Unseen Immortal of Three Hundred Years

Chapter 49: Spirit Partition

Chapter 49: Spirit Partition

When Xiao Fuxuan stood up, he withdrew the mighty oppression that bore down on the entire inn.  

The Feng Sect junior disciples sensed their bodies abruptly lightening, once again able to move. But upon looking back and forth at one another, they gaped anxiously at their acting leader without daring to move.  

Unfortunately, the acting leader Feng Huiming fundamentally couldnt attend to them. 

Face taut, he clutched at his robe upon getting up from the floor. His posture was not at all disheveled, but the sides of his face were flushed. 

"Elder Huiming, are you" Feng Shulan was well aware of his temperament, and glanced several times at him.

"Im fine." Feng Huiming interrupted her; his tone was resolute. 

Hed just said quite a lot while under pressure, but now that itd eased off, the more he thought, the more embarrassed he felt. Unfortunately, the deed had been done under myriad staring eyes, and he was forced to muster up what remained of his pride. 

When Feng Shulan helped him up, she said in a low voice: "You shouldnt bring them back to the Feng Sect. No matter what, we should at least inform the Sect Leader."

Feng Huiming knit his brows: "I know what Im doing."

Feng Shulan shot him a look. 

Feng Huiming added: "Moreover, the Sect Leader had said, when hes not present, I can make any decision as I see fit." 

Feng Shulan said nothing more. 

She turned to sweep a glance at those junior disciples, and raised her voice to say: "Are you all stupid or what? Need me to help you up?"

She had naturally smiling lips, but didnt like to smile, and her tone of voice was biting. She looked after the Disciples Hall all year round; the junior disciples were inherently afraid of her, and would of course not dare wait for her to help them up.

They all clambered up and shook the spirit-binding ropes off their bodies, then helped one another take the mouth-sealing talismans off their foreheads, at which point they slowly began to speak, but still kept to the corners of the walls. 

Feng Shulan: "Come here."

The junior disciples gathered over obediently. 

The junior disciples congregated obediently. Feng Shulan stepped aside and pointed to Xiao Fuxuan, saying coldly to the disciples: Come thank the Immortal.

The junior disciples: "???" 

They truly couldnt figure out why they, as kidnapping victims, had to thank their kidnappers. 

Even Xiao Fuxuan himself was somewhat surprised and glanced at Feng Shulan. 

The junior disciples were really a bit timid, but their confusion pushed everything else down: "Thank them for whaat???"

Feng Shulan: "Thank them for showing mercy?"

These words actually sounded quite clever.

Now that the words "showing mercy" were thrown down, anyone who heard these words would feel that they would have to show mercy now. If later on something unexpected happened and led to conflict, then these junior disciples could be saved from trouble 

After all, theyd said thank you in front of them.

From the perspective of a more sentimental mortal, this method was extremely effective. Unfortunately, Xiao Fuxuan was no such person. 

But this didnt keep Wu Xingxue from feeling that this young ladys character was somewhat interesting, or at least more interesting than that of Feng Huiming.

Clearly, he wasnt the only one who thought like this. Huddling up to Yi Wusheng, Ning Huaishan asked stealthily: What was that you said before? Afterwards, this girl became"  

Yi Wusheng couldnt help but balk at his means of address: "This what?"

Ning Huaishan didnt like being interrupted: "This girl. What are you overreacting for, its not like I called you that."

Yi Wusheng: ""

He shot Ning Huaishan a few looks, but truly couldnt figure it out. This little devil himself looked about fifteen or sixteen years old, how could he be so fond of using this patronizing tone when addressing others? 

Yi Wusheng kindly brought up: "Dont forget that this is hundreds of years ago. Technically, shes your senior by now.

Ning Huaishan stuck his mouth out in Feng Shulans direction: "If I bothered to call her an old senior and then spoke like you had me, tell me, would she or wouldnt she raise her sword and come chop off my mouth." 

Yi Wusheng: ""

"She would. Wu Xingxues voice chimed in. 

Ning Huaishan promptly withdrew his arrogant tone: "City Lord."

While Feng Shulan was briefing disciples on arrangements, Wu Xingxue vaguely overheard Ning Huaishan and Yi Wushengs discussion, and said curiously: "What did you just say this young lady later became?"

Yi Wusheng was about to open his mouth when Ning Huaishan stole his thunder: "Sect Leader." 

Wu Xingxue let out an "Oh," and said, both surprised and not: "Even you know this?" 

Ning Huaishan: "Of course!"  

Having gotten some rare praise from City Lord, he was full of excitement. He promptly fished up all the words hed gotten from Yi Wushengs end, and commenced showing off: "She was Feng Sects previous Sect Leader, but long since passed away.

Upon hearing this, however, Wu Xingxue was a bit puzzled: "The previous one?" 

Ning Huaishan: "Thats right."

Wu Xingxue: "When we entered Zhaoye City, you mentioned Zhaoye Citys current city lord, Xueli"

Ning Huaishan clicked his tongue, not at all wanting to hear about this new city lord. 

Wu Xingxue motioned to Yi Wusheng: "At the time, you said that Xueli was the son of an old friend, the youngest son of the previous Feng Sect Leader wouldnt he be this young ladys son?" 

Ning Huaishan was taken aback. 

Wu Xingxue said: "The ages seem a bit odd though" 

Yi Wusheng was born a hundred years ago, and the Falling Flower Mountain Market before their eyes was at least over three hundred years ago. Of course, cultivators lived long lives; a few centuries was no problem, but hearing that there was still such a difference between generations, it was somewhat odd. 

Ning Huaishan opened his mouth. This time, he was unable to answer first. After faltering a couple of times, he pushed Yi Wusheng forward: "You go." 

Yi Wusheng was unsure whether to laugh or cry, but maintained a serious face to explain: Im not friends with this Sect Leader herself, but with her partner instead. There was indeed somewhat of an age discrepancy, which could be written off as hitting things off regardless of age, but" 

"But what?"

"But Im thinking its still not quite right." Yi Wusheng thought it over and said, "Extrapolating based on Senior Shulans age, during the time of Falling Flower Mountain Market, she probably would have been would have been a bit younger. So when Id previously heard her name at the inns threshold, I almost thought Id heard wrong, and was rather surprised." 

But after saying this he added: "But what I know and remember isnt all that clear."  

Cultivators could live up to centuries, and very few would go carefully calculating their own ages, let alone others. Yi Wusheng waved his hands to say: "Dont take my word for it, dont take my word for it." 

Afraid hed miscalculated, he smiled nervously and took the initiative to change the subject: "In comparison, Im more surprised about the other one."  

The other one? 

Wu Xingxue followed his line of sight, to Feng Huiming. 

"Why are you surprised?"

"Hes about the same age range as Feng Shulan, but Ive never heard of him." Yi Wusheng lowered his voice further, as these words were truly unsuitable for the Feng Sect people to hear, or else itd likely lead to a misunderstanding. 

Because at first glance, these words would lead people to imagine certain unsavory conclusions, such as dying an early death.  

But another thought flashed through Wu Xingxues mindwere he really to have died an early death or the like, wouldnt it have actually made him less forgettable? Werent people more likely to remember him and pity him? 

Thinking like this, Feng Huimings situation was even stranger.  

But this, after all, was something that hadnt yet happened, and blind guessing was useless. The discussion ended quickly.  

For one, Feng Shulan had finished all her briefing of the younger generation, and nodded at them to indicate they could head out. Feng Huiming was already beside the door to the inn, standing aside to let everyone pass through. 

And for two

The main reason was, Wu Xingxues attention had been drawn away by the Tianxiu Immortal.  

Before, while talking about the discrepancy between Feng Shulan and Yi Wushengs ages, Xiao Fuxuan had still been listening to the side. But at some point afterward, hed turned around and went behind a red pillar.  

While Yi Wusheng had been talking, out of politeness, Wu Xingxue didnt let his gaze drift, but kept a corner of his eye focused on that red pillar.  

He could make out a corner of Tianxius robe as well as the tips of his matte black boots, but couldnt see very clearly. That feeling was like a dulled claw scratching at him over and over  


Xiao Fuxuan lowered his hands, the sword aura between his fingers returning to normal. 

He was just about to lift his feet when he abruptly heard a soft voice: Mr. Tianxiu, what misdeeds are you secretly doing?"

He slightly dragged his words out, intentionally emphasizing the word "secretly." 

Once, there were quite a few people whod said that person would occasionally use this tone of voice, liable to bring a little tickle to ones heart. Each time he heard this talk, hed felt an onset of discomfort.

Those people thought he didnt like to hear about things related to "Spirit King." But in fact, it wasnt that; he just didnt like this talk coming out of other peoples mouths.  

Xiao Fuxuan turned around. He saw Wu Xingxue poking his head and said: "I caught you in the act." 

The light in his eyes stirred. In a low voice, he replied: "Caught me doing what?"

Wu Xingxue looked at him, but his lips moved without an immediate reply. After a beat, he again used that traipsing-along tone to say: "Im ever so curious 

"So you hid over here, to do what?" he asked.

Xiao Fuxuan replied: "Spirit partition." 

Wu Xingxue was stunned: "Partition of which spirit?"

Xiao Fuxuan: "Of spirits."

Wu Xingxue: "?"

Wu Xingxue: "Which spirit?" 

He thought to himself, is he talking about those spirits in the forbidden area? I think youre taking advantage of my memory loss to bluff me.

Sure enough, he saw Tianxius gaze sweeping across his face, and as though having had enough of bluffing, he then said: "Spirits like in spiritual consciousness."

Spiritual consciousness sounded much more reasonable. After all, Wu Xingxue had previously seen him projecting his consciousness.

With an "Oh," he thought to himself: Sure enough, he succumbs to bad influences very fast. 

But he only thought these words. The words that came out of his mouth were: "Why do you want to partition your spiritual consciousness all of a sudden?" 

Xiao Fuxuan: "Just in case."

Wu Xingxue recalled that just as Yi Wusheng started talking about Feng Shulan and Feng Huiming, Xiao Fuxuan had gone to hide behind the pillar, likely because hed sensed something amiss. 

Wu Xingxue calculated: "Are you partitioning out a bit of your spirit to leave some leeway?"

Xiao Fuxuan: "More or less." 

Wu Xingxue muttered something to himself. 

Xiao Fuxuan didnt know what he was muttering, but his intuition told him it wasnt anything good. 

Sure enough, he watched as the devil said to him: "Then spare some for me too."

Xiao Fuxuan: ""

Tianxiu looked at him without uttering a word. Clearly, he wore no expression, but one could make out a slight headache in it No, more like an "everything-ache." 

"Wu Xingxue" his deep voice sounded. 

The devil intuitively knew he was about to say no, and scrambled to first ask: "Does spirit splitting spiritual consciousness hurt a lot?"

As he spoke he studied at Xiao Fuxuan. After all, this person had just partitioned himself. 

Xiao Fuxuan moved his lips. After a beat, he let out: "No."

The devil asked: "Then why not? If it doesnt hurt, we can leave even more leeway. Wouldnt it be a loss not to partition? 

Xiao Fuxuan: ""

Xiao Fuxuan: "Then well take the loss."

The devil: ""

Everyone said the Tianxiu Immortal was unyielding. They werent lying.

The devil looked at him with lips pursed. After mulling it over, he turned around to say: "Oh, then Ill go ask Ning Huaishan and Yi Wusheng and see if they can help"  

Before the "me out." could come out, Wu Xingxue felt himself being tugged at.

He turned his head to meet Xiao Fuxuans half-lowered eyes, his deep voice uttering: "Give me your hand."

A smile floated up across Wu Xingxues eyes as he passed his hand over.  

But his smile rapidly froze 

The moment Xiao Fuxuan had him in his warm and clean grip, an external energy spilled into Wu Xingxues veins from where he was touched. That energy was as brash as Tianxius sword intent; when it gushed through his veins, it was simply impossible to ignore.

He could distinctly sense the impetus passing through every vital gate, every essential acupoint of his body. After making its way through each of his key junctures, it flowed toward his heart.  

Wu Xingxues fingers almost unconsciously clenched.

As that energy gushed toward his heart, it suddenly slowed down, and enclosed it in an intimate, warm embrace. 

At that moment, he heard Xiao Fuxuans deep voice emanating almost snugly against his heart: "You ought to know what manner of thing spiritual consciousness is, you cant just ask anyone for help." 


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