Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 46: Legendary Abilities.

Chapter 46: Legendary Abilities.

Death Continent.

It isn't the most beautiful place in Paradise, but it is the most united.

There are no separate countries, only the Death Continent.

The Capital City of Death Continent.

Is called Hope.

The Capital City was a massive fortress called The Final Fortress. It means that if the Final Fortress gets breached, Death Continent has lost, and their 200-year preparation was for nothing.

The citizens of Hope talked with each other happily without discrimination; their conversation was mainly about the War.

Some of the elderly people even cried 4 years ago after the war started. They trained their whole lives, and they thought that the war wasn't going to begin in their lifetime, but then it started.

They were saddened but also excited.

They are saddened because they couldn't protect their Continent, which they love very much, and excited because it won't be long before Death Continent again surfaces into the limelight!

They have been called by many names. Demons, Heretics, Monsters, Villains...

Why are they villains if they want to protect their homes?

People from Death Continent have been preparing for this war for over 200 years. It wasn't to conquer the rest of the world; it was to keep their families and homes safe.

The Alliance forces are evil in their opinion.

The Alliance Forces thought that the citizens from Death Continent would be frightened after they heard that all of the Continents were teaming up to erase Death Continent once and for all.

But... The citizens from Death Continent couldn't care less.

They have faith in their King...

King Lucifer!

Since birth, he has been trained to become the best King possible. Strong, wise, merciful, but also ruthless when needed.

He is their Beacon of Hope.

In the middle of the Capital City Hope.

There is a massive black castle.

The castle was taller than any skyscraper and wide enough to cover 30% of Capital City Hope.

It is the Castle of King.

Home of King Lucifer and his 6 Sins.

Every time the citizens of Death Continent gazes towards the Castle, they feel immense faith and hope that they won't be losing this war!

People from Death Continent has also another objective... That is to change their name back to Hope Continent.

If they win the war. They will do 3 things.

1st - Change their Continents name back to Hope.

2nd - Close the borders.

3rd - Separate their Continent from the rest of the world.

They don't want to be on good terms with other Continents; they don't want to have anything to do with citizens or Heroes of different Continents.

Their hate isn't only directed towards the Heroes Association and Government; it is also directed towards the citizens.

The History books weren't telling the whole truth about the massive war 200 years ago.

They never told what happened to the people from Hope after they lost the war...

Four other Continents did leave after the Power Core got split into 4 other parts, but they didn't leave empty-handed.

They took thousands of citizens from Hope as slaves.

Women mostly.

No one talks about this because no one is aware.

Slavery has never been allowed, not 200 years ago, not 500 years ago.

But it is still present even now.

People thought that only villains were doing that, but they had no idea that the Government had tens of thousands of slaves doing their every bidding.

It is free manpower.

Everyone in the Death Continent knows the fate of the slaves 200 years ago, even children.

They are taught to hate other Continents from birth.

Not because they need to teach them to hate, it is because they need to teach them to never trust someone from other Continents.

Currently, in the Capital City Hope.

Soldiers were marching on the streets in an ordinary fashion.

None of the soldiers were unwilling to join the war.

This was their duty since birth and their greatest honor.

Countless Generations before them didn't have this chance, but they do.

They can't embarrass their ancestors.

Final Fortress has 150 million soldiers.

There is a total of 4 Fortresses before Final Fortress.

Each one of them has at least 50 million soldiers.

Alliance forces have lost tens of millions of soldiers, and they couldn't break through the First Fortress yet!

They tried every way to go through First Fortress.

From the sky and underground, they even tried sending a person with an invisibility superpower, but he was killed instantly.

Alliance Forces were thinking for a moment to send their most powerful ally, Champion-Star Hero from Freedom.

But he was their trump card against Lucifer, then they decided to send another Calamity-Moon Villain instead.

They sent Necrovon.

He is basically a one-man army, and they had faith that he could break through.

But the battle has been going over a week now!

Necrovon didn't even get near the Fortress!

He has lost all his Zombie soldiers and had to fight by himself, but Black Death was stronger than him in Close Quarter Combat.

Necrovon decided to retreat...

Alliance Forces suffered another defeat.

In the Alliance Forces Headquarters...

''DAMN IT!'' The Commander of Alliance Forces slammed the table with anger.

He had 6 other Individuals sitting at the table.

''Even Necrovon didn't success?!'' The Commander shouted.

''Black Death is the perfect fighter on the battlefield... He gets power from death, and that battlefield is filled with death. He was the perfect counter for Necrovon.'' A woman on the left side said.

The Commander scratched his head out of frustration. His superiors are losing faith in him, the war has lasted 4 years, and he still hasn't been able to break through!

His superiors expected the First and Final Fortress to be the hardest ones, but this was very unexpected.

''Should we send two Hero-Star Heroes?'' One of the men suggested.

''We would need to wait at least 1 month before they reach here...'' Commander said, if he didn't break through this year, he will lose his status.

''Your orders, Commander?''

Commander took a deep breath and said, ''Tell Necrovon that he needs to wait 1 month before another Hero-Star Hero arrives; they will take down the Fortress.''

''Yes, sir!''

''How is Entity?'' Commander then asked.

One of the men opened his mouth, ''Injured, but otherwise fine.''

The Commander nodded.

While the Alliance Forces were planning their next move.

Black Death was looking towards the distance, not where Alliance forces were located, but somewhere else.

''1 month, huh...'' Black Death murmured.

His battle with Necrovon ended a few hours ago, and if you look at his body. There weren't any injuries; not even his outfit was slightly disheveled.

It didn't look like he was in a death and life match not long ago.


''Yes?'' Black Death said and looked towards the soldier.

''Alliance Forces sent a distress signal; they wanted Hero-Star Hero to come here to assist Necrovon!''

Black Death smiled and nodded, 'As expected... But it will take more than 1 month before the Hero-Star Hero arrives... It will be more than enough time.'


In the Capital City Hope.

Castle of King.

There was a tall man with long red hair and strikingly beautiful facial features. His eyes looked gentle but also charming. He was wearing long red robes, which made him look like a prince from a fairytale.

He is King Lucifer!

He was looking at the window towards the happy citizens.


The door to his room was opened, and a man with messy black hair and menacing red eyes came with a grinning face.

''Greed... What is it?'' Lucifer asked.

''You were right... Like always, tsk.'' Greed clicked his tongue.

Lucifer turned around, ''It wasn't that hard to guess what they were thinking. Their Commander is inexperienced and only got his status because of money.''

Lucifer left his room and started walking towards the Throne Room while Greed followed behind.

They entered the Throne Room, which had only a lonely-looking, but the majestic-looking throne.

Lucifer sat down on the Throne and closed his eyes.

Greed was standing silently with evident annoyance.

Lucifer shortly afterward opened his eyes, ''Soon... Our plan will be put into motion.''

''You have been saying that past 4 years; why can't you tell us what the plan is?'' Greed asked with slight anger.

Lucifer turned his gaze towards him, ''Your greediness is showing.

Green rolled his eyes, ''I can handle it.''

''Hmm...'' Lucifer hummed, ''Don't lose control.''

''Aye, King.'' Greed said mockingly and left the Throne Room.

Lucifer shook his head and looked outside of the window.

'Destroy... Destroy...' A voice echoed in Lucifer's mind, but he didn't even change his expression.

Lucifer's ability is called Destruction. The more destruction he causes, the stronger he becomes. His thirst for Destruction becomes stronger and stronger until he loses control and destroys everything on sight.

It is one of the 15 Legendary Abilities, they are classed as S-Rank in Interface, but Lucifer knows it is above S-Rank.

The 15 Legendary Abilities are...

Destruction Incarnation - User: Lucifer

Greed Incarnation - User: Greed.

Lust Incarnation - User: Lust.

Envy Incarnation - User: Envy.

Gluttony Incarnation - User: Gluttony.

Pride Incarnation - User: Pride.

Sloth Incarnation - User: Sloth.

Angel Incarnation - User: ???.

God Incarnation - User: ???.

Death Incarnation - User: Black Death.

Heaven Incarnation - User: ???.

Hell Incarnation - User: ???.

Life Incarnation - User: ???.

Buddha Incarnation - User: ???.

Rage Incarnation - User: Jack.


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