Villain's Journey Towards Destruction

Chapter 12: Rageful Destiny.

Chapter 12: Rageful Destiny.



The enormous muscular fist hit straight at Jack's body, which sent him flying towards a nearby building.


Jack's body flew through the building, but his body's momentum didn't stop yet.

He crashed to another building until he finally hit a brick wall.

''Ugh.'' Jack felt slight pain from the hit.

He fell to the ground and didn't move for some moment.

Jack feels so tired.

He doesn't want to move; he wants to fall asleep and end this nightmare.

He still hears Sophia's voice echoing on his ears and the innocent laughter of his future daughter.

It makes him even angrier because Heroes took his happiness away from him!

He put his hands on his ears and started screaming. ''ARRRRRRRRGHHHHHHH!''



He started hitting his head to the ground, hoping that the voices would stop.



''Jack... I am sorry...''

The voices sounded even more precise than before.

''MAKE IT STOP!'' Jack roared, which caused the building to fall apart and made the debris of the building fall towards his body, burying him in the ruins of the building.

He didn't move. He didn't want to move.

...But then.


He felt the earth-shaking around him, and suddenly the ruins above him were removed, and his eyes saw a muscular man standing above him.

''Don't even try to hide!'' Kenturion roared and punched Jack in the face.

He didn't stop punching; instead, he increased the speed of his punches.

Jack didn't even move and only let the punches hit him.

He felt pain from the punches.

The pain brought some clarity to his mind.

''I... I have to get my revenge...'' Jack muttered, and another punch hit his face, which made his lip bleed.

The Helicopter in the sky was showing the fight clearly.

The Male News Anchor was thrilled. ''The Villain is about to be defeated!''

The citizens cheered while hugging their friends or family members.

''You can do it!'' Kara screamed.

''Go, grandpa!'' Her children loudly cheered.

Jim had a small smile. ''You can do it!''

Loud cheers echoed in the Heroes Association.

The workers looked thrilled while seeing their Chairman beating up the so-called Disaster of Charity.

''You can do it!'' Chris cheered.

In the Villain Association.

Raizo looked at the screen calmly with a slight surprise.

''Jack is losing!'' Ryan yelled.

The 9 Fingers also looked shocked.

Raizo then chuckled and said calmly. ''Kenturion doesn't have enough time to kill Jack...''

''What do you mean?'' Phantom asked with a raised eyebrow.

''Kenturion is using his lifeforce to use his transformation. His Muscle Density is already going out of control,'' Raizo said while pointing at the screen.

Kenturion's muscles were twitching weirdly while his face looked like he was in a lot of pain.

''But why is Jack not doing anything?'' Neal asked. He was curious.

Raizo shrugged. ''Not sure... but he shouldn't let the punch hit him so easily... Kenturion's strength is Super-Star Level while using the lifeforce to fuel his transformation, but he will die. He can't be saved anymore.''

~Back in the fight~

''Grrr!'' Kenturion gritted his teeth while feeling his lifeforce diminishing at a fast rate. He can't continue his transformation much longer.

And he still feels that Jack is still alive!

''GRAAA!'' He roared and again punched.

Jack was still not moving; his face was already bloody while his outfit was getting destroyed more and more.

The red energy can't protect him more than this, and his Rage isn't high enough to survive a hundred punches coming from Super-Star Hero.

[Rage Meter: 15% - You want your revenge!]

His Rage has lessened because the pain he feels is bringing his clarity back.

''Jack... What about the revenge? Don't you love me...'' The words echoed in his ears.

''Revenge...?'' Jack murmured, and another fist hit his face.

He again rememberedthe faces who killed his treasure.

The only one who ever cared about him.

The only one who showed him love.

The only one who never lied to him.

The only one who never betrayed him.

''Sophia... SOPHIA!'' Jack roared, and the approaching fist suddenly stopped because the red forcefield around Jack's body grew more significant, which prevented the fist from reaching him.

[Rageful Destiny!]

The area around him turned into a color of red again.

Kenturion widened his eyes and jumped a few hundred meters up in the air.

[Rage Meter - 25% - I will get my revenge! NOW!]

The color spread even farther than before.

The evacuating citizens looked with horror as their bodies suddenly turned into a color of red.

Screams echoed in Charity, but most of the screams disappeared after massive explosions echoed in the city.

People watching from TV's paled and couldn't help but cry a little after hearing the despaired screams echoing in the city.

In Heroes Association.

The workers and the heroes who were currently staying there looked with despaired faces.

It was their duty to protect them.

And they failed.

They sent some of the Heroes to help evacuate, but they were too close to Jack, and they probably died as well.

In Villain Association.

Everyone in the room gasped.

''Such destruction...'' Raizo was amazed, and his ability isn't fitting for destruction. Instead, it fits for killing.

But he is greatly impressed by Jack's ability.

'Perfect weapon...' Raizo thought.

~Back in the fight~

Kenturion saw from the sky as the buildings and the citizens started exploding.

The color of red spread everywhere in a 5km radius.

Kenturion landed on the ground after the color of red disappeared.

He heard about Jack's attack, which destroyed the Western Area of Charity.

It was said to have a radius of 3km, but now it was 5km.

'His attack strength is increasing...' Kenturion thought with a pale face.

His family is located in the Eastern Area of Charity, and it is about 15km from their position.

They are safe for now.

But the screams of despair from citizens echoed in his ears.

''H-How can you be so ruthless... You killed so many innocent lives!'' Kenturion cried out.

Jack stood up from the ruins of the building with his face colored red.

His black and red eyes glared towards Kenturion.

''Innocent? They worship the heroes, which makes them sinners!'' Jack cried out.

''You are mad!'' Kenturion roared, his face muscles started twitching; he knew that his time was almost up.

He doesn't have time to waste.

''RAAA!'' He rushed forwards and punched.


The red forcefield blocked the punch, which made Kenturion grimace.

But then Jack reached his hand towards Kenturion.

Kenturion widened his eyes and dodged his hand. But the hand touched Kenturion's arm slightly.

''GRRR!'' Kenturion gritted his teeth in pain and panicked after seeing red energy starting to spread in his arm.

''DAMN!'' Kenturion screamed; he removed the Muscle Density in his right arm, where the red energy was spreading.

Now his right arm was very skinny compared to the rest of the body.

He used his left arm to grab his right arm and ripped it off from his body.

''ARGGGHHHHHHHH!'' He cried out and threw his right arm away.

Blood started flowing from his right shoulder, but at least he was still alive. If the red energy spread towards his torso or head, he would be dead.

He watched as his right arm's flesh melted away and the bones turned into ashes.

...But one good thing was that his transformation isn't as taxing as before,

He gathered most of his life forces towards his arms to get better attack strength.

And getting rid of his right arm gave him more time to use his transformation.

But the bad thing is that he is about to die from blood loss.

The citizens from Kindness couldn't believe their eyes.

The Great Hero of Kindland.

Chairman of the Heroes Association.

Has lost his arm.

They now know.

That Kenturion might not survive.

Jack stepped forwards, and he was only a few meters away from Kenturion.

Everyone watched with nervous hearts.

Then Jack opened his mouth. ''Where is Star Warrior and Green Dream?''

The citizens watching the screens gasped.

People from the Heroes Association were confused; why does he want to know?

Kenturion widened his eyes and asked. ''Why do you want to know.''

''I want to kill them,'' Jack growled.

''Why..?'' Kenturion asked with hesitation.

''Because they deserve it,'' Jack said.

''Did the thousands of innocent lives also deserve it?'' Kenturion asked angrily.

Jack didn't answer.

Instead, he put his hand forward, trying to touch Kenturion, but he quickly jumped backward, dodging the hand.


''Argh!'' Kenturion groaned in pain; smoke started coming from his body, which started destroying his flesh.

It wasn't the result of Jack's attack.

Instead, his transformation is over.

''No! Not yet!'' Kenturion roared; he made his last desperate attack and punched towards Jack.

The punch hit, but Jack didn't even flinch.

The punch didn't have any strength behind it.

''No...'' Kenturion widened his eyes in despair.

Kenturion fell on his knees; his muscular body disappeared, and only a skinny old man was left.

You can even see outlines of his bones.

Jack looked without expression towards the dying old man.

Kenturion coughed a mouthful of blood. He raised his head to look at Jack for the last time. ''Y-Y-You will go to hell...''

Those were Kenturion's last words, he fell to the ground, and his heart stopped beating.

Kenturion, The Great Hero of Kindland.



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