Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 67: Lord Jack.

Chapter 67: Lord Jack.

Country of Salvation.

It is the closest country from Death Continent.

That's why it is heavily guarded because if Death Continent starts invading other continents, this is the place they will start.

But, this country is still heavily populated.

Because the amount of crimes in Salvation is one of the lowest in entire Kindness.

There are only strong villains in Salvation, but those are in rarety as well.

There are no weak villains because they would be eliminated very quickly.

Even strong villains have a hard time surviving.

That's why it is not worthwhile to stay in Salvation, and many Villains who were born in Salvation go to nearby countries.

The Capital City Soul is the most protected one.

It is also the city that is closest to the Death Continent.

Every year there are some people coming from Death Continent trying to cause trouble for them, but they are getting eliminated quickly because there is Hero-Star, Hero protecting this City!

The City itself is very fortified.

The buildings are made of metal, and massive walls surround the 10km area around the city.

The City itself is not the largest it is not even bigger than Charity, but it is very secure, and citizens are happy there.

Four massive towers are surrounding the city it is there to keep an eye on the Death Continent borders.

It is very guarded because it is war time.

In a random alley.

There was one door with a guard.

The guard was wearing a tuxedo, which could barely hide his muscular figure.

On the other side of the door...

Was a massive bar.

There were beautiful women dancing on the stage, while drunken men and women was talking loudly with each other.

There was also three handsome bartenders.

A figure started walking towards the guard and the door.

''Halt.'' The guard said simply and put his hand forwards.

The figure stopped walking.

''Identity?'' The guard said.

The figure took off his hood.

The figure was an extremely handsome male with crimson-colored hair and red eyes. He had delicate-looking eyebrows and a dainty nose, definitely a face anyone would admire.

The guard widened his eyes in shock.

''Lord Jack, sorry for my rude actions!'' The guard stepped aside and kneeled.

''It's alright...'' Jack said simply and entered the bar.

The loud bar became quiet instantly.

Some villains tried to act tough, but when they saw the newcomers' face...

They all paled they bowed deeply, not daring to gaze at Jack's face.

Women blushed, but they also bowed.

The women on the stage kneeled with respect, with the hue of pink on their cheeks and sweet smiles.

''Lord Jack, what a pleasant surprise.'' One of the bartenders said.

''Luke,'' Jack said and sat on the chair.

''Usual?'' Luke asked.

Jack nodded.

Luke gave a small glass cup and poured the strongest alcohol they had.

It's called Heaven's Drop.

It means that no one under the heavens could stay conscious after drinking it, and they drop like flies to the ground.

But Jack... He drank it with one gulp.

Luke chuckled and shook his head, ''Lord Jack, you are indeed an amazing person to be able to drink that.''

''Hmm...'' Jack hummed and put the cup back on the desk.

He can't get drunk, and he doesn't really want to.

It has been 2 months since he left Ariane and came to Country of Salvation.

The Government still isn't aware that Jack is here, but the Underworld is.

Jack became so-called Lord Jack and is now the Supreme Leader of Underworld.

The leader of Underworld is Calamity-Moon Villain.

And he was not happy that some Disaster-Moon Villain came to his territory, and he challenged Jack to fight.

But... Jack won easily.

He wiped the floor with him.

From that day onwards, he became Supreme Leader, and every villain in the County of Salvation knows that Jack is Demon-Moon Villain!

''Did you get it?''  Jack asked.

Luke nodded and put a heavy-looking book on the desk.

''It wasn't easy, but here it is,'' Luke said with a smile.

Jack took a money pouch from his pocket and put it on the desk.

''Little extra, buy some clothes for your daughter. She was grumpy because you are working too much, right?''

Luke had a face of gratitude he took the pouch and bowed, ''Thank you, Lord Jack, I don't like to see my daughter sad, and now I have a perfect idea what to buy for her.''

Jack nodded and opened the book.

But before that... A figure sat next to Jack.

''Lord Jack.'' A man with short red hair and a handsome face said.

Jack sighed, ''Orion.''

Orion had a huge smile.

He is the so-called Number 1 fan of Lord Jack.

He even dyed his hair red.

''I found it!'' Orion said happily and showed him a pink-colored doll.

Jack widened his eyes and took the doll gently.

''How did you find it?!'' Jack was surprised but delighted.

Orion looked smug, ''I have my connections.''

Jack patted his shoulder, ''I owe you one.''

''It was my pleasure!'' Orion said happily and left.

He didn't want to disturb Jack.

He looked at his shoulder where he patted, 'I will never wash my shoulder ever again!'

Jack looked at the doll with a gentle smile.

Luke chuckled, ''You are such doting father.

Jack scoffed, ''This is the Limited Edition Fairy Doll there are only 100 in the world!''

Luke rolled his eyes.

Jack grabbed his phone and looked at the picture of Ariane, which she sent two days ago.

Her belly was already getting bigger.

Jack snapped his fingers, and a crimson cloud appeared next to him.

He put the doll on the treasure chest and made the crimson cloud disappear again.

He then looked at the massive book in front of him.

This book is called Bounty Book.

Every bounty is listed on this book, and it is in ranking order.

He opened the first page and saw the person who had the highest bounty.

[Dead Or Alive]

[Lucifer - The Demon of Death]

[Bounty: 1,098,432,025$]

[Death's Wanted List Rank: 1]

[Global Wanted List Rank: 1]

[Villain Rank: Demon-Moon]

Jack narrowed his eyes while looking at the handsome man in the picture.

He printed his face to his memory.

He turned pages and saw the second-ranked.

[Dead Or Alive]

[Asmodeus - The Demon of Eternity]

[Bounty: 975,614,597$]

[Eternity's Wanted List Rank: 1]

[Global Wanted List Rank: 2]

[Villain Rank: Demon-Moon]

The man in the picture had long black hair, a beautiful face, and a lean body. In the photo, he was wearing black-colored robes with a heart symbol on the back.

Jack then turned to the third page and widened his eyes slightly.

'Since when?' Jack thought with slight surprise.

[Only Dead]

[The Jack - The Demon of Kindness]

[Bounty: 954,067,950$]

[Kindness' Wanted List Rank: 1]

[Global Wanted List Rank: 3]

[Villain Rank: Demon-Moon]

'Only dead...' Jack snorted and turned to the fourth page.

[Only Dead]

[Lilith - The Demon of Freedom]

[Bounty: 742,236,754$]

[Freedom's Wanted List Rank: 1]

[Global Wanted List Rank: 4]

[Villain Rank: Demon-Moon]

The picture was of a beautiful woman with a sweet smile on her face. She was wearing long red robes, while her long and smooth legs were visible. She also had slightly pointy ears, making her look very exotic and beautiful.

'I wonder what she did do... She is only dead as well...'

Jack turned to the fifth page.

[Dead Or Alive]

[Pandora - The Demon of Peace]

[Bounty: 435,674,980$]

[Peace's Wanted List Rank: 1]

[Global Wanted List Rank: 5]

[Villain Rank: Demon-Moon]

The picture showed a menacing-looking woman with eyes like hawks. She was wearing black robes, which didn't show her curves at all. Her face in the photo was morphed into anger, but there were some signs of her being an extremely beautiful woman.

Jack looked at the sixth page, but it was about a person called Pride who is Calamity-Moon Villain.

He closed the book and gave it back to Luke.

''Did you find what you are looking for?'' Luke asked.

Jack smiled and nodded, ''I owe you one.''

Luke chuckled, ''Well, I will keep that in mind.''

Jack nodded and stood up.

Everyone in the bar also stood up and bowed towards Jack.

''Lord Jack, you are welcomed to visit again!'' Everyone said at the same time.

Jack waved his hand and left the bar.

The Guard bowed deeply with deep respect.

Jack put the hood back on and left the alley.

He started walking in the streets towards his temporary residence.

An hour later, he reached a small two-bedroom house.

It was painted in white, while there was a small yard and back yard.

It was also made from metal, like every other house in the City of Soul.

He entered the house and went to his bedroom.

His bedroom had one bed, desk, and wardrobe.

He opened the wardrobe and put the clothes aside.

On the wall of the wardrobe were pictures of many individuals.

Lucifer... Greed... Lust... Pride... Gluttony... Infinity... William... Envy...

There were pictures of every important person of the war.

Jack smirked, ''I can't let my daughter be born into such a hostile world... I guess it is time for me to end this war.... Single-handedly.''


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