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7 months ago
Tens of thousands of demons in this world roam; half call the city of Zhaoye home. As for the other... Read more Tens of thousands of demons in this world roam; half call the city of Zhaoye home. As for the other half, they’ve all died in the Canglang Northern Territory controlled by the Tianxiu Immortal Xiao Fuxuan.Only one demon has been imprisoned for twenty-five years and still lives—the lord of Zhaoye City, Wu Xingxue. Collapse Adapted to Manhua, Amnesia, Ancient Times, Cold Love Interests, Comedic Undertone, Cultivation, Devoted Love Interests, Doting Love Interests, Hiding True Identity, Immortals, Multiple Timelines, Mysterious Past, Mystery Solving, Playful Protagonist, Power Couple, Shameless Protagonist, Time Travel, Unconditional Love now that I saw that it was a Shounen Ai work New novel and synopsis raise more questions than answers Plip plopJoin the ranobe discord, link in my profile. As always lol