Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 20: Entity.

Chapter 20: Entity.

''Ugh.'' Neal entered the Villains Association base and groaned in pain.

He had bandages all over his body, and bloodstains covered his outfit.

Behind him, a group of villains appeared.

They had around 17 villains originally, but now only nine remain.

Villains who stayed in the base were surprised to see their Ninth Finger injured. The 9 Fingers are like legendary figures to them, and seeing one of them injured came as a big surprise.

Neal ignored the commotion his injures caused.

He kept walking through the large hall, which could fit over 10k villains.

After the large hall, he entered a dimly lit corridor.

He kept his silence; the group of villains behind left to take care of their injuries.

But Neal has to deliver the report.

At the end of the long corridor were huge black-colored doors.

Neal pushed the doors and entered the large meeting room.

Raizo and the other 9 Fingers were all present.

''Neal?! What the fuck happened to you?'' Ryan asked with surprise.

The other 9 Fingers also looked surprised.

But Raizo wasn't.

Neal shook his head and entered his seat with number 9 on it.

''Report,'' Raizo said.

Neal nodded. ''We attacked the Heroes Association as planned, and only weak heroes remained there. I waited in the Front Lounge while the others went to other floors.

In half an hour or so, the Heroes appeared, and the Chairman was leading them. The other Heroes went to stop our subordinates while Rinkell faced me.

At first, I was winning, I even managed to take one of his eyes, but then for some reason, Rinkell started to predict my abilities, not sure how. He started pushing me more and more and managed to hit me with a few of his spines. I managed to fight back and injure him as well, but I had to retreat after our subordinates started to retreat, and we lost eight men during the retreat.''

Raizo nodded. ''You got careless.''

''What do you mean?'' Neal asked with displeasure.

''You thought that you won because he lost one of his eyes, right?''

''Well, his fighting prowess must have been affected.''

Raizo shook his head. ''Rinkell's ability is special. It is A-Ranked ability which makes his ability even more powerful, and he can do things that Porcupine usually can't, but he also becomes more Porcupine-like.''

''And?'' Neal asked with curiosity.

''Rinkell's ability was C-Ranked first, but he managed to push it to A-Rank, which is an incredible achievement, but not unheard of. Porcupine has terrible eyesight, and the same thing happened with Rinkell once he reached A-Rank; that's why he had to use his smell and hearing senses to see.''

''How do you know so much about him?'' Ryan asked.

Raizo chuckled. ''If you know your enemy, you don't need to fear him.''

''But he is only a 9-Star Hero; everyone in this room can defeat him.'' Ryan retorted.

Raizo sighed. ''It is not all about strength. I didn't become a Disaster-Moon Villain because I ignored the weaker ones; those weaker ones might one day become stronger and kill you when you less expect... Like Jack.''

The 9 Fingers went silent after hearing Jack's name.

''Tell me, did the attack work? Are the other countries still willing to send some of their forces to Kindland?'' Neal asked.

Raizo sighed. ''It worked... but Kindness' Main Government sent one of their men.''

''WHAT!'' Neal roared.

The other 9 Fingers didn't look surprised because they had already heard about it.

''Who did they send?''

''Super-Star Hero, Entity,'' Raizo said with slight smile.

''Entity?! I thought he was joining the operation to invade Death Continent!'' Neal exclaimed.

''Change of plans, I assume.''

''What are you planning to do?'' Neal asked.

''I am going as well,'' Raizo said.

''...'' Neal stayed silent; he wasn't concerned that Raizo might lose his life.

''...What if The Jack isn't cooperating with you?'' Neal asked.

''Then I guess we have a three-way battle between Disaster-Moon Villains and Super-Star Hero.'' Raizo chuckled.

But that news brought quite a lot of pale faces in the room.

Usually, even the battle between two Disaster-Moon level beings is enough to destroy a country.

But what happens if 3 of them are fighting?

No one knows...

No one wants to find out!


The one who is in the circle of the upcoming storm.


Is currently walking towards the Charity.

His surroundings were quiet.

The only sound came from his feet hitting the asphalt.

The sky again started to get dark.


Jack stopped walking; growling sounds came from his stomach.

He ate last day almost two days ago.

He is still human and starts feeling weaker once hunger kicks in.

Jack put the refrigerator down on the ground carefully.

He opened the door of the refrigerator, and the smell of rotting meat assaulted his senses.

''Urgh...'' Jack grimaced; he looked sadly towards Sophia's arm, which was starting to rot.

Worms started appearing on the dead-looking arm.

''GET AWAY FROM HER!'' Jack roared and took the worms away from the rotting arm.


He threw all the worms outside and stomped them with his leg.

Smashing them to paste.

''Grr...'' He growled and looked at the refrigerator once again.

The terrible smell was still present, but he ignored it and took a box of carrots from there.


He started munching the carrots, which were already slightly spoiled, but he didn't care.

He ate 10 of those spoiled carrots and put the rest back in the refrigerator.

He closed the door and started carrying the refrigerator once again.

Sun disappeared from the sky, and soon the Moon replaced him.

The road was dark.

The surrounding dark forest looked intimidating.

Jack didn't change his expression and continued his journey towards Charity.


''Chris!'' Chris heard a loud yell, and the door to the office was slammed wide open.

Chris looked towards the door with his weary face.

He hasn't slept at all because he is the new Chairman of the Heroes Association.

A lot of work had to be done after Jack went rampage.

And he is still grieving after losing his father figure, Kenturion.

''What is it, John?'' Chris answered in a tired voice.

John's face was also exhausted, but there was now a relief smile on it. ''Main Government sent their Reinforcements!''

Chris perked up his ears. ''How many?''

''Only one.''

''Only one?! What the hell!'' Chris roared.

''Only one because they sent the Super-Star Hero Entity!'' John said with a zealous gaze.

''What?!'' Chris widened his eyes. ''Is he here to take down The Jack?''

John nodded with a smile.

Chris clenched his fist. ''Can he do it?''

John sighed, and he felt uncertainty because The Jack is unbeatable, at least in the eyes of the citizen of Charity.

But Entity is, after all, one of the strongest heroes! He has done countless Heroic Deeds; every time he is mobilized, Villains stay hidden, and the citizens can move freely, without fear of getting robbed.

''I think he can do it, sir,'' John replied with a firm tone.

Chris nodded. ''Tell the News Station to tell the citizens, they are still fearful of The Jack coming back, and this might stop the chaos which is happening.''

Chaos is genuinely appearing everywhere in Kindland.

Villains got bolder.

And the Citizens were the ones who suffered.

But if news about Entity coming to Kindland... then Villains won't even dare to leave their holes.

''Jack... Your death is approaching.'' Chris muttered hatefully.

''And I will be there to witness it...''


News about Entity spread quickly everywhere in Kindland.

The citizens were thrilled.

Heroes were relieved.

But Villains...

They were unafraid?!

They said.

''We have The Jack, what is there to be afraid of?!''

Jack has already become like a Symbol of Safety for Villains.

The news about The Jack and The Entity clashing has spread everywhere in Kindness.

Everyone's attention was again brought to Charity, the estimated battle location.

Chris has already started evacuating the citizens.

This time the evacuating was much smoother.

The citizens didn't panic; they started feeling more hope from Entity's presence.

They will be evacuated to a nearby bunker, which is located only a kilometer away from Charity.

Kenturion tested the bunker once he was Super-Star Hero, even he couldn't damage it.

But the bunker was very expensive and complex to make, and it is impossible to make another one in Kindland.

The bunker fit all the citizens; it was made for them after all.

And since 3 million citizens died not long ago, it wasn't even tight fit.

Now they only have to wait for the battle to start...

Battle between The Jack and The Entity.

In the airport of Charity...

A plane landed smoothly.

The door opened and a man stepped out.

He had short hair with color of light blue. His features were handsome, but his face looked very cold. He had grey eyes and smooth-looking skin which was slightly pale-looking and delicate. He was wearing a black tuxedo which fit his figure perfectly. He wasn't muscular type, instead his body type was very lean.

He is Super-Star Hero - Entity!


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