Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 19: Dream Achieved!

Chapter 19: Dream Achieved!

Star Warrior and Green Dream whined in agony in the ground.

Jack got his revenge, but there is one person left.

The Heroes looked with pale faces.

Jack showed his brutality, and now they fear him even more.

The Helicopters circled in the sky, and they filmed everything.

Jack glared towards Helicopter.

''You are next, Laurence.'' He snarled.

He left the Group of Heroes.

He walked towards the refrigerator and started carrying it again.

Jack again swiped his hand, which removed the Rage Energy wall.

He saw the children and the crowd of people standing silently.

He looked towards Amy and said. ''Goodbye Amy, I hope you become a good person.''

''Mister, where are you going?'' Amy asked.

''To home,'' Jack replied and started walking towards the group of Heroes.

Heroes stepped to the side and let Jack walk past them.

Noah was standing silently.

He remembered all the horrible things he had done.

He looked towards Jack's figure and saw him walking towards the exit of Delight.

Noah bit his lips and yelled. ''What about me?!''

The Group of Heroes looked at him with questioning faces.

Jack stopped walking and turned his head towards him.

''You are here to punish me, right?! I am not going down without a fight!'' Noah roared.

Even he doesn't understand what he is saying; he is paralyzed with fear, which clouds his thoughts.

He has already accepted his death, and now seeing Jack walk away was another kind of punishment.

Noah wants to be punished for all the bad things he has done.

Jack narrowed his eyes.

But then he only snorted and started walking towards the exit of the building.

''Where are you going?!'' Noah screamed.

''M-Mayor, stop it!'' One of the Heroes yelled anxiously.

The Group of Heroes were relieved seeing Jack leaving, but now Noah wants him to stay for some reason.

Jack ignored Noah and kept walking.

''Where are you going?!'' Noah roared; the Heroes tried to hold him steady so that he wouldn't attack Jack.

But Noah's strength overpowered them quickly.

''Your wife died right! I am glad that bitch died!'' Noah roared; his face was already pale white.

Jack finally stopped walking.

He put the refrigerator down on the ground.

He turned around, and he glared towards Noah with murderous intent.

''This is better! To die in the hands of Disaster-Moon Villain is the greatest honor!'' Noah laughed with a mad face; he had indeed gone mad because of the fear he felt past hour.

''Don't do this, Mayor!'' The Heroes tried to stop him.

But Noah already jumped towards Jack.

''RAAAAAAA!'' Noah roared, his arm's color changed.

It was now almost transparent, but it had a slight greenish hue.

Noah's ability is Glass.

He can create Glass; he can even create bulletproof glass, which is why he received the name of The Hero of Protection.

Noah's arm turned into bulletproof glass.

Once he was near Jack, he punched!

Jack looked with a calm face as the bulletproof fist smashed into his face.


He was sent flying a few dozen meters, he crashed to the ground, and the asphalt below him got destroyed.

Jack stood up from the ground.

His face was uninjured.

''Hmph.'' He snorted.

The citizens and the Heroes looked at the scene with a pale faces.

''Noah! What are you doing?!''

''SHUT UP! Don't intervene! This is my proudest moment! Clashing against Disaster-Moon Villain! This has always been my dream!'' Noah yelled with a zealous gaze.

Jack started running towards him.

Noah grinned viciously; he lowered his stance.

Sweat drops started forming on his forehead.

He watched as the legendary being, Disaster-Moon Villain, was about to attack him.

In the eyes of Noah, Jack's figure was like a colossal mountain, unbreakable and unmovable.

Jack drew his fist back, coated his hand in color of red, and punched towards Noah.

The ground below Noah suddenly turned transparent, and a bulletproof glass wall appeared in front of him.

Jack's fist hit the bulletproof glass.


Jack's fist was in contact with the bulletproof glass but didn't manage to break it!

''HAHAHA!'' Noah laughed madly.

Everyone watched with widened eyes as the Hero of Protection blocked a punch from Disaster-Moon Villain!

''I DID IT!'' Noah laughed; he has never been as happy as now.

Noah achieved his dream.

He fought against a Disaster-Moon Villain in his dreams and blocked their attacks with his glass wall, protecting the citizens.

Noah achieved his impossible dream today!

The Heroes also started feeling slightly hopeful.


But then a beam of Rage Energy left Jack's fist, which pierced the bulletproof glass easily and hit Noah straight at his chest.

''!!!'' Noah widened his eyes; he looked at his chest and saw a huge hole.

He smiled sadly. ''This was... Honor.''

He fell to the ground.



Heroes gasped out of horror, and the crowd also couldn't believe it.

Jack also saw little Amy watching the scene.

He smiled sadly and turned around.

He started carrying his refrigerator and began his walk towards the exit of Delight.


The World was again shocked.

Disaster of Charity.

Murderer of 3 million innocent lives.

Visited Delight.

But this time, he didn't bring destruction.

Instead punishment.

Star Warrior's, Green Dream's and Noah's evil deeds were brought to light, which shocked the World.

But the thing which made everyone shocked was...

Jack wasn't the murderer of his wife.

The video of Star Warrior brutally killing his wife was also brought to light.

Now everyone knows that Jack became Villain to avenge his wife.

But he still killed a lot of innocent lives.

He was still an immensely hated individual.

But he is starting to get more support.

Especially in the Villain circle.

And also...

In weak citizens circle.

It was widely known that Jack was very weak before his Ultimate Awakening.

The government didn't care about him.

Heroes didn't.

His tale brought a lot of pity towards him, and his support kept rising and rising.

And Heroes Association got a lot of hate.

Hate which they rarely get.

Heroes Association never planned to release the video about Star Warrior killing his wife.

They wanted everyone to hate Jack.


They never guessed that Laurence would be the one to leak the video.

He did it because he saw the fate of Star Warrior and the Green Dream.

And he is next.

He doesn't want such a fate.

He knows that he will suffer Jack's wrath.

But he wants simple death.

He hoped that leaking the video would soothe Jack's anger.

He had already left his wife and son.

They were innocent, and it should be only him who was going to die.

That's why... He is waiting...

Sitting at his office...

Waiting for The Jack to show up...


Ariane was lying on her bed.

Her beautiful black hair was shining even brighter than before.

Her body was still slightly wet after having a shower.

She was wearing her violet-colored nightgown, which showed her sexy figure.

Her above-average-sized breasts were changing the outline of the nightgown drastically.

Her smooth legs were on display; her feet looked very delicate, like a peerless treasure.

She was watching a TV, which broadcasted about the Delight incident which happened only 5 hours ago.

Every time she saw Jack's figure, her heart pounded.

To many, his figure looked like grim reapers.

But to her.

It looked very secure and safe.

She also saw a video that was recorded during Jack's stay in Delight.

The person who recorded the video was quite amateurish.

But it still showed the scene.

The scene of Jack talking to a curious little girl.

Many said that he is nothing but a psychopath, and if Heroes didn't arrive on time, he would have killed the children.

But Ariane knows that no matter how much anger resides in Jack's body, he wouldn't have done that.

Jack indeed killed 3 million innocent lives, and many of them were only children.

But Ariane now knows the reason he did that.

He wasn't in control of his actions.

His wife was only killed a few hours ago, and he was grieving.

''When will your anger stop...'' Ariane murmured sadly; her beautiful face was morphed into worry while looking at the lonely figure of Jack.

Not many can understand Jack's anger.

Not even her.

But she doubts that anyone would be in a correct state of mind if they were Jack.

Heroes and most of the citizens still hate him.

Most of the people from Charity lost their family members.

Ariane didn't lose anyone close to her.

'Would I hate him as well if he killed my parents?' Ariane thought sadly; she feels like she is hypocrite.

She doesn't hate him because he didn't kill anyone close to her.

''Not everyone hates you...'' Ariane looked at Jack's figure and murmured. ''Even if you feel like everyone is against you... There is always at least one who will be on your side...''

''I am that person....''


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