Versatile Sword Cultivator

Chapter 30 – I just want a soft meal

Chapter 30 – I just want a soft meal

Upon returning to the Sword Palace, tranquility immediately enveloped the surroundings, free from any further disturbances.

Lin Jichen heaved a sigh of relief, thankful for his status as an Inner Temple disciple; otherwise, he'd be swarmed by people every day, which would drive him to distraction.

The Sword Palace was deserted at this hour. Assuming the Sect Master had retired for the night, Lin Jichen planned to return to his quarters and wait for dawn.

Unexpectedly, Leng Feiyan appeared at the head of the grand hall, her presence unnoticed until now.

Today, Leng Feiyan's attire was different from the daytime.

She was clad in a pale aqua robe, draped with a white gauze outer garment, revealing her gracefully curved neck and clearly defined collarbones.

Even the loose-fitting robe couldn't conceal her impressive figure beneath.

The skirt's pleats, like snow bathed in moonlight, flowed to the ground, trailing over three feet behind her, shedding some of her usual aloofness for a touch of grace.

Radiant as peach and plum blossoms, yet as cold as frost - these words perfectly captured Leng Feiyan at this moment.

In her, two extreme temperaments coexisted without clashing, blending allure with chill to create a captivating beauty.

"Disciple, I've heard you completed a hell-level mission?"

Leng Feiyan's voice remained as melodious as ever, like an oriole singing in the valley, a kite calling, a phoenix crying.

Lin Jichen answered honestly, "Yes, Master."

Rather than praise, Leng Feiyan's tone turned stern.

"I only instructed you to choose a difficult mission. Why risk a hell-level one? Do you realize the peril? A failure could mean death and the end of your Dao. The loss of a genius like you would be a blow to our Sword Sect."

Lin Jichen was taken aback, realizing that although Leng Feiyan spoke of the sect's interests, she was also concerned for him. He promptly admitted his fault.

"Disciple acknowledges the mistake, Master's reprimand is just."

Leng Feiyan nodded slightly, clearly satisfied with Lin Jichen's attitude.

She then inquired, "How was the cultivation of your opponent on this mission?"

"Beyond my expectations, I initially thought the adversary would at most possess Qi Refining cultivation, but..."

Lin Jichen recounted the situation with Zhou Hao and Zhou Shen.

Leng Feiyan's beautiful eyes sparkled with interest upon hearing the details.

"You battled a Foundation Establishment Realm cultivator and ultimately turned the tables, defeating them single-handedly?"

"Disciple wouldn't dare lie. Of course, it was mainly thanks to the elixir Master gave me. Without it, I certainly wouldn't have succeeded."

Leng Feiyan nodded repeatedly, her gaze on Lin Jichen growing more appreciative.

She was certain of Lin Jichen's combat talent, as outstanding as his natural aptitude!

Such an exceptional talent was truly once in a millennium.

"The gap between major realms is vast. Take this as a warning and do not act recklessly in the future."

"Disciple will bear it in mind."

Leng Feiyan hesitated for a moment, seemingly still worried. With a gesture, she sent a talisman paper flying towards Lin Jichen.

"You are the most talented disciple of our sect. For safety, keep this talisman. Use it only in a life-or-death crisis, not for trivial matters."

Lin Jichen hadn't expected this bonus and quickly grasped the talisman in his hand.

[Soul Talisman]: Seals a strand of Leng Feiyan's soul and can only be used once. Not applicable in player versus player combat.


Lin Jichen was overjoyed. With this talisman, he no longer feared losing innate attributes upon death.

This talisman was like having the Sect Master backing him up, giving him confidence in everything he did!

This was the advantage of being a Sect Master's disciple~ Hehe, what a powerful ally to cling to!

"Furthermore, for completing the mission, here is the superior Gathering Qi Pill I promised you. Seeing that you've completed a hell-level task, I will gift you another superior Gathering Qi Pill to aid you in breaking through the later stages of Qi Refining."

Two elixirs flew into Lin Jichen's hands.

The night seemed brighter to Lin Jichen than a sunny day!

[Superior Gathering Qi Pill]: +30 free attribute points, helps Qi Refining cultivators at the initial stage break through stagnation and advance to the middle stage.

Requirements: Only Qi Refining cultivators at the initial stage and at a bottleneck can consume it.

[Superior Gathering Qi Pill]: +40 free attribute points, helps Qi Refining cultivators at the middle stage break through stagnation and advance to the later stage.

Requirements: Only Qi Refining cultivators at the later stage and at a bottleneck can consume it.

Worthy of being superior elixirs!

Lin Jichen laughed heartily in his mind.

He had never seen or consumed such superior elixirs in his many years of playing "Tale of Immortal" before his rebirth.

The most common Gathering Qi Pill only added 10 attribute points, followed by medium quality at 15 points, and high quality at 20 points. A superior Gathering Qi Pill could add a whopping 30 points!

Of course, it wasn't a +30 to all attributes, but a total of 30 free attribute points to distribute as one wished.

With these two elixirs, Lin Jichen wouldn't have to worry about cultivation stagnation or wasting experience during the Qi Refining stage.

After distributing the rewards, Leng Feiyan showed no intention of staying longer.

"What you lack now is sword techniques. I haven't collected any for the Qi Refining Realm, but our Scripture Repository has them. You can exchange for them yourself."

With that, Leng Feiyan's figure began to blur, and just as she was about to disappear...

"Master, wait."

"What is it?" Leng Feiyan returned to her seat, her expression puzzled.

Lin Jichen took out a white jade and gold hairpin from his Storage Ring, smiling sheepishly.

"Disciple ventured out of the sect for a mission for the first time and wanted to bring back a gift for Master. Lacking enough Spirit Stones for a spiritual hairpin or pearl, I could only afford a mundane one. It seemed pretty, so I bought it as a gift for Master. I'm not sure if Master will like it."

Leng Feiyan was momentarily stunned by the hairpin in Lin Jichen's hand.

She hadn't expected Lin Jichen to buy her a gift.

In "Tale of Immortal," unless NPCs were close relatives or friends, giving gifts between individuals of the opposite sex usually had a clear implication, akin to a confession.

Leng Feiyan, the dignified Sect Master of Tianyan Sword Sect and a renowned Sword God's successor in the Tale of Immortal, commanded respect from leaders of sects across all four states.

Everyone knew of Leng Feiyan's icy demeanor, as untouchable as a snowy mountain peak, and that angering her would have dire consequences.

Who would dare to give her personal gifts without cause? At most, they would offer gifts to the Tianyan Sword Sect in the name of their own sects.

Such a personal, non-familial gift was unprecedented for Leng Feiyan.

Hence, the gift left her somewhat astonished, her usually pale complexion showing a hint of unease.

Clearly, Leng Feiyan had misinterpreted the gesture.

But it wasn't her fault; such was the custom in the Tale of Immortal.

Leng Feiyan was ready to refuse without a second thought.

However, seeing Lin Jichen's clear and guilt-free eyes, she thought she might have overreacted.

Besides, she couldn't bring herself to refuse, fearing it would hurt Lin Jichen's pride.

She didn't want him to think she looked down on his gift.

The white jade and gold hairpin was indeed beautiful.

After a moment's hesitation, Leng Feiyan summoned the hairpin to her hand with a flick of her sleeve.

Holding the hairpin, Leng Feiyan could even feel the residual warmth from Lin Jichen's hands, which made her even more uncomfortable.

"I accept your gift. Continue to cultivate diligently and do not slacken."

With that, Leng Feiyan departed completely.

[Ding! Leng Feiyan's affection level towards you has increased by 5! Current affection level: 10 points (Acquaintance)]

The gift was a success, and Lin Jichen chuckled to himself.

How could he not know the implications of giving a gift to someone of the opposite sex in "Tale of Immortal"?

He simply had a weak stomach and wanted to be a gigolo, was there a problem? No problem! Was it shameful? Not at all!

Back in her quarters, Leng Feiyan sat in front of a spiritual fir table.

The white jade and gold hairpin lay at the center of the table, and she had been staring at it for half an hour.

After much deliberation, she finally picked it up and adorned herself with it.

"I'm just not wanting to waste my disciple's thoughtfulness, and besides, it's been a long time since I've added new jewelry for myself. Yes, that's it."


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