Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 45: Gone But Never Forgotten.

Chapter 45: Gone But Never Forgotten.

''Good work.'' A male receptionist said with a visible blush on his cheeks.

''Good work.'' The woman said and smiled while leaving the massive building. She had beautiful long black hair with attractive-looking blue eyes. She has a mature but also very adorable face, with her cute pointed nose and soft-looking lips. She is 6-Star Hero, Ariane, previously known as Beautiful Princess, but recently changed to Saintess of the West.

The receptionist blushed heavily after receiving a reply.

While Ariane was walking in the streets, she got a greeting from every citizen. The men and women who greeted her couldn't help but blush slightly after seeing Ariane's beautiful-looking smile.

She greeted everyone as well and helped few elderly people to cross the streets. She did all that with the same beautiful smile on her face.

The citizens couldn't help but smile at the sight. Ariane has been doing same things since she became hero, and she doesn't seem to get tired.

She is already a 6-Star Hero, which makes her Super Elite Hero already, and she is still helping citizens which should be the job of 0-Star or 1-Star Hero.

After helping another person to cross the street, she started walking towards the Southern Area of Charity.

The buildings near Southern Area were beautiful and exotic. Chris wanted to make the city more attractive so that people forget the nightmare. It surprisingly helped, and the area close to the Southern Area has been a very famous tourist attraction.

But the area around Southern Area is heavily guarded; they don't want anyone near the bottomless pit and accidentally fall down.

But once Ariane reached the Gates leading to the Southern Area, the Guards with smiles opened it and let Ariane in.

Ariane smiled and nodded and started walking streets in the Southern Area.

The buildings in Southern Area were close to the Military Base, and there is a reason for it.

They are here to keep a close eye on the bottomless pit.

Since Jack jumped there, the citizens of Charity feel anxious that someday he climbs up and starts another reign of terror.

To keep citizens calm, they decided to build Military Base near it and keep a close eye on the bottomless pit.

But nothing has come out of it last 4 years.

People have come to one conclusion.

Jack is dead.

The soldiers nodded with smiles towards Ariane.

Ariane smiled and walked towards the area of the bottomless pit.

There is a fence around the bottomless pit. Ariane stopped in front of the fence and looked at the bottomless pit in the distance.

There is also a tombstone a dozen meters away from her.

[Grave of The Jack, The Disaster of Charity - Gone But Never Forgotten]

Those words were on the tombstone.

The bottomless pit is the grave of Jack.

Gone But Never Forgotten words in the tombstone mean that Charity's citizens will never forget things he did.

Even 10 Generations later, the name of The Jack would be known in Charity.

Ariane looked at the tombstone with a pained face, she put her soft-looking hands on prayer.

''Jack... I hope God had mercy on you.'' Ariane said quietly, teardrops trickling down her cheeks.


She wiped the tears and turned around. She left the area of the bottomless pit with a heavy heart.

''You are here, again.'' Ariane stopped and turned her head towards the voice.

She saw a man with brown hair and an average-looking face. He had a muscular build with broad shoulders. He is Heroes Association Chairman - Chris; since 4 years ago, he started training to become stronger and became a 9-Star Hero with a muscular body.

''Chris...'' Ariane nodded and sadly smiled.

Chris shook his head and looked at the tombstone in the distance with hate.

More things have changed past 4 years than anyone could imagine. First of all, Chris fell in love with Ariane and confessed to her 1 year ago, but she rejected him. He knows the reason. She loved Jack; even after he was dead, she couldn't abandon her feelings.

Chris' hate towards Jack couldn't be higher. He loves Ariane a lot; how could he not? She is everything a man would want. She is kind, beautiful, and perfect in every way.

He thought that Ariane's feelings would fade but still hasn't. She still visits his tombstone every day.

'Even after he is dead... He still takes things from me...' Chris gritted his teeth hatefully.

Ariane sat down on the bench while Chris looked at her silently.

Chris feels like his heart is getting crushed whenever Ariane visits the tombstone, and her cheerful self turns into sorrow.

''Jack isn't coming back... You need to let it go.'' Chris opened his mouth and said. He has been trying to talk with Ariane about this hundreds of times, but Ariane doesn't seem to listen to him.

Ariane shook her head, ''Gone But Never Forgotten... Remember?''

Chris grimaced; he looked at the tombstone. He added that text so that Jack would even suffer in the afterlife.

Gone But Never Forgotten also has a different meaning.

It means that they will never forget the pathetic sight of Jack getting dirtied by every food imaginable.

Ariane shook her head after seeing Chris' hate-filled face while looking at the tombstone.

She knows that he hates Jack because he killed Kenturion, his father figure, but it has been 4 years.

She isn't aware that he hates him because he knows that she loves Jack.

She still feels slightly awkward around Chris, especially since he isn't hiding his affection, and basically, everyone in the Heroes Association is already aware that Chris loves her.

And most of the people in the Heroes Association already treat them like a wedding couple, and Ariane hates it.

Ariane stood up from the bench and left the Southern Area while Chris followed behind her silently.

''...'' Chris was debating should he tell her about his feelings once again.

He made his decision.

''Ariane.'' Chris said.

Ariane stopped walking and looked at him with her bright blue eyes.

''I love you.'' Chris simply said with a rapid heartbeat.

Ariane lowered her head, ''I know... But I don't have such feelings towards you.''

Chris gritted his teeth and shouted, ''Why do you love Jack?!''

Ariane widened her eyes and looked at him.

''I know that you are in love with him! It's painfully obvious!''

Ariane sighed, ''I don't know... He has killed so many people... But seeing him killing himself hurt so much...''

''He is dead! He won't be coming back! You need to forget about him!'' Chris shouted angrily.

Ariane flinched but shook her head, ''I-I have tried... I can't...''

Chris grabbed her shoulders, ''Accept my confession! It is the fastest way to forget about him!''

''Y-You are hurting me!'' Ariane shouted, but Chris's hold only tightened.


''N-NO!'' Ariane cried; tiny teardrops started appearing on the corner of her eyes.

Chris' face morphed into anger; he grabbed Ariane's cheeks and started moving his lips closer.

Ariane's eyes widened; she used her free hand and slapped Chris' cheek.


Chris widened his eyes, he felt a stinging pain on his cheek, but that only made him angrier.


Ariane finally escaped Chris' hold.

Ariane's body started glowing purple, and her figure became majestic-looking.

A purple-colored tiara appeared on her head, and a beautiful purple-colored dress covered her gorgeous body.

Chris gritted his teeth angrily.

Ariane pointed her hands towards him, ''Princess Lore - Kneel before me!''

Chris' body started feeling heavy, and his knees touched the ground. He was now in a kneeling position like a knight was showing his loyalty towards Princess.

Ariane's ability is Princess Lore - With this ability, she becomes the sole ruler of a particular space. She can command everyone to do her bidding like she was a real princess.

Ariane's forehead was drenched in sweat. She is 3 Ranks below Chris, and only holding him down for a few seconds was very exhausting.

Chris slowly started standing up; his knees felt very heavy like someone was pushing him down.

''RAAAA!'' Chris roared; his muscular body stood up slowly, and soon he was standing straight, looking at Ariane with visible anger.

Ariane was breathing heavily, her face filled with exhaustion.

They were at a place where usually aren't any civilians, which means that no one was aware of their current battle.

''Ariane... I will make you love me... With force!'' Chris roared and started taking heavy steps; his steps made the earth crack.

Ariane went pale, but then she put her hands on prayer, ''Princess Lore - Goddess Show Me Miracle!!''

A bright light appeared in the sky.

Chris turned his face towards the sky, but then the bright light exploded and struck Chris' body with that.

''RAAA!'' He screamed and crashed into the nearby building.

The building crashed down, and a huge dust cloud appeared.

Ariane wiped her sweat and started running away.

A few minutes later, Chris stood up from the ruins of the building and wiped the dust off his shirt.

He looked angrily in the direction where Ariane went, ''This isn't over... I will make you mine....''


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