Versatile Sword Cultivator

Chapter 29 – Sect Master Disciple Identity Exposure

Chapter 29 – Sect Master Disciple Identity Exposure

After claiming his spoils of battle, Lin Jichen returned to Fengqu City, ready to report back to his sect. Suddenly, he remembered something.

It was his first time carrying out a mission for the sect; perhaps he should buy a gift for the Sect Master.

Even though he knew Leng Feiyan lacked for nothing, there was wisdom in the old saying: "It's the thought that counts." It was a matter of showing the right attitude.

Especially in this traditional world, respecting one's teachers and valuing their teachings was essential.

With that in mind, Lin Jichen dashed into the city, picked up a few mundane gifts, and then stepped through the teleportation gate back to the Tianyan Sword Sect.

The number of players at the Tianyan Sword Sect had increased, with unfamiliar faces all around the Outer Temple.

Lin Jichen went straight to the mission board where he had previously accepted his task and handed in his mission token.

The disciple in charge of missions was still very enthusiastic towards Lin Jichen.

"Junior Brother Lin, you've finally seen the light. Giving up on the mission is the wisest choice. Do you need me to pick an easier task for you?"

Lin Jichen shook his head and said, "You misunderstand, brother. I'm here to turn in my mission."

With that, a sheepskin scroll appeared before him.

The mission-handling disciple was so surprised that his eyes bulged, and he was left speechless.

The surrounding players, curious about the commotion, crowded around to see the token in Lin Jichen's hand.

On that token, there were five small sword symbols, signifying a hell-level difficulty!

"Damn, this buddy completed a hell-level mission?"

"That's impossible, right? You need at least to be at the later stage of Qi Refining for a hell-level mission."

"Exactly, I struggled so much with just a difficult mission that I wanted to jump off a building. It took me two whole days with a friend's help to complete it."

"What's that scroll in his hand? Could it be... the mission item?"


The players were in an uproar, but the mission-handling disciple was too busy to attend to them and repeatedly confirmed with Lin Jichen.

"Junior Brother, did you really avenge Zhang Hai and retrieve the lost secret technique of our sect?"

Lin Jichen nodded: "Of course."

"What was the cultivation of the person you faced?"

"Qi Refining, later stage."

Lin Jichen didn't bother to mention Zhou Shen's affairs; it was important to keep a low profile.

The mission-handling disciple's eyes flashed with surprise once more, but he quickly understood.

After all, Lin Jichen was a disciple of the Inner Temple, the most outstanding disciples of the sect.

Such a feat of defeating an opponent of a higher level was rare, but not unheard of among these talented disciples.

"Junior Brother is truly an elite of the Inner Temple. I am ashamed in comparison. Given time, your future is boundless. I wish you great martial fortune."

Impressed by Lin Jichen's prowess, the mission-handling disciple immediately started to flatter him, his words filled with the intent to befriend.

The surrounding players also came to believe the fact that this incredibly handsome male player had completed a hell-level mission.

Their feelings were complex; while everyone else was still stuck on simple or normal missions, someone had conquered a hell-level task.

Envy, jealousy, confusion, admiration, and disbelief... various emotions played across their faces.

Lin Jichen ignored their expressions and politely thanked the mission-handling disciple, saying, "Brother, I have other matters to attend to. Could you please process my mission rewards?"

The mission-handling disciple replied awkwardly, "Hell-level mission rewards are distributed by the Elder in charge of affairs. Please be patient, Junior Brother. I will send for the Elder right away."

"Thank you for your trouble."

The mission-handling disciple immediately instructed a nearby Junior Brother to fetch the Elder.

With many players still waiting to accept missions, the mission-handling disciple couldn't blatantly waste everyone's time and had to proceed with registering tasks for other players.

As soon as the disciple left, Lin Jichen was surrounded by a crowd of players.

"Buddy, you're pretty impressive, being able to complete a hell-level mission. What's your cultivation level now?"

"Brother, do you have a guild? If not, join our Canglang Guild!"

"Handsome, you're so powerful, can you take me under your wing? My name is Princess Qiao, and I'm quite pretty~"

Lin Jichen became like a panda at a zoo, the center of everyone's attention, with various attempts to strike up a conversation.

Seeing that Lin Jichen wasn't responding, some with ulterior motives began to threaten.

"Kid, don't act so aloof. If you don't agree to join, don't blame us for blocking you."

Lin Jichen was about to respond to these types of players who liked to bully others in the game when the Elder in charge of affairs arrived.

Seeing the Elder, the players became much more subdued.

After all, this Elder was known for being strict, unemotional, and fond of teaching new players a lesson.

All the players who had received the sect's newcomer package from the Elder had experienced his severity firsthand. They secretly nicknamed him "Old Stoneface" because no one had ever seen him smile.

"Which disciple completed the hell-level task?" Old Stoneface approached the crowd, his expression as stern as ever.

Everyone was too intimidated to make a sound.

Lin Jichen stepped forward and replied, "Elder, it was I."

Old Stoneface saw Lin Jichen, and the next second, his face bloomed into a smile like an old chrysanthemum...

"So it's Lin Jichen. I should have guessed who could complete a hell-level task. Haha, worthy of being the only disciple taken in by the Sect Master. I always said the Sect Master wouldn't accept a mediocre student."

At these words, the mission area fell silent.

The Sect Master's disciple? And the only one?

This couldn't be real; they must be dreaming...

The players were like statues, unable to digest this information.

They even forgot the miraculous sight of Old Stoneface smiling, their minds overwhelmed by the shocking news of the Sect Master's disciple.

Lin Jichen hadn't expected the Elder to reveal his identity, but it didn't matter; it was bound to come out sooner or later.

"Elder, you flatter me. I was just lucky."

Such modesty made the Elder regard Lin Jichen even more highly.

"No need to be so humble. Being appreciated by the Sect Leader is both your honor and a testament to your own excellence. Here are your mission rewards."

The Elder handed several items to Lin Jichen.

One hundred low-grade Spirit Stones, a token, an Elixir, a secret manual, and a pair of boots.

Just the sight of those one hundred Spirit Stones was enough to make all the players envious to the point of drooling.

The average player currently possessed no more than a double-digit number of Spirit Stones, and most sect mission rewards were in single digits.

As for the token, many players recognized it as an item that recorded sect contribution points.

Some eagle-eyed players noticed the token read: 100 points.

They couldn't help but complain that it would take them at least ten missions to earn that many contribution points.

The remaining Elixir, secret manual, and boots were undoubtedly valuable items.

Before the players could take a closer look, Lin Jichen pocketed the rewards, politely thanked the Elder, and quickly left everyone's sight.

Many players wanted to follow Lin Jichen and ride his coattails, but they found that he had gone straight through the Outer Temple and into the inner areas.

The gatekeeping disciples didn't stop him; instead, they respectfully let him pass.

As for them? Dream on. If they dared to take a step inside, they'd face severe sect punishment.

Lin Jichen had left, but the shock he left behind among the Outer Temple players lingered.

"My god, it's only the second day of the open beta, and someone has already become the Sect Master's disciple? That's outrageous!"

"More than outrageous, it's off the charts! This guy must be the game company's godson, right?"

"I refuse to accept this. I'm going to report it. There's a BUG in the game! This person must have exploited a BUG to become the Sect Master's disciple."

"I heard the Elder say his name is Lin Jichen."

"Wait, isn't he the Lin Jichen mentioned in the first day's game announcement? The guy who took down the novice village's big boss?"

"Damn, it might really be him!"


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