Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 13: Found You...

Chapter 13: Found You...

The citizens of Kindland and the ones watching from other countries were silent.

Kindland was very quiet.

Kara and her family looked at the scene without letting out a word.

''M-Mommy... Why isn't grandpa moving?'' Milly asked with teary eyes.

Kara took the TV Remoter and closed the TV.

She put her hands over her face to hide her tears.

''E-Excuse me.'' Kara stood up and started running towards her and Jim's room.

She opened the door and closed it behind her.

She fell on her knees, and sobbing noises filled the room.

Jim patted the heads of their children while a sad smile was painted on his face.

''Time to go sleep,'' Jim said.

The three kids looked like they were about to cry, but they still nodded and walked towards their room.

Jim sighed and covered his face with his hands.


Tears started falling from his eyes.

In the Heroes Association.

Everyone was stunned; it felt like they were living in a nightmare.

Their Chairman... Died.

Chris in his office closed the TV and stayed silent, without moving a muscle.

''RAAA!'' But then Chris roared and threw his chair towards the wall.

The chair broke from the impact, but Chris didn't care.

''Jack... I will fucking kill you!'' Chris growled angrily.

Chris' parents died when he was very young, and he ended up on the streets.

His relatives didn't want him; the orphanages were full, he was all alone.

He was about to kill himself to end his misery, but then Kenturion found him.

He took Chris to his custody and taught him everything he knew.

Chris became part of his family.

With the help of Kenturion, Chris reached the 7-Star Hero rank.

He is still young, and his future is limitless.

Kenturion was like a father to him.

Chris' felt anger like never before. ''Jack... I will never forgive you!''

In the Villain Association.

The mood was joyous.

Raizo chuckled while hearing loud celebration noises coming from another side of the door.

They were currently in an underground base, and it is not only Raizo and the 9 Fingers located here.

About 30% of their forces are, which means there are at least 50k in this base alone, and the loud cheering noise could be heard clearly.

Luckily the base is soundproof so that the voice won't travel to the outside world.

''What is his ability?'' Phantom asked.

Raizo looked thoughtful. ''Hmm... Not sure... His attacks melt the skin, so maybe it has something to do with heat...''

''I think his power is pain increment,'' Ank said.

Neal looked thoughtful, then he opened his mouth. ''Should I go attack the Heroes Association now? They must be panicking.''

Raizo nodded. ''Go.''

Neal nodded and left the room to find a dozen villains willing to attack the Heroes Association.

But after they saw how Kenturion was killed...

A lot of them are willing to cause some havoc.

While the Villain Association was busy preparing for the attack.

The Villain Bar was loud.

''HAHAHAHA!'' Raul laughed loudly and fell down from his chair.

The bar was filled with laughter and cheers.

''Heh...'' Simon chuckled. ''Future of Kindland... seems to be very dark!''

''Let's go, rob!'' Raul suddenly said.

''Rob? Rob, who?'' Simon asked.

''Doesn't matter!'' Raul said with a drunken tone; he could barely stand straight.

Simon rolled his eyes. ''Maybe tomorrow.''

''Yeaahhh!!'' Raul cheered and fell down on the ground.

Somewhere in Charity... In a luxury-looking hotel.

''Mmmmm!!'' A beautiful young woman was tied up in the bed, she tried to get rid of the binds, but she couldn't.

She tried to shout, but her mouth was covered with tuck tape.

Her face was filled with tear stains, her eyes were filled with panic.

She had long black hair with beautiful blue eyes, a cute and attractive face with a pointed nose, and soft-looking lips. She was wearing an expensive-looking dress while her soft thighs were exposed.

The door to the hotel room opened, and from there, a muscular man walked with a disgusting grin.

He had short black hair with an above-average face. He was wearing a black tuxedo which fit his muscular body nicely.

He is the 6-Star Hero - Star Warrior.

Star Warrior looked at the scared young woman with amusement.

''You shouldn't have rejected me... This is what happens.'' Star Warrior said while walking towards the young woman.

His face was almost touching the young woman's cheek.

A scent of alcohol left his mouth, which made the young woman grimace in disgust.

Star Warrior showed her his tongue and licked her cheek.

The young woman's face turned into absolute disgust while feeling Star Warriors tongue licking her cheek.

''Kekeke.'' Star Warrior chuckled; he felt immense pleasure seeing her disgusted face.

He grabbed her face from her cheeks, he turned her face towards him.

Star Warrior licked his lips. ''I will make you feel a pleasure you haven't felt before...''

''Mmmm!'' The young woman tried to shout, but the tuck tape in her mouth silenced her scream of despair.

''Hehe.'' Star Warrior chuckled and stood up.

''After I am done with you... I will let my friends have a taste of the famous Beautiful Princess Hero, Ariane.''

Ariane tried to rip the binds off, but the binds were made of Star Warrior's star energy, and she is only a 3-Star Hero, far from the power level of Star Warrior's.

''Ahhhh... Let's do it.'' Star Warrior put his hands on his zipper.

He was about to take his pants off... but then loud knocking noise interrupted him.

''Argh!'' Star Warrior groaned out of annoyance.

With angry steps, he opened the door and saw a fat man with a green suit standing outside.

It was the 5-Star Hero - Green Dream.

''Fatty, what is it?!'' Star Warrior yelled angrily.

Green Dream twitched his eyes slightly after hearing his nickname, but he ignored it and said anxiously. ''We need to leave Charity, now!''

''What the fuck are you talking about?'' Star Warrior raised an eyebrow.

''Have you heard about The Jack?'' Green Dream asked.

''Of course, I am not fucking idiot, but so what. Kenturion must have killed him already.''

''No, he didn't! Kenturion is fucking dead!'' Green Dream yelled.

Star Warrior widened his eyes out of shock, but then he replied. ''So what? Why should we leave Charity because of The Jack?''

Green Dream gulped while sweat dripped from his forehead. ''The Jack... said our names on the TV...''

''What? Why?!'' Star Warrior asked with anxiousness.

''H-He apparently killed his wife...'' Green Dream said.


''We were the ones who actually killed his wife...''

Star Warrior thought for a moment. ''Who?''

''The pregnant woman we killed today.''

Star Warrior paled. ''Fuck... How did he find out?!''

''Apparently, the house was filled with cameras, he found out and tried to spread the video, but Laurence made him the killer instead... and all the hell broke loose...''

''Fuck!'' Star Warrior gritted his teeth; he walked inside the hotel room and made his way over towards Ariane.

''Let's go bitch!'' He growled and grabbed Ariane tightly from her hair, and started dragging her.

Green Dream raised an eyebrow. ''Isn't that the Beautiful Princess Ariane?''

''Yes, fuck, I am angry now. I was about to have some good time with this bitch, but then you interrupted me!'' Star Warrior yelled angrily.

Green Dream licked his lips. ''Can I have a taste of her as well after we are out of Charity?''

''Sure, but I will break this bitch first.'' Star Warrior dragged Ariane behind him, and they entered the elevator and soon left the hotel.

They entered a black-colored vehicle, and the car left towards the exit of Charity.

Star Warrior and Green Dream sat on another side.

And the tied Ariane sat down on another side.

Her beautiful dress could barely hide her bountiful breasts, and her soft-looking thighs were shown, which earned a reaction from Star Warrior and Green Dream.

They could barely restrain themselves.

Ariane had tears forming in the corner of her eyes.

She became a Hero to help the citizen, and she always thought that Heroes were selfless people who helped everyone no matter what.

But today, her belief has been destroyed.

''Drive quicker!'' Star Warrior yelled towards the driver.

The car sped up significantly.

...But after they reached the area which leads out of Charity.

They found out that the road was tightly packed.

''What the fuck is this?!'' Star Warrior yelled.

Green Dream answered. ''The city is being evacuated, the Heroes Association tried to call us as well, probably to help with evacuating, but I didn't answer the call.''

Star Warrior snorted. ''Fucking insects daring to block my way.

''It's fine, at least The Jack doesn't have a way to find us.''

Star Warrior sighed out of relief and nodded.

He is, of course, fearful of Jack because he heard that he is at least a 10-Moon Villain.

And he is only a 6-Star Hero; he would get instantly killed.

But he still felt angry because he was interrupted in the hotel, and he felt horny, and now the so-called insects, aka citizens, are blocking his way.

He felt his anger rising.

[Anger Meter - Star Warrior - 20% - Hurry up, or I will fucking kill all of you!]

But getting angry was a mistake on his part...

Far away... In the distance, a figure was shown...

Jack turned his head in Star Warrior's direction.

''Found you...'' Jack murmured, his eyes turned murderous.

[Rage Meter: 30% - Star Warrior.... I AM COMING FOR YOU!]


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