Urban Super Almighty Student

Chapter 71

Chapter 71 - Become a Demon

The moment the three detectives burst into the room, they were met with a horrifying sight.

A woman with long hair, clad in a white dress, was biting into the body of a man sprawled on the floor. The man wore an expression of sheer terror as he convulsed, his body covered in blood.

“Stop,” commanded the lead detective in a stern voice.

The woman in white shot a glance at the detective.

The detectives turned ashen. After a brief exchange of looks, they turned on their heels and fled rapidly from the scene.

“It's a ghost,” one detective gasped after they reached the safety of downstairs.

“The issue is that this ghost is still out there, killing. Are we really just going to head back?” asked the second detective.

“We need backup from headquarters,” the lead detective declared gravely.

“I'm on it,” said the third detective, immediately contacting their headquarters.

“We have an emergency. We need assistance,” he reported.

The operator promptly relayed the situation to Deputy Director Zhang Cheng. Upon hearing the news, Zhang Cheng quickly assembled a team of over fifty and reached out to the armed police.

The armed police dispatched a squadron without delay.

Before long, both teams converged on Blossomfall Chateau.

They swiftly cordoned off the building where the incident occurred.

“What's the situation?” Zhang Cheng inquired as he approached the three detectives.

“It's difficult to explain,” the lead detective replied with a wry smile.


“We witnessed a woman in a white robe, who appeared to be a ghost, consuming a person,” the lead detective reluctantly admitted.

“What?” Many leaders, including Zhang Cheng, were taken aback.

A ghost eating a person?

That seemed preposterous!

“Do you actually believe in ghosts?” Zhang Cheng asked skeptically. “This ‘ghost' must be someone in disguise.”

With that, Zhang Cheng and a group of armed detectives reached the door of the room in question.

After exchanging a look with two detectives at his side, Zhang Cheng forcefully kicked open the door, and the two armed officers charged in.

Upon entering, they immediately trained their guns on the woman in white on the floor.

“Hands up!” the detectives ordered sharply as they advanced.

Following them, ten more detectives entered and quickly encircled the woman in white. Simultaneously, the armed police squadron members stormed the remaining rooms. Finding nothing, they returned to regroup.

Zhang Cheng recognized that the endgame was in sight and commanded in a stern voice, “Raise your hands.”

The woman in white lifted her head with a look of displeasure.

As the police officers took in her features, their eyes widened in astonishment.

She was a ghost!

Yet, with the room full of officers, not one turned to flee in fear.

“Get out!” the white-robed specter demanded icily.

Zhang Cheng took aim and warned, “You have three seconds to stand up. If not, I won't be so courteous.”

“Enough!” she screamed, and the glass in the nearby rooms shattered. Officers clutched their ears, wincing in pain.

Amidst the woman's continued shrieks, two figures materialized in the room.

Xiao Ming commanded with an icy tone, “Stop.”

His words, imbued with the Way of Nature's Mind-calming Spell, silenced her screams immediately.

Fear etched itself across the face of the white-robed apparition. She rose swiftly, intent on fleeing.

“You're not going anywhere,” Xiao Ming declared, throwing a handful of soybeans at her.

The beans made contact, and she collapsed, white smoke billowing from her form.

Writhing in agony, she pleaded, “Daoist, have mercy on me.”

“After consuming human flesh, you've succumbed to evil. There's no salvation for you now,” Xiao Ming replied, detached.

Ye Hao watched the white-robed phantom and let out a quiet sigh.

The female ghost had left unscathed after slaying the man, but the real misfortune lay in her consumption of his flesh—a grave sin.

As Xiao Ming had stated, the woman had been consumed by evil.

She was beyond redemption.

In a short time, the ghostly figure dissipated into a trail of blue smoke and vanished.

Xiao Ming stooped to collect the scattered soybeans, with Ye Hao following suit.

“I painstakingly refined these soybeans!” exclaimed Xiao Ming.

Within seconds, Ye Hao had gathered two-thirds of the beans. Glancing at the handful he'd collected, he remarked, “Just twelve, that's all.”

“I need to refine these twelve soybeans for a month,” Xiao Ming said, his heart heavy with pain.

In that moment, Zhang Cheng snapped out of his shock and approached with a grave look on his face. Any previous skepticism he had about Taoist priests being charlatans had vanished from his mind.

Xiao Ming offered a respectful bow before speaking in a somber tone, “This man wronged this woman, and in her rage, she chose to end her life. You're already aware of what happened subsequently.”

“How do you know all this?” asked a bewildered Zhang Cheng.

“Because the female ghost took her own life in the room I'm renting,” interjected Ye Hao.

“Why didn't you stop her from harming others?”

“I arrived too late.”

“Alright.” With the situation now clear to him, Zhang Cheng began to feel the onset of a headache, wondering how to draft his report.

“You should report this incident truthfully to your advanced, and then the case will be handed over to the Supernatural Bureau,” Xiao Ming advised gently.

“The Supernatural Bureau?” Zhang Cheng echoed, taken aback.

“The Supernatural Bureau has existed for quite some time; it's just that you weren't aware of it,” Xiao Ming explained with a smile. “In fact, they've been discreetly managing supernatural events for many years.”

“Are you sure it's alright to let the Supernatural Bureau handle this?”

“There's no problem,” Xiao Ming assured him, nodding. “I've also been instructed by my master to join the Supernatural Bureau on this trip down the mountain.”

“Could I get your contact information?” Zhang Cheng cautiously requested, not daring to ask Xiao Ming and Ye Hao to give formal statements at the police station.

“I didn't have a cell phone when I descended the mountain,” Xiao Ming admitted, glancing at Ye Hao.

“Take down my number,” Ye Hao offered, proceeding to share his phone number with Zhang Cheng.

“I can't thank you enough for your help,” Zhang Cheng expressed with genuine gratitude. Without Xiao Ming and Ye Hao's timely intervention, they might not have survived.

Just then, a groan pierced the silence, reminding them of the injured young man on the ground.

“If we get him to a hospital, he might have a chance,” Xiao Ming suggested after examining the young man's wounds.

“Even if he pulls through, he'll be left disabled,” Ye Hao remarked quietly.

The young man's body was a gruesome sight, with over forty percent of it torn and bloodied from the savage bites of the ghostly woman in white. His eyes had been gouged out, his nose bitten off, and his lips were nowhere to be found. The tendons in his hands and feet had been mercilessly extracted. In his current state, death would be a mercy compared to the agony of living.


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