Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 34: The Jack Arrives.

Chapter 34: The Jack Arrives.

''Come here.'' The guard said sternly and motioned towards Jack to follow him.

Jack nodded and followed behind the annoyed-looking guard.

The guard entered a small building, he left the door slightly open, and Jack managed to see the interior of the building.

Few more guards were sitting on their chairs, looking at the cameras, with absolute boredom on their faces.

The annoyed-looking guard took a small machine with a fingerprint scanner from the white-colored desk.

He exited the small building and stood in front of Jack.

''Put your fingers on those holes, this will tell your identity, and it will also tell if you have done any crimes.'' The guard pointed towards five holes.

Jack put his right arm forwards and put his fingers on those small-looking holes.

*Beep* *Beep*

Few beeps were heard, the Guard took the fingerprint scanner. ''Wait a moment.'' He said and returned to the small building.

Jack was standing with hands behind his back.

The guard went towards a nearby computer and looked at the data.

[Jack Wrathelm]

[Nickname: The Jack - Disaster of Charity]


[Villain: Disaster-Moon!]

[Kill Count: Over 3 Million]


''Eh...'' The guard opened his mouth wide open.

''What is it, Ike?'' Another guard asked.

Ike pointed towards the screen.

Two other guards who were looking at the cameras came to have a look.

But once they saw the words on the screen...

Their eyes widened, their faces went pale, and sweatdrops started appearing on their foreheads.

Ike, with a pale face, turned his head and looked outside of the window, trying to see Jack's figure.

But... He didn't see him.

''W-Where did he go?!'' Ike panicked and ran outside of the building, but Jack was nowhere to be seen.

Another guard took a phone clumsily from the desk and started dealing his boss' number with shaky hands.


The phone rang for a few moments until the phone was connected, and an annoyed sounding voice came from the phone. ''What is it?'' Their boss said with annoyance.

He was currently dining with his family, and the phone call rudely interrupted them.

''Why are you always working? We are supposed to celebrate our daughter's engagement.'' His wife said with annoyance.

Two more individuals sat at the table as well.

Next to her, a beautiful young woman with gorgeous long brown hair and delicate-looking eyebrows was sitting gently. Her face was one of a kind, beautiful without any mistakes, with rose-colored lips, delicate-looking skin, and a pretty dress to crown her look. She was their daughter, Amelia.

Next to her, a handsome young man was sitting. He was wearing an expensive-looking suit with a handsome face to crown it. He had short black hair and sharp-looking eyebrows. He was Amelia's fiance, Quinn.

Amelia wryly smiled while looking at her parents, who are bickering as always, but she knows how much they love each other.

Quinn also shook his head and smiled gently.

The boss of the guards, also known as Anyx, wryly smiled. ''They called me, I will deal with this.''

Her wife, also known as Leia, sighed.

''What is it?!'' He almost roared on the phone.

The guard on the different side of the phone flinched; he gulped and said. ''B-B-Boss, we have a big problem!''

Anyx sighed. 'These fucking guards get scared even from 0-Moon Villain.'

Anyx thinks the guards called because a villain entered a city, it hasn't been the first time, but usually, it isn't a big enough threat to even contact a Heroes Association.

''What is the problem?'' Anyx asked with annoyance.

The guard gulped and said. ''T-T-The Jack entered the city!''

Anyx thought that he misheard. ''What did you say?''

''The Jack entered the city! The Disaster of Charity! The lunatic who killed over 3 million people in a single day!'' The guard breathed heavily after shouting all the words.

Anyx face went slightly pale, but he still thought that the guard was mistaken. ''T-That can't be. You must be mistaken.''

The guard shook his head even though Anyx couldn't see it. ''No! We used the fingerprint scanner, and it really is him!''

Anyx face went even paler.

His wife, daughter, and son-in-law looked at him with worry.

''Daddy, what is it?'' Amelia asked with worry.

''S-Send a picture of him; the video camera must have captured his face!'' Anyx said urgently.

''Y-Yes, sir!'' The guard said and anxiously went through the camera feed, and one of the cameras did take a proper shot of his face.

He pointed his phone's camera on the screen.


He took a picture and started sending it towards Anyx.

Anyx anxiously tapped his leg on the floor.

Leia noticed that something was very wrong. ''Dear, what is it?''

Anyx didn't answer; instead, he waited for the photo to be sent.


He opened the messaging app quickly and saw the picture.

He has seen the picture of Jack before.

Almost everyone has.

And since he is the boss of the security of Joyful, he has seen the pictures of the most dangerous villains hundreds of times.

The picture was black and white, but it still showed Jack's features perfectly.

''I-It is him!'' Anyx exclaimed.

''Who is?'' Leia asked with worry.

Anyx turned his head towards others and saw their worried faces. ''L-Let's go to bunker... Now!'' He roared and stood up in a hurry.

''Daddy, what is it?'' Amelia was scared; usually, her father is always calm; nothing made him nervous or panicked.

But now, Anyx was pale like never before; his breathing was ragged, and a very panicked look painted his face.

''T-The Jack is here,'' Anyx whispered; he didn't want everyone in the restaurant to hear it.

It can cause mass panic.

''The Jack? Where did I hear that name before...'' Amelia thought aloud.

Quinn went pale, he grabbed Amelia's hand and said urgently. ''Let's go quick! The Jack is Disaster-Moon Villain.''

Amelia and Leia went pale, they shakily nodded and followed behind the two men to exit the restaurant.

Anyx was still talking with the guards. ''Inform the Heroes Association instantly!''

''Yes sir!'' The guard said with anxiousness.

Anyx stopped the phone call and entered his car.

His family following shortly behind.

Anyx started his car and started driving towards his home, where massive bunker was located.

He did it for security purposes, but he never thought that he actually had to use it.


While all the chaos was happening.

Jack was walking through the streets.

He didn't wait for the guard to find out about his identity, and decided to enter the city.

There is only one reason he is here.

Is to find a airport.

He will go back to Kindland to finish his revenge.

While he was walking on the streets, his handsome look got a lot of attention from nearby passersby's.

The weather was perfect, bright blue sky and beautiful architecture around him.

Joyful was called City of Summer.

It is a perfect place for vacation, because there are a lot of beaches and vacation locations, which everyone can enjoy.

Jack would have wanted to bring Sophia to this beautiful place, but even if he knew about this place beforehand, he would have never had enough money to travel here.

''Wait... I don't have money...'' Jack grimaced, he can't enter a plane without enough money to buy a ticket.

He has lost his wallet long time ago, even he doesn't know when he lost it.

Usually Disaster-Moon Villains are one of the richest people in the world.

Not only because they can steal anything, and the Government wouldn't care.

Why would they sacrifice their manpower only because the Disaster-Moon Villain needed some cash, it's not like they can steal a billion, because usually Government and the Heroes Association are protecting a banks with that much money.

That's why usually the Disaster-Moon Villains steal a banks with about million or more in them, that is a loss that the Government can handle.

But the Disaster-Moon Villains usually has their own business as well which let's them earn millions and millions.

But Jack is... Poorest Disaster-Moon Villain.

He doesn't even have 1$.

''I need money...'' Jack muttered. 'But where can I get...'

He looked around him and saw stores, with happy-looking sellers and customers.

Jack shook his head, he isn't planning to rob a store.

He rubbed his chin.

But Jack wasn't aware that he was being watched currently.

The Heroes Association and the Government found out about Jack recently and they went to find him in panic.

Luckily Jack wasn't that far from the Gates yet and it was easy to find him.

All of the heroes has been called for a duty and they also informed for the Main Government about Jack appearing.

Everyone in the Heroes Association in Joyful was panicking, scared, wondering what is about to happen now.

The Chairman of the Heroes Association of Joyful was 10-Star Hero, and even he was scared like never before.

They didn't tell the citizens yet.... but it is only a matter of time before the News Stations find out, and with their stupidity they will of course spread the news, which will cause a mass panic.


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