Chapter 156 156. ENTITLED

Keeping his gaze on a massive wall before him. Noah seemed to be in deep thought; for he didn't mind the weird stares people shot at his stationed figure.

He resembled a breathtaking statue that stood at the side of the path which stretched out of the forest behind it.

He had arrived at the big city, which was over 72 miles from Enil. It had taken him two days to get here. It took this long simply because he limited himself to run at the speed his body could take him, as returning into the cultivation room just to refill his core and empty it a few minutes after, bore him.

A few breaks had also occured along the way. He did this not out of stress, but simply for relaxation sake. He also found himself reviewing the events that happened in Enil multiple times during most of those breaks.

But upon arriving at the city named Keriele, he had to face an issue he had pushed to the back of his mind a few days ago. His identity.

Noah's gaze remained on the over 30m long bridge. The stone bridge was built between the city and the space that sepearated it from the forest.

The large city itself, was built on a large piece of land that seemed to have been sepearated from the rest of the terrain around it. The height of the demarcation being around 120ft. Whether it was naturally made or not, Noah didn't know, nor did he care.

Before entering the city itself, like every settlement Noah had been to in Cregar, was a massive stone wall, that stretched as far as the eye could see.

The walls height looked to be around 70m, but he could still sight tall buildings from his position.

Keriele was one of the more advanced cities in Cusk, and its architect had to prove it.

Now, back to the main issue, his identity.

Noah felt at loss of actions. Deep down he actually felt nervous. Returning into such large settlements; filled with thousands of humans who had different personalities and characteristics disturbed him.

Even now, people flooded into the city like ants, their numbers varying from groups of two, to as large as twenty.

Some even had tamed magical beasts pull carriages filled with either goods, or humans, as transportation.

The stone bridge was over 25ft in width which allowed for such large objects to freely move

Noah's figure stood beside a tree while he Inspected all this.

'Will they be hostile?,' Noah wondered glancing at the human figures atop The wall. He had stopped counting after their numbers surpassed 70.

During the five minutes he had arrived there, his mind had gone through tens of ideas, which he eventually discarded as either too dangerous or outright foolish.

He felt torn between two final ideas, which were to either walk up to the guards in front of the gate and base his next actions on whatever they told him, or to cause a commotion and make a break for it.

The issue about the latter idea was the probability of it working out. He had sensed over ten tier 3 Individuals atop the wall and was certain that there were more.

A spell would definitely cause a commotion, but its origin would easily be traced back to the direction it came from. There could even be defenses around the city making it even more risky to try and break in.

'Overwhelming power solves everything,' Noah sighed defeated. 'A tier 4 spell; I'm certain would demolish the whole place,' He mused, praying to whatever gods existed to help him.

But alas nothing happened, at least for the first two minutes of waiting, but when he eventually gave up, and decided to go on with the former of his two plans, something happened.

"Hey...do you have an issue entering the city?," A sweet female voice rang out behind him, prompting his head to snap towards the Individual.

His eyes immediately fell on a lady no older than 22. She had long brown hair, which she let loose. Her eyes were grey in colour, and seemed to glimmer in the sunlight. Coupled with her pale skin which looked well nourished.

She had the right amount of curves on her, since the tight fitting dress she wore revealed them. Her height seemed to be around 5"5, and was perfect. Overall she looked stunning, and Noah wondered why someone like her would even talk to him, when he recalled his facial features.

The gods received more praise from him at that realization. A feeling of pride welling up in his heart, but he didn't let it show in his demeanor, after all he needed all the help he could get.

"You noticed?," Noah scratched his head playing nervous, hiding the annoyance he actually felt from her being too close to him.

A smile bloomed on the lady's face, and Noah felt his body react to that smile in ways he had almost forgotten he had, and had probably been heightened by his change of race.

Before his mind could stray from rationality, ge managed to lay his eyes on the group behind the young girl, and it dawned on him that they were a party; of five.

"Since we are also going into the city, we could help you if we knew your problem," The young woman suggested.

"He's probably a criminal," a male voice rang out from behind the girl, Noah's eyes landing on him.

The young man had power in the lower stage of tier 3, so did all of them, which wasn't too surprising.

An eyebrow rose on Noah's face at the young man's words. He instantly felt a tinge of annoyance wash over him, but he needn't fight for himself.

"That's rude," The lady reprimanded, glaring at the individual that talked, who said nothing in return, simply snorting.

"But he may be right," The other lady in group spoke, glancing at Noah for an instant, "We shouldn't Interfere with weak peasants....." her words faded due to her inability to percive Noah's power.

The woman who talked seemed to be the strongest amongst them and even the oldest woman of the three present, but compared to Noah she felt small.

"I apologize for my rudeness sir. What my lady was trying to say is that we are willing to help you into the city, as long as you have a good reason for not being able to enter," The woman who looked to be around her early thirties spoke in a changed tone, a polite one.

Noah and the two men present felt surprised at the change, but he responded to her anyway.

"I'm actually a traveller, but I lost my ID, and do not wish to be held back by the process of getting a new one," Noah spoke, equally polite.

A lot of eyebrows rose at his words, but seeing as the young lady before him, who seemed to be a noble child didn't mind, they said nothing.

"That's easy, I can help you," She announced.

Unsure of what to say, Noah simply smiled.

"By the way, I am Elle, second daughter of the house of Relere," She curtesyd, but without her hand stretched.

"I'm Allen, a traveller," Noah bowed slightly.

"I am Frela, personal guard of lady Elle," The oldest looking woman bowed,. "And these are distant family relatives of my lady," She gestured at the three individuals behind her.

Noah ignored the expressions on the males and found himself gazing at the lady behind them.

She had been quiet the whole time, and remained so. She seemed distracted by something as her eyes weren't on her group, and wasn't particularly focused on anything either. She had dazed off.

"Great! let's go then!," Elle announced walking towards the gate, everyone following closely behind her stunning figure.

Noah noticed individuals on the bridge make way at her passage, but felt it to be normal.

The now group of 6 arrived at the gate, and as expected the guards requested for their ID's.

The guards seemed to know her, and had looks of utter respect. At this point Noah began to feel uncomfortable, he didn't like that tier 3 existence's had tinges of fear on their expression.

That was never a good sign in any situation, he thought.

Eventually it got to Noah's turn, and she spoke for him. Complicated expressions appeared on their faces, but Elle's next words sent shivers down everyone's spines, including Noah's.

"I'll have your families brutally killed if you do not let us in," She announced with a tone utterly devoid of the cuteness it formerly dripped with.

'Great! Another entitled and spoilt noble,' Noah facepalmed himself inwardly.

'What have I gotten myself Into?,' he complained to the gods.


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