Unlimited Power - The Arcane Path

704 Chapter 701

Leon's perspective changed once again, and he returned to see the things that the other Leon was seeing. Although he slept for a long while, he didn't feel anything weird in his body… only some shivers when he saw the reproaching eyes of Ilyana and Serena. However, before the lecture, they hugged him tightly.

"It looks like I brought us the time that we needed," that Leon forced a smile. "I'm aware that I slept for a long while, but instead of learning for how long, I want to confirm that she didn't come after you while I was away."

"The first thing you ask when you woke up after sleeping for one thousand years is another woman?" Ilyana frowned.

"That wasn't what I asked…" Leon shrugged. "One thousand years… it took one thousand years for my spirit to recover from that, huh."

Leon frowned when he heard because, according to Ilyana and Sekundez's damaged spirits couldn't be healed, and he also concluded that they couldn't recover on their own. Then again, even though his spirit had recovered, it didn't change the fact that he sacrificed ten thousand of years of his lifespan. Somehow, he knew that he had lost exactly that… and that he could die at any moment, even though Leon still looked exactly like that guy on the day the dragons appeared.

"Why did you do that?" Ilyana asked.

"I told you, I'm not going to let any of you die before me," Leon shrugged. "If you want to die so badly, do so after me. Once your turn arrives."

"How can you say something like that?" Ilyana lowered her head and then let the tears flow.

"Sorry…" that Leon hugged Ilyana firmly to the point where he could feel the soft and pleasantness of her Ilyana big boobs. Noticing his intentions, Ilyana headbutted him.

"Ugh… at least wait until I leave the room," Serena frowned and then hurried to leave the room before she could be traumatized for life despite her age.

Leon frowned once again when he saw the other Leon and Ilyana performing the task of conceiving Serena's first sibling. Weirdly enough, that feeling slowly got weak until it completely disappeared. It was only obvious that would happen since he was forced to watch them do that over and over again every single day like monkeys in the heats. Regardless, that only stopped when Ilyana got pregnant again… the second child was another girl. One that had white blue hair, and that was always smiling. Leon had hoped that Ilyana would name her, but just like before, she asked him to choose the name, and Leon named her Ursula.

Ursula grew up to be a girl who likes to play a lot. Her main hobbies were pulling Leon's hair and pinch his sides when he was unaware of her. Unlike Serena, Ursula didn't have amazing control over overtime magic, but she liked to play so much with water that eventually became her specialty.

"Wait… that is… Undine?" Leon frowned.

The semblance was there, but instead of that, Leon began to worry if all his spirits weren't playing him… he didn't want to believe it, but if Ilyana had created them based on the children, other versions of them had, then the spirits were like his kids…

Regardless, since they never heard of the black-haired woman again, Leon and Ilyana decided to stop their hunt and just live a normal life. That was the only thing left for them because each day, Leon's hair was becoming more and more grey… instead of wasting their remaining time together fighting assholes, Ilyana decided to live a normal life.

Their third child was a big redhead boy that Leon named Ernest. Ernest was wild, unlike Serena and Ursula. The boy liked to play fight with his father whenever possible… that being said, even when he was just five years old, his punches begun to hurt Leon quite a bit. Although his parents were mages, Ernest had the talent to fight in closer quarters, but he also had talent in using fire magic.

The fourth child was a small playful boy who Leon decided to call Simon. Simon loved to run. Even before he could do it without a stumble, he challenged his elder sisters and parents to races. Simon also liked to relax quite a bit feeling the wind of the backyard, so to relax as much as possible, he learned how to use wind, which became his talent.

Remington was the name of their fifth son… at that point in time, Leon couldn't help but wonder if that was one hell of a coincidence that their kids had magical affinities to different elements and their names also were very similar to the spirits… Regardless, Remington wasn't a bad kid, but he was a bit hard to deal with since he was a smart ass. Even though he didn't nearly have lived as long as his parents or even Serena, he was trying to outsmart them in the arguments about trivial things.

That Leon decided to call the sixth kid Volker. Unlike the other kids, Volker was a very quiet kid, he wasn't particularly shy, but he wasn't that sociable either. Volker liked to watch everyone when they were together. Weirdly enough, Volker didn't have any particular elemental affinity, so perhaps the fact that the kids had similar names to the spirits Leon found in games was just a coincidence.

Ignis was the same as the seventh kid. Although he was also playful like Simon, Ignis liked to play with earth alone instead of with someone else. Since he became quite skillful in using earth magic, he made everyone, except Leon, by throwing mudballs at them.

The eighth kid was a difficult child… his name was Shaun, and Shaun was a crybaby. He also was pretty small. Adding that to his personality made him the perfect target for Remington, who like to look smart. Thanks to the constant semi-bullying, Shaun became like the gothic kid of the family. Leon could easily imagine him using earphones and listening to some punk rock music during a meal… nevertheless, he was his son just like the others were, so that never bothered him.

That Leon's face already had many wrinkles, and his hair was completely white when the last of his kids were born. Her name was Celia, and even though she also was a crybaby, but since she liked Leon quite a lot, she was always full smiles when Leon was carrying her on his shoulders or arms. She was a daddy's girl...

However, ten years after her birth, that Leon died...


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