Unlimited Power - The Arcane Path

703 Chapter 700

"You are seriously weird…" that Leon frowned. "I'm not here to satisfy your curiosity... now, die."

That Leon didn't even have to point his hands toward the black-haired woman. Just suddenly, her head suddenly when that Leon's magic conceptual attack destroyed it. However, less than half of a second later, her head was back to normal.

"I see now… you call this magic conceptual attack?" The black-haired woman rubbed her chin and then nodded. "It is a fitting name since you just ignored the process of the attack and just dealt with the damage."

Leon knew that he eventually found an enemy like that, an enemy that could survive the power of his conceptual attacks, but what he saw now was beyond his expectations. The black-haired woman could literally return to death in a mere moment when her head was destroyed, and she treated it like something… curious if anything.

"That Leon reached a level of mastery where he can control perfectly those kinds of attacks and still…" Leon frowned. "Even if I use this technique on her, there is a change that I won't win… in fact, if this dream is what I think it is, the black-haired woman probably already have a way to counter this… hell, this one here doesn't even care about the damage, so maybe there isn't a need to counter it."

To make matters worse, the black-haired woman didn't lose a single gram of her weight. That Leon decided to go all out and destroy her whole body by using a massive Black Hole and his conceptual attacks. That worked against Sylas, to the chances of that succeeding was pretty good.

That Leon attacked, and in a single moment, the black-haired woman's whole body disappeared. However, soon after, she was back and completely fine. Ilyana and Serena, who didn't understand what was going on, couldn't help but be astonished.

"You aimed for my body now?" The black-haired woman smiled. "How devious of you."

That Leon tried the same thing over and over again, but the result didn't change. If a black hole couldn't decimate her existence, Leon had no idea what else could. There was one spell he wanted to try, but that one would be deadly and would destroy everything, perhaps in that whole galaxy, but he couldn't do that while Ilyana and Serena were there.

"Sorry… maybe this will be the last time we will see each other," that Leon smiled and then waved his right hand at them.

"No… you wouldn't dare…" Ilyana said, and before she could say anything, she was forcefully teleported to another planet on the other side of the cosmos alongside Serena. "That bloody fool!"

"Mother… what is Father going to do?" Serene hesitated.

"He is crazy enough to explode himself along with the enemy," Ilyana bit his nails in exasperation. "Let's try to find his presence and then teleport to where he is."

Ilyana was particularly good at tracking living beings, but she didn't feel Leon's presence despite that. Both Ilyana and Serena tried to find him using Clairvoyance, but the skill didn't work either. That Leon was simply too far away from them. However, suddenly, they felt a big explosion of energy, and at the center of that explosion, they felt Leon's mana.

Trying to recover as much mana as they could, Ilyana and Serena teleported many times toward the direction they felt the energy. However, despite their powers, they had to travel through the stars for three whole months to find where Leon was, and in there, they only found one thing: A Supernova.

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Super Nova.

Cost: mana per second

You obtained 01 status point.

Congratulations! You have become a Level one Cosmical Sorcerer!

Your speed and intelligence will increase by one hundred points; your mana, health, recovery, and control will increase by fifty points whenever you level up your class.

"Seriously?" Leon asked while his mouth was hanging open.

At that point in time, Leon already knew that mana could do everything. Create and destroy things, change things, and improve them. Still, to think that an alternative version of himself could cause something like that… Leon watched that massive colorful sphere of light expanding endlessly for quite a while. Then he began to question somethings, why was he seeing things from Ilyana's perspective now? Did the other Leon die?

In any case, if the black-haired woman didn't die after that attack. Nothing could destroy her. That Leon used all his mana to make the nearest sun go Supernova, after all. If black holes and supernovas couldn't kill her, then it was weird that she didn't reach the seventh stage of the assimilation.

After searching for ten whole years, Ilyana and Serena finally found Leon's body crossing the cosmos as if he had become a meteor himself. Somehow, his body was intact, but he was sleeping… a slumber that Ilyana and Serena failed in trying to make him wake up from. Both of them used their best healing spells thousands of times, but there was no reaction coming from Leon's body.

It was weird. There was no sign of the black-haired woman, and healing spells weren't working on Leon. Even though Ilyana and Serena traveled the cosmos again, searching for clues of new and more powerful healing spells, they didn't find anything that could help them.

Leon was only sleeping, his while wasn't in danger, and weirdly enough, his body was using its own mana to sustain his life, so food and water were unnecessary. Years became decades, decades became centuries, and Leon still continues to sleep profoundly. However, exactly one thousand years after causing that cosmical disaster, Leon woke up.


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