Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 66: Favor.

Chapter 66: Favor.

''Report.'' A middle-aged man in his 30s said with a stoic voice.

He had short brown hair, with average-looking face, and brown eyes. He had a muscular body, and he wore some kind of military uniform with 5 stars on each of his shoulders.

''Commander!'' The soldier shouted, ''Greed has been spotted! He is currently fighting against Hero-Star Hero, Solar!''

The middle-aged man nodded. He is new Commander of Alliance forces, William Warlock.

They are currently situated in the Border City of Death Continent, and it is their Main Headquarters.

It is also heavily guarded so that Lucifer won't be able to wipe out their entire forces.

William isn't a powerful individual he could be called weak even because his ability is useless in fights.

There are two Hero-Level individuals in the Border City they are here to stall Lucifer if he comes.

They can stall for 10 minutes max, but that is enough for Alliance Force's Trump Card to arrive.

That trump card is called Infinity!

'Hmm... For some reason, Lucifer cares a lot about the Second Fortress... And for some reason, he is not cleaning the battlefield at all... There are hundreds of thousands of corpses there rotting... But why?' William was thoughtful.

He looked at the map on the desk and saw a lot of spots painted in red and black.

Red is the so-called danger zone.

And black is a death zone.

The Capital City Hope is pitch black.

50% of the map was in red, and only the area around the Border City was relatively safe, but it was still painted in yellow.

There was no green spot on the map.

A green spot would mean that it is safe sone.

But there was none in Death Continent.

This is William's Special Power.

Danger Sense.

He can tell if he is in danger, and he can insert his power into the map, which would mark every danger zones and death zones.

And also safe zones.

That's why William is an incredibly valuable asset to have.

He is also an incredibly intelligent individual.

That's why he became the youngest General in Paradise's history.

He can also pinpoint where Lucifer and his Sins are.

The 10km area around Lucifer is pitch black.

The 10km area around the Sins is dark red.

And he can see on the map if a dark red dot starts to move.

He can clearly see that Lucifer and other sins are in the Capital City of Hope.

Except for one person...


He is in Second Fortress fighting against Solar.

''Commander!'' An anxious-looking soldier came inside the room.

''What is it?'' William asked with furrowed brows.

''P-P-P-Presence!'' He shouted.

William stood up and asked, ''What?''

''P-Presence is alive!'' The soldier shouted.

William looked shocked and left the room.

He went to the elevator and descended to the bottom floor.

Everyone in the Lounge saluted, but William didn't have time to care about them.

He left the building and went straight towards the hospital.

Soon afterward, he reached the hospital and entered.

He was panting heavily while sweatdrops was trickling down his face.

''Where?'' William asked from the nearby soldier.

The soldier started leading him to the room where Presence was.

William entered the room.

''Hey, you shouldn't be her...'' The doctor said angrily, but then his words got caught in his throat after seeing the man who entered.

He quickly bowed and stepped aside.

William finally saw the man in the bed.

The man had long messy red hair with a fatigued face, and his outfit was in rags. There was dozens of different medical items stuck in his body, and each one of them has a reason.

Even without one of them, Presence would die instantly.

William also saw Presence's legs missing.

Slowly, Presence's eyes opened.

The doctor and a few nurses instantly surrounded the bed.

They unleashed sleeping gas, which will make Presence fall asleep again.

Presence's injuries are too heavy, and he can't survive the pain.

Presence's eyes locked with William's.

''M-M-My...'' Presence murmured silently.

William went closer and put his ear close to his mouth.

''He needs rest!'' The doctor shouted.

William glared at him, which made the doctor flinch.

''M-M-My...'' Presence said with hoarse sound, ''C-C-C-Children...''

William looked at him and said, ''Your children are safe, rest well, and you will see them soon.''

Presence finally had a small smile he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

William left the hospital room and encountered a soldier standing outside the room.

''How did he get here?'' William asked.

''Commander!'' The soldier saluted, ''We saw him crawling towards the gates!''

''Crawling?!'' William widened his eyes.

The soldier nodded and looked at the door with absolute respect, ''He might have climbed the pit's walls and crawled all the way here.''

William took a deep breath and nodded.

He left the hospital with countless emotions.

''Hero-Star... They are amazing...'' William muttered with amazed look.

He always wanted to be Hero as well, but his ability was useless and scorned by many.

But the military saw the possibilities of his ability.

But it still doesn't change the fact that he wants to be a proper hero!

His respect towards Heroes keeps increasing day after day.

Especially towards strong Heroes.

He has heard great stories since he was a child about them.

50 years ago.

A Hero-Star Hero was ambushed by 5 Disaster-Moon Villains.

Their abilities was perfect to counter Hero-Star Hero's superpower.

The battle lasted for 1 month, and Hero-Star Hero managed to take down 4 of the Villains.

Only one remained, but with great luck. The last Villain went past his limits and reached Calamity-Moon Villain level.

All hope seemed lost, and the Hero-Star Hero had half of his body missing!

The Calamity-Moon Villain was also injured, but he had all his limbs.

But, the Hero knew that if he lost the fight, the surrounding cities would be destroyed by the Villain.

And he had no other choice than fight till his last breath!

And that is what he did.

The fight lasted for another 15 days.

Hero kept losing his blood until his body was almost like a skeleton.

But the Villain couldn't kill him!

In the end, the Hero self-destructed and killed the Villain with him.

But that wasn't the only reason William felt respect towards strong individuals.

The best example was the Battle of Six Disasters four years ago.

Entity did report of everything, and William was lucky enough to be here at that time with dozen other individuals.

He was shellshocked!

Karabu, even when he barely had body left, managed to keep fighting.

Willpower is something ordinary people can't have.

And today, Presence managed to climb the 10km tall wall of the pit.

He might have fallen down many times before managing to climb to the top.

And after that, he still had to crawl around 100km.

William looked with respect towards the hospital and turned away.

He still had a war to win, and he couldn't afford to make any mistakes!


In Smiley.

''This is beautiful!'' Ariane had a broad smile.

She was looking at the beautiful glowing river in front of her.

Jack smiled and stood next to her.

They stood on the bridge and looked at the glowing river below them.

There were dozen other couples, but Ariane and Jack looked like a couple from a fairytale.

Ariane was like a heavenly princess who fell down from heaven.

Her looks caused the male population to drool, but then they got angry slaps from their girlfriends.

But then... Their vision caught Jack's gentle smile, who was currently looking at Ariane's smiling face.

They felt their heartbeat starting pounding, and their cheeks became flushed in pink.

They felt envious of Ariane they wanted someone to look at them with such gaze.

Their boyfriends got angry towards Jack, they dragged their girlfriends away, who looked unwilling.

Ariane and Jack didn't know the scene they caused.

Their attention was on each other, as always.

Jack grabbed Ariane's waist and pulled her closer.

Ariane blushed and felt Jack's warm body touching hers.

She rubbed her belly affectionately.

Jack looked at her rubbing her belly.

It reminded him about Sophia who liked to rub her belly while she was pregnant.

''Why are you rubbing your belly?'' Jack asked curiously.

Ariane smiled, ''No reason.''

''Hmm...'' Jack hummed and put his head on her shoulder.

Jack widened his eyes in shock, but then he had a beautiful smile on his face.

Ariane felt his hot breath touch her neck.

Her face was completely red.

''Ariane... I have a favor to ask you...'' Jack suddenly said.

''Hmm, what is it?'' Ariane asked curiously.

''I need to go somewhere... Can you stay here with your parents meanwhile?''

''Somewhere... Where exactly?'' Ariane narrowed her eyes.

Jack looked at the river, ''Death Continent...''

''WHAT!'' Ariane exclaimed and stepped a few steps backward, ''W-Why?''

''There is something I have to do,'' Jack said.

''W-Why can't I come with you? Why are you leaving me!'' Ariane shouted with teary eyes.

Jack sighed and hugged her body he put his mouth closer to her ear and said, ''You need to take care of our baby...''

''Eh?'' Ariane looked at his face with a questioning face, ''Baby?''

Jack smiled and rubbed her belly, ''Our baby...''

Ariane widened her eyes, ''I-I am pregnant?! H-How do you know?''

Jack put his ear on her belly, ''I can feel it...''

''Y-You are not lying, right?'' Ariane asked with a hopeful gaze.

Jack stood up and smiled her soft lips.

''I would never lie to you.''

Ariane had tears of happiness leaving her eyes.

Jack grabbed her cheeks and lovingly said, ''Stay here... It won't take long before I come back.''

Ariane looked reluctant but nodded she touched her belly and nodded, ''A-Alright... Be safe.''

Jack smiled, ''Always.''

A crimson cloud appeared behind Jack.

He sat down on it and threw a big pouch towards Ariane.

Ariane easily grabbed it and smiled, ''Isn't this little bit too much?''

Jack chuckled, ''It is never enough I will spoil our baby a lot.''

Ariane chuckled and hugged the money pouch tightly, ''I-I will miss you, Jacky.''

''I will miss you as well, Ariane.'' Jack said, and the cloud started floating towards the sky, and soon the cloud was out of sight.

Ariane looked at the sky while tears left her eyes.

She quickly wiped them and nodded, ''He will be fine... Now I need to take care of our baby..'' She had a broad smile and touched her belly.


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