Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 35: Joyful's Rocky Nature Park.

Chapter 35: Joyful's Rocky Nature Park.

Jack knew that his arrival would cause chaos, but he wasn't planning to do anything drastic.

He has one mission left, and that is to have his revenge, and after that... It's time to finally meet with Sophia and Jasmine.

Now he needs to get money from somewhere to buy a plane ticket.

He is also still slightly hungry; those snack bars didn't really help him that much.

Jack turned around and started walking in the busy streets. Everywhere he looked, he saw happy families walking with each other, couples flirting, and old people sitting together.

This place was calm and peaceful... Like a paradise.

The memories of Evil Paradise surfaced into Jack's mind.

It is incredible how different some places can be.

In Evil Paradise, Jack was affected by the anger and screams of everyone.

Now he can keep his rage in control because of the peace and calmness of his surrounding environment.

But every good thing always comes to an end.

Jack, with his great hearing, easily heard running footsteps.

People ran in the roofs of nearby buildings, in the alleys, or acted as passersby.

Jack knows that he is surrounded.

But he didn't feel any anger from them.

Only fear.

'They are here to keep an eye on me?' Jack thought, it seemed reasonable enough.

But there was one thing that Jack didn't want to happen.

And that is News Station finding about him.

He has grown extreme hate towards any News Station; they do everything, even ruin people's lives if they receive enough money for it.

And then they throw the propaganda bullsh*t about Heroes and make Villains look like enemies of humanity.

They don't even care what will really happen if news about Jack appearing here is revealed.

This peaceful and calm city will be thrown into chaos.

Jack doesn't really want that to happen; otherwise, he might get angry again and kill everyone he sees.

He started walking a little bit faster, and shortly afterward, he turned towards left and saw a huge sign not far from him [Joyful's Rocky Nature Park]

He entered the park through Metal Gates; he slightly glanced backward and didn't see anyone following him, probably thinking about their next course of actions.

The tree leaves flowed gently in the air while the wind blew Jack's hair.

The Park was quite vast; it had few rock paths and very green grassland around it.

Jack followed the rock path, trying not to step on the beautiful grass.

He walked deeper inside the park and finally saw other people as well.

Over a dozen families were having a picnic or simply having fun with their families.

Jack sighed and sat down on the nearby wooden bench, he saw a clear-looking lake not far from him and swans swimming on it.

There was a small forest behind him and small rocky mountain middle of it.

The Park got its name from the rocky mountain and the small rock paths.

''...'' Jack stayed silent and looked at the vast nature around him.

He was never a good people person, and he never enjoyed talking with other people, only with Sophia he actually enjoyed. Jack's passion has always been about animals and nature. Sophia also learned to enjoy it because she wanted to have something common with Jack, but she ended up loving nature alongside Jack.

In Charity, there was a small park, nothing fancy, far from something like this.

Sophia and Jack often visited during their free time, even though the Park was quite ordinary, it still meant a great deal to them.

Jack enjoyed the wind blowing to his face; he closed his eyes and listened to the voice of nature.



But it was interrupted because he heard footsteps near him. Jack hoped that the person walking would pass him, but the footsteps stopped in front of him.

''Young fella?'' Suddenly, Jack heard a voice he didn't expect to hear ever again.

He opened his eyes, and he saw the old man who gave him a ride.

''It's you?'' Jack said with surprise.

The old man heartily laughed. ''Haha, I guess you passed the gates; sorry that I had to leave you.'' In the end, he scratched his head out of embarrassment.

Jack waved his hand. ''Wasn't your fault.''

The old man again laughed and sat next to Jack.

''Why are you here, old man?'' Jack asked.

''Hehe, don't call me old man - call me Tewin instead.'' The old man - Tewin said with slight laughter.

Jack nodded.

''And I am here because my family and their families are having a picnic,'' Tewin said with a gentle smile, then he turned his head towards Jack. ''Why are you here, young fella?''

''Enjoying nature,'' Jack said simply.

Tewin nodded. ''I forgot to ask in the car, but what's your name?''

Jack thought for a moment should he answer, but he decided to say it. ''Jack.''

Tewin nodded and stood up to stand. ''Do you want to join us for a picnic?''

Jack waved his hand. ''I don't want to interrupt you all.''

''More, the merrier! Come on.'' Tewin motioned for Jack to follow.

Jack scratched the back of his head; he stood up and started following behind Tewin while walking on the rock path.

They walked a few minutes in the rock path and passed a lot of families.

Jack wondered how far they were actually having a picnic, but then he saw a majestic-looking place not far from them.

A pure green grassland with a beautiful lake not far from it, definitely a better-looking place than the previous one.

''This is the crown jewel of Joyful,'' Tewin said with slight smugness after seeing Jack's surprised face.

Jack only nodded dumbly, definitely the best-looking place he has ever seen so far.

They started approaching a group of people sitting on the grass with a few picnic blankets spread around them.

Two men were chatting with each other with smiles.

Another one had short brown hair, with angular-shaped eyebrows and a sharp jawline. His face wasn't extremely handsome like Jack's, but it was still attractive; his muscular body was shown remarkably because of his tight t-shirt and shorts.

Next to him was a man with medium-length blond hair. He has an average-looking face and a slightly pale face. His body was athletic, slight muscles bulging from his arms. He was wearing a white-colored t-shirt and blue shorts.

Behind them, two similar-looking females were talking as well.

One of them had brown hair which reached her shoulders. Her face was attractive with a cute pointed nose, delicate-looking skin, and blue-colored eyes. Her body was petite with a beautiful green-colored dress.

Next to her was another woman with brown hair, but her hair reached her waist. She also had an attractive face, but she looked more mature than the woman in front of her. She had a curved nose, blue-colored eyes, and rose-colored lips. She was also wearing a dress, but in red with slight flower patterns on it.

There was also a woman not far from them who kept an eye on the children; she looked gentle with long black hair, blue eyes, and a soft smile painted on her attractive face. She was wearing a comfortable-looking yellow-colored shirt with a yellow skirt, and it gave her a feeling of youthfulness and gentleness.

Not far from her was a group of 5 children playing with each other, they all looked quite similar, but some of them had brown-colored hair and some blond.

They all heard footsteps approaching and saw an old man walking with a handsome black-haired individual.

''Grandpa!'' The children cheered loudly and circled around Tewin.

Tewin gently laughed and patted the heads of the children.

The children purred out of satisfaction, but then they saw a person they haven't met before.

''Grandpa, who is this?'' A girl in her 4s asked shyly while hiding behind Tewin's leg.

The adults around the picnic place were also curious.

The gentle-looking woman was more curious than others.

Tewin laughed and patted Jack's shoulder. ''This is the young fella I talked about before, he was sitting in the park, and I decided to invite him.''

Jack bowed slightly. ''Nice to meet you.''

Tewin started pointing towards others; first, he pointed towards a muscular brown-haired man.

''This is my son-in-law; his name is Luke, he is the husband of my daughter Thea.''

Luke nodded with a small smile.

Tewin then pointed towards the blond-haired man. ''This is my other son-in-law, his name is Niko, he is the husband of my daughter Talia.''

Niko also nodded.

Tewin pointed towards two women behind them. ''The long brown-haired one is my first daughter, Thea.''

Thea gave a small wave.

''The one next to her is my second daughter, Talia.''

Talia gave a small smile and waved.

Tewin then pointed towards the gentle-looking woman. ''And this is my third daughter, Tessa.''

Tessa shyly nodded while a small hue of pink crept on her soft-looking cheeks.

''And these are my grandchildren.'' Tewin pointed downwards, towards the group of young children.

Jack nodded. ''My name is Jack, nice to meet you.''

''Alright, enough of introducion, let's sit.'' Tewin started dragging Jack towards one of the blankets, where Tessa was already sitting.

Tewin sat down on the blanket, and started talking with Luke and Niko.

Jack sat down gently next to Tessa and started enjoying the peaceful nature.


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