Chapter 155 155. VISITOR

"What about moving?," Noah asked the pained man.

"I'll deal with that myself," Jon replied, "We aren't as many as we used to, there's no need for you to help," He explained.

Noah understood his words, but he wasn't leaving that easily. "What if you get attacked by multiple tier 3 Beasts," Noah raised an eyebrow.

"I'm an inscriptions master. I'll find a way," Jon replied with a flat tone.

"What about them?," Noah gestured at the unconscious traitors. "What are you going to do with them?," He inquired.

"Mr Will, I'll do whatever I want. So please do not worry," Jon performed a slight bow, his voice firm.

Noah could only give up at that point. He didn't have a place there, and he plan to visit Vonol still held. "I guess I'll leave then," Noah announced walking towards the exit, Jon following closely behind him to see him off.

"Although I'm not able to show it. I apologise for your loss," Noah glanced at the man before walking out of the building.

"I appreciate what you've done for me, or rather us," Jon bowed, this time deeply. "I hope to see you again. Stronger than we are this time around," He smiled.

Noah showed a complicated expression at those words. The chances of them meeting anytime soon were really low. 'Probably a few decades of even centuries from now,' Noah mused inwardly.

"It was a pleasure working with you," Noah bowed deeply. Straightening his position, he swept his gaze on the buildings before expanding his consciousness.

Honestly it felt awkward leaving just after the event had happened. But since the expert, who was also the village head, wanted it, he would give it to him.

Locating Enils' back gate, Noah felt ready to move, when Jon called out to him.

"Before you go. Can you tell me your name? Your real one," A beaming smile shone on Jon's face.

Noah's eyebrows flickered with bottled up surprise. 'He actually noticed,' Noah giggled inwardly.

With a helpless sigh, Noah's voice rang out, "I am Noah." Then he vanished from his spot soon crossing Enils' border.

The event startled Jon; who sighed at the young man's monstrous speed. "I'll never get used to that. Ever," he muttered gazing at the sky. But a smile soon broke on his face, followed by hard laughter.

A few minutes eventually passed after Jon stopped laughing, his raging emotions having calmed down by this point.

He hadn't moved from his spot during those minutes, seemingly waiting for something to happen. And a change eventually occured

Space tore open a few feet above him, then an intense grey light flooded out from within the unnatural phenomenon.

Jon seemed unfazed by the whole thing, and simply waited, only raising his hand to shield his eyes from the light's intensity.

"I've done what you asked of me," Jon eventually spoke, adopting a kneeling position.

"We see that," A voice flowed out of the light, followed by an utterly auraless humanoid figure. Whose features were hidden by the intense light around them.

"You handled the whole situation expertly well. And we thank you for it," The male voice; smooth to the ears, rang out.

"Well I honestly adapted your request to my situation. You told me that a very special individual will make his way towards my village, and I decided to utilize him," Jon explained, his head facing the ground.

No other words were spoken for a few moments, until Jon decided to break the silence.

"Why exactly is he special? He's strong; A monster even, but there has to be more to it for you to ask me to meet him," Jon asked.

A few seconds of silence passed before the figures' soft and youthful voice spread in the environment again.

"Oh Jon! we've told you about our cause, but there's still much you don't know, or rather aren't allowed to know until the time comes. But seeing as you dealt with the situation to our taste, we'll tell you a bit more," The entity explained.

He paused for an instant before continuing his words."You see Jon, the existence you just parted with truly isn't normal according to what you've discerned, but he's more than that. Far more," The entity seemed to get excited, but it didn't show in his voice.

"He's part of something that even we thought to be a myth, something so terrifying that even we fear what he would become when he ascends into true power," The entity explained.

A frown appeared on Jon's face at those, "Why don't you just end him then. If he's as dangerous as you say, that is," Jon suggested.

"Oh Jon! we wish you could know more," The entity seemed to sigh, but there wasn't a change in its tone.

"We can't kill him Jon, he's too important. He's the break we've been waiting for, and we'd like to initiate him into our cause," The entity explained.

"Then why didn't you just appear to him, I'm sure he'll have no choice but to hear what you have to say," Jon's frown deepened, but his tone remained respectful.

"We would have done that, but he's had misunderstandings with existences far more powerful that he, and utilizing their method would only hinder our work, or even worse, cause enemity between us," The figure explained.

"Then what exactly did we gain from my meeting him. I didn't mention a thing about you to him," Jon asked genuinely curious.

"Think ahead Jon. You belong to our cause, and you've met him. He sees you as someone that can be trusted, even if by a little. That is all we need, for now at least," The existence replied.

Jon fell into deep thought at that point, but his mouth soon opened to release words.

"What exactly does he belong to, is it another force that shares our goal?," Jon spoke.

"I remember when I hadn't gotten to this stage in my existence," The figure spoke. His words confusing Jon as they didn't answer his question.

"I had a special existence that trained me. He held great power and knowledge, speaking of a race of beings so powerful that their names caused fear among powerful existences," The figure continued, but didn't say anything afterwards.

"He belongs to a different race?," Jon asked, his eyes wide open with surprise, "But he doesn't look any different from humans, and has no resemblance to the races that exist in the other nations," Jon thought out loud, but no reply returned to him.

"That is all we can say for now," The entity spoke, "All you need to know is that he is a gift that fate gave to our world. An entity that we do not completely understand, but will become one of the pillars," The entity revealed.

Jon seemed to almost choke on those words, 'A pillar!,' his mind reeled in shock. The tag the entity uttered holding immense importance to him.

Minutes of silence passed and Jon felt himself still tremble from what he had heard. He felt overfed with Information, and sensed the need to go digest the incredulous things he learnt.

"As a reward for handling the situation well, and a means to also prepare you for the future. Take," The entity announced, a ring floating towards Jon.

"To prevent the degradation of your potential as a cultivator, we haven't given you anything too ground-breaking, but it will be enough for what is soon to come," The entity explained.

Receiving the space ring and checking its contents, Jon felt surprised to find a series of books, two orange mana stones the size of an average human head, and a sword.

He immediately shot a questioning gaze at the figure

"The sword is something we recently forged. For now you may not find it too useful, but when you get stronger, we assure you that you will like it," The figure explained, an indiscernible smile appeared on his unseen face.

Jon's curiosity got piqued by those words prompting him to voice out a question. "What is it called?," he enquired.

"You can name it anything you want," The figure replied, his eyes satisfied with Jon's excitement.

"It's coming Jon. It could be a few decades from now, or even millennial. But it will arrive," The entity suddenly announced eeriely, his figure receding into the light.

The grey light which moved like smoke suddenly increased in brightness, then the sound of glass shattering, spread out, followed by the mending of space. Everything going back to normal in a few seconds

A somber expression remained on Jon's face after the disappearance of his vistor. His figure eventually turned to return to his villagers after a few minutes of thoughts.

Whatever he decided would be, and he decided that they would travel to the north of their nation, where Mana was abundant, and deadly creature's thrived. His villagers needed to get strong, and fast.


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