chris, who murdered twenty children, was sentenced to only 20 years in prison.

After entering prison, he didn't get along with his fellow inmates.

Once, in the shower room, Chris fashioned a weapon using soap and socks, nearly killing a fellow inmate.

Local media and the families of the victims petitioned for him to be given the death penalty.

But once the court had ruled, the sentence could not be changed.

"I kill because I want to kill.

History will remember my name, just like Jack the Reaper.

I'll serve my 20 years, and by the time I get out, I'll only be in my thirties. My life would've just begun. Those who petitioned to have me executed... just wait and see."

This statement was the last recorded during an interview with Chris.

After Chris made this statement, he was taken by a portal into the weird world.

Due to the controversy surrounding Chris's case, local laws were immediately revised, ensuring that crimes committed under the influence of alcohol would no longer result in leniency.

After reading about Chris's background, Qu Kangping sighed, "Look at that, how simple-minded society is in Lighthouse Country."

"Not just that, during his psychological evaluation, Chris scored 28 out of a possible 30 on the antisocial behavior scale. The guy is an absolute psychopath."

"How ridiculous that Lighthouse Country is pinning its hopes on a murderer for salvation."

"I don't think this murderer necessarily came to save the country," Ah Jian shook his head, "Chris is clearly just enjoying the game. What's more, because of his meticulous thinking and bold moves, he has gained a legion of fans in Lighthouse Country. Nobody talks about his murderous past anymore."

"Rather than that, I'm more concerned about this current dungeon..."

Qu Kangping pondered for a moment, then pulled out a notebook from his drawer.

It documented every dungeon in the weird world. Qu Kangping flipped through, highlighting three dungeons with a red pen.

"Have you discovered anything?"

"Well... Captain, just tell it straight. I'm good at fighting, not at decoding."

"Pay attention to the style of these three dungeons."


"Yes, each dungeon world has a different style. I never really understood the reason behind this. However, the information from Gu Yi about the host gave me some insight.

Different hosts create dungeon worlds with different styles.

For instance, Jin Xin likes to create a tangible, defeatable unspeakable entity and is fond of placing numerous instant death flags in the dungeons, adding various metaphors or stringent time and spatial locks.

The host for today's mission rarely has any tangible unspeakable entities, nor any perplexing metaphors. He particularly enjoys using psychological suggestions, gradually cornering adventurers with transparent schemes.

In other words, you know his rules, you know the loopholes, you know where the dangers and traps are, but you still have to jump into the traps he has set for you.

Do you remember the first trolley problem I mentioned?"

"I remember."

"If I were the host of the dungeon, I would definitely grant adventurers the ability to see the barrage of comments." Qu Kangping looked at the screen, pointing at Gu Yi, "Look, this kid's mental state seems to be starting to falter."

"If what you say is true... what should we do? We don't have the technical means to block these negative comments."

"Track the source of these comments and lock them up temporarily. It's the only thing we can do."


"God of perseverance? Can you guys not overpraise in the comments?"

"So indecisive, I hate people like this. Only bored folks like you would watch Gu Yi pass the level."

"Does he even have a brain? Why not just die at the start to clear the level? He lacks basic logical thinking, and yet some praise his intelligence? Dumb, so dumb, extremely dumb!"

"If he dies, millions will be safe."

"Gu Yi has a martyr complex. He definitely won't pass this stage. Guys, I'm thinking of emigrating to Lighthouse Country!"

"Hurry up and commit suicide. You can clear the level by committing suicide. This is how the adventurer of Kimchi Country cleared the dungeon."

"Quickly kill yourself, kill yourself, kill yourself!"

Sitting in his dormitory, Gu Yi was constantly bombarded with a barrage of strange comments flashing before his eyes. He couldn't discern whether these comments were from the real world or just deceitful tricks from the dungeon.

"End yourself!"

"End yourself!"

"End yourself!"

The overwhelming red barrage caused Gu Yi to tear out several strands of his hair in frustration. His eyes reddened, appearing as though they could explode at any moment.

"Gu Yi?"


Gu Yi suddenly lifted his head, staring angrily at Chen Zeyu.

Chen Zeyu stepped back in alarm, "Uh... someone's looking for you."

Shaking his head, Gu Yi got up from his bed.

Standing at the dormitory entrance were Gao Da and Gao Qiang, both wearing worried expressions as they looked at Gu Yi. "Bro, are you okay?"

"You look pale. Are you sure you can go to the library with us?"

"I'm fine."

Gu Yi closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, quickly using psychological suggestions on himself. The bothersome barrage finally disappeared from his view.

Ever since dinner, these annoying comments would sporadically appear before him, roughly every ten minutes or so. After 6 p.m., the frequency of these comments increased, almost filling his view every minute.

If Gu Yi didn't use his skill to hypnotize himself, he feared he might be driven mad by these comments.

Moreover, Gu Yi hadn't deduced these negative comments in his previous deductions. It was clear that this was a new rule, a sudden difficulty spike added by the host.

Gao Da and Gao Qiang exchanged glances.

"Alright, Gu Yi, come with us."

"Do you have the letter of recommendation? Without it, you can't enter the library."

Smiling, Gu Yi nodded and pulled the letter from his pocket.

The three walked side by side out of the dormitory building.

Looking left and right, Gu Yi saw nothing but emptiness. The void path beneath their feet was just wide enough for the three of them to walk side by side.

As the pathway opened, many students left the dormitory, all heading toward the library.

"Remember to keep quiet in the library, don't make any noise."

"Our job is to organize the books. Make sure to arrange them in alphabetical order."

"Section B of the library is off-limits. You mustn't, absolutely mustn't enter there. Don't even glance at it more than necessary, understood?"


Gu Yi nodded, committing every piece of advice from the Gao brothers to memory, and quickly summarized:

1. Stay quiet in the library and don't make noise.

2. Arrange books in alphabetical order.

3. He absolutely, definitely, without a doubt, needed to find a way to visit Section B of the library at least once.


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