Unique Gamers Travels

Chapter 111: Chapter 110: Serious Talks and 2 Weeks Later

Chapter 111: Chapter 110: Serious Talks and 2 Weeks Later

[3rd POV]

[Hidden Quest Complete!]

Leeching off others

Details - Use Phaseleech on another individual for the first time, and successfully steal the power of another person.

Rewards - 10 Levels.

"Is she?" Kara asked, trailing off as she looked at the downed form of Livewire.

"Dead? No, she's just unconscious. She won't be hurting anyone anymore, that's for sure" Talia replied with a sigh, glancing at the unconscious form of Livewire.

"And what was it that you just did? Did you steal her power?" Cat asked, her journalistic instinct coming out in full. In response to this, Talia just glanced at the woman, before looking to Kara.

"I'll leave the rest to you, Supergirl" Talia said, and before Cat could ask anymore questions, she disappeared with a flash of light.

A couple hours later, after Talia and Kara had "Returned with the security" the two were now in a Noonan's sitting at a corner table away from the rest of the people in the restaurant, as Talia wanted to have a serious conversation with Kara. The fact that Noonan's was even open, was slightly surprising, but welcome.

"So what is it you wanted to talk about?" Kara asked, sitting across from Talia, a coffee in hand.

Talia in response, just sighed "Kara, you know what I want to talk about. You might not realize, but it's pretty obvious when you're using your superhearing" Talia said, causing Kara to blink several times.

"You've been wondering who it is I've been talking on the phone with, right?" Talia said, looking into Kara's eyes. The girl nodded slowly at this, causing Talia to sigh. Reaching into her pocket, she brought out her phone and turned it towards Kara. On the phone was a picture of her and the girls. She had a deadpan on her face as it was covered in facepaint, while the girls were all surrounding her with smiles on their faces.

"Who-" "They're my girlfriends, Kara" Talia said softly, cutting the wide eyed Kryptonian off.

"Gi-girlfriends? You're in a relationship?" Kara asked, as she leaned back slightly, slight hurt in her tone.

"I am. And I think you already had an idea of this Kara" Talia said, looking Kara in her eyes, hoping that this wouldn't cause Kara to distance herself.

"An-And why are you telling me this? It's-It's not like it matters" Kara asked, biting her lip as she fought her own sadness.

"Kara, I'm not blind. It is obvious to anyone with eyes that you're interested in me, and I am into you" Talia replied, causing Kara to blush slightly at the blunt statement that was...true.

"Do they know?" Kara asked, looking Talia in the eyes as she nodded.

"They do. They know and are okay with it" Talia replied.

"A-Are you all with eachother or-" "They're all with me. They...they don't see eachother in the way they see me. They're more like sisters or good friends than anything" Talia said, cutting Kara off as she watched Kara's expression change.

"Kara, I'm telling you this because I don't want to hurt your feelings. Especially not when I am very much attracted to you, in the same way I am to them. And the longer I waited, the more likely it'd hurt you, and I would rather die than let you get harmed, be it physically or emotionally" Talia continued, her tone softening more and more as she noticed the look in Kara's eyes.

Feeling the sheer warmth that Talia was showing her, Kara breathed a shaky breathe.

"Could-Could I have some time to think about all of...this?" Kara asked, looking Talia in the eyes, causing the woman to softly smile.

"Of course, love. And once you're ready, truly ready, I'll make sure to take you on the best date of your life" Talia replied with a small grin, causing Kara to blush.

Getting to her feet, Kara walked to Talia's side and softly kissed her cheek "Thank you for telling me, Talia" Kara softly said, before walking off, as she had a lot to think about.

Talia watched her figure walk off, a deep sigh escaping her lips as she did. 'That went about as I was expecting' Talia thought, having expected it. Kara had a rather similar thought, unknowingly to Talia.

Sighing, Talia got to her feet.

'Let's get home' Talia thought, deciding that at the moment, all she wanted was to be home and cuddling with the girls.

[2 Weeks Later]

Time had flickered on by since the rather...important talk had happened, and a number of things had happened.

First, Kara and her had still regularly talked and interacted, but it was much more...awkward now. Mostly on Kara's end as she continued to think about her feelings for Talia, and the fact that the one she's into, is with 3 other women. Something that was slowly beginning to matter less and less to her.

Second, Talia had begun to focus more and more on her quests, and completing them. She ended up finding out a rather interesting piece of information about the quest itself. Mostly that the quest itself could be completed through her familars, as long as they had something that made them recognizable as being related to her.

Through this, she had whipped up some armor for her familiars, more specifically her Low Level and Mid Level vampires. Making the armor itself was easy enough, through a bit of magic, and the massive amount of minerals she had within her Dimension. It took only a couple of days of work to mass produce armor. This had also completed a shit ton of hidden quests, and a lot of levels as well. Enough to max out her main class. Mass producing 30,000 pieces of armor would do that.

[Hidden Quests Complete]

Mass Production [I]

Details - Create 10 pieces or armor for your familiars.

Rewards 1 Level.

Mass Production [II]

Details - Create 25 pieces or armor for your familiars.

Rewards 2 Levels.

Mass Production [III]

Details - Create 100 pieces or armor for your familiars.

Rewards 3 Levels.

Mass Production [IV]

Details - Create 250 pieces or armor for your familiars.

Rewards 4 Levels.

Mass Production [V]

Details - Create 500 pieces or armor for your familiars.

Rewards - 6 Levels.

Mass Production [VI]

Details - Create 1000 pieces or armor for your familiars.

Rewards - 8 Levels.

Mass Production [VII]

Details - Create 5000 pieces or armor for your familiars.

Rewards 15 Levels.

Mass Production [VIII]

Details - Create 10,000 pieces or armor for your familiars.

Rewards 20 Levels.

Mass Production [IX]

Details - Create 25,000 pieces or armor for your familiars.

Rewards - 25 Levels.

84 levels in total were obtained from this, 84 levels that had MASSIVELY increased her Demonic Energy's power, her overall physical abilities, and overall power level. It also made her realize that a blacksmith class or a class specializing in creating items, would be very very useful to get. Perhaps even starting a company could net her quite the rewards. Something she decided on doing sooner or later.

From these 84 levels, she had maxed out her main class, and gotten her second class to 95,

and got quite the rewards.

From Kajiu, she had gotten several new species, one of which was much much much better

than she could have ever hoped for.

[Third Species...Selected]

[Destoroyah - Oxygen Destroyer-mutated Prehistoric Crustacean]

[Fourth Speccies....Selected]

[Rodan - Titanus Rodan | Monsterverse]

[Fifth Species...Selected]

[Godzilla Earth - Hyper-evolved plant-based lifeform]

[2nd Ability/Bloodline Selected]

[Belial Clan Ability - Worthless]

Worthless is a Demonic Power that allows the user to invalidate things, such as special

abilities, properties or effects. Despite Worthless' potency, it does have several weaknesses. The user must understand the properties of the objects they intend to nullify in order to render it "worthless". The stronger the object ro individual, the more Demonic Energy it


[3rd Ability/Bloodline Selected]

[Beelzebub Clan Ability - King of Flies]

King of Flies is a that allows the user to create a army of flies which the user can control and

direct to his will. The flies can form circles which can fire a powerful aura. A unknown Beelzebub Descendant demonstrated the ability to combine the flies into a larger, more

powerful "fly beast."

[4th Ability/Bloodline Selected]

[Bael Clan Ability - The Power of Destruction]

As its name suggests, the Power of Destruction is a type of that is destructive by nature, grants its users great offensive power and can completely annihilate things when used. The Power of Destruction is said to be a very difficult power to defend against due to its erasure properties, as the most effective way to guard against it would be to counter the destruction blast with sufficiently powerful ranged attacks. However, a Devil with higher demonic energy and proficient mastery of the Power of Destruction, can utilize it to the point that it can basically eliminate anything, including the attacks of others. The Power of Destruction can cut down even the consciousness and souls of living creatures, something he discovered after nearly all of his body was erased by Rias' Extinguished Star.

With these levels, Talia was given the opportunity to select a new main class, but ended up deciding to continue the Kaiju class to level 200. Primarily because of the massive increase in physical power it was giving her, as well as the insane durability. Not to mention her ability to evolve, her growing connection to Earth and Nuclear Power, and her ever growing attacks/beams. She now, at this point, was basically evolving at a consistent rate, thanks to Destoroyah and his natural evolving DNA. This had also changed her Kaiju form a decent bit, now giving her a form even bigger than that of Godzilla Earths, with her height being over

400 Meters (1312 feet) tall, 100 meters taller than Godzilla Earth, who was the biggest

Godzilla ever.

This made her classes level [120/200] and level [95/100].

After she got these levels, she had given her Familiars their armor.

[This but it has a Golden Sun logo over where their heart is]

After they were all given their armor and necessary supplies, she had teleported around the

world and gave them a very simple mission "Wipe out all Crime Rings" and "Save any citizen you can". She had only put out a total of 10,000 familiars around the world, but that alone was

enough to rapidly begin completing certain quests. Not only that, but it had caused a massive influx of news. As news of Solaris's "Team" or "Army" had begun to spread, causing some...issues with certain people.

The group had been dubbed as the "Order of Solaris" and the media had believed them to be a

coordinated group that were followers of Solaris, similar to how Superman had some rather...interesting groups that attempted to give justice in his name. Except, this "Order of Solaris" wasn't psychotic and were actively saving many many lives, and all without uttering a single word. Through this, they were more well known as the "Silent Followers of Solaris". Talia was...embarrassed at the names, as they were honestly pretty cringe, but she couldn't do much to change them.

Through using her familiars, she had completed quite a bit of her subquests, getting her even more levels.

10,000 Civilians Saved/Helped - 5 Levels.

25,000 Civilians Saved/Helped - 8 Levels. 50,000 Civilians Saved/Helped - 10 Levels, 1 item.

5,000 Criminals Defeated - 10 Levels, 1 item.

Destroy 50 underground crime rings, be it sex trafficking rings, mafia's, gangs, etc - 15 Levels

Destroy 100 underground crime rings, be it sex trafficking rings, mafia's, gangs, etc - 25


This had netted her even more levels, and a monstrous amount of public recognition, as she was getting talked about more and more, to levels that rivaled that of Superman. She had,

from these quests, gotten her subclass maxed out, and another 73 levels, 2 items, and even

more rewards.

[Sixth Species...Selected]

[Shimo - Titanus Shimo | Monsterverse]

[Seventh Species...Selected]

[Shin Godzilla - Mutated prehistoric marine animal]

[Eigth Species...Selected]

[Space Godzilla - Extraterrestrial Godzilla clone | Heisei]

Each of these were quite decent new sets of powers. Shimo was incredibly powerful in

Cryokinesis and manipulating ice, as she had quite literally started the ice age at one point. Shin Godzilla had the ability to evolve into stronger forms, could shoot his Beams from his

tail and from in between his spikes/fins. While Space Godzilla had his own "Corona Beam" geokinesis by creating crystals, gravity beam, energy manipulation, telekinesis, and had actually increased her psionic capabilities by quite a bit.

[5th Ability/Bloodline Selected] [Lucifer Clan Ability - Demonic Brilliance of Evil Light]

The original ability of Lucifer himself, of the DXD universe. This inborn power is made up of

two different powers. One, is demonic light that deals extra damage to all good/light/angelic aligned characters, and can be used in a vast amount of ways. The main ability of this inborn ability, is "Rebellion" which allows the user to "Rebel" against things just as Lucifer rebelled against God. This rebellion can be used on something like a concept that affects you, like gravity, to other things like "Rebelling" against damage caused by an attack.

[Subclass Maxed out, please select new subclass]

[Subclass - Angel | Highschool DxD]

[Subclass - Demon | Demon Slayer]

[Subclass Artist]

The choice she made was...obvious. She had chosen Angel.

[Angel (DxD) - A species hailing from the DXD universe. The user, through this class, has

gained Light Power. This light power can be manipulated in a variety of ways, such as creating powerful constructs, attacks, and similar things. This Light power deals extra damage to all demonic/evil/dark creatures. Every level strengthens the users light power in every form.

Every 25 levels the user gains a specialized "Light Power" that an Angel of DXD may use, such

as Baraqiel's Holy Lightning. This species can evolve further]


A good class, especially when combined with her Devil class. Especially considering "Light Power" just like the Demonic Energy, had started out at a massively powerful level, even higher thanks to her Book of Vishanti, Dragon Flame, and other boosts.

She had also gotten two items, one of them being...truly incredible. The other being half


[King Piece - A King Piece from the Peerage system of the world of DXD, and takes the form of

a King from Chess. Upon being equipped (which is permanent) the users demonic powers

(energy, clan abilities, etc) by anywhere from 10x to 100x]

[Gram - The Demonic Sword of DXD, and the strongest of them. When wielded, it strengthens

the users demonic energies by 2x, increases damage against Draconic entities by 5x, and can even cut through the normal durability of a dragon]

The latter had been consumed by her Blade, strengthening the boosts to 5x and 10x. Upon equipping the King Piece, the boost she got ended up being an absolutely massive 100x.

The boost had been...slightly painful, due to the nature of the King Piece, but she adapted to it within minutes. The King Piece now safely resided within her soul, alongside the Darkhold and other items. Her Demonic Energy was on entirely different levels in comparison to any

Devil in DXD.

She had of course, gotten her angelic powers as well. With her getting one automatically after she got the class, giving her three angelic abilities at the moment. [1st Angelic Ability - Holy Lightning: As its name suggests, Holy Lightning is a type of

lighting, one that combines light power and lightning together. Massively more damaging than normal lightning attacks, against demonic/evil/dark creatures and beings. [2nd Angelic Ability - Holy Wind: As it's name suggest, Holy Wind is a type of wind/air, one

that combines light power and wind together. Just as the Holy Lightning, it is much more damaging than normal attacks, against demonic/evil/dark creatures and beings.

[3rd Angelic Ability - Holy Water: As it's name suggests, Holy Water is a type of water, one

that combines light power and water together. Massivel more damaging against all demonic/evil/dark creatures. Has even stronger purifying effects, and can even heal others] None of the abilities were particularly all that interesting to her, besides the Holy Water. As

she could already see it's uses in terms of healing others, should she need it. Holy Wind seemed interesting enough, and could potentially be useful in the future. She could already see some powerful combinations that it could be used with.

Besides gaining a shit ton of power, Talia had continued to take the girls on dates, and had

begun to focus on strengthening them more and more. Even unlocking their aura and everything, and helping them learn the basics of it.

At the moment, Talia was in the living room, grabbing her phone as she read the wordsn/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

"Adorkable One" aka Kara.

"Yes Kara? Are you alright?" Talia asked over the phone, it was the first time Kara had called

her in 2 weeks.

"Hey! Um, how would you like to beat up a super advanced Military Robot?" Kara asked on the otherside, somewhat awkwardly as it was the first time she had talked to her in a couple of

days, and the first time she had called in 2 weeks.

Talia at the question, raised an eyebrow before speaking.

"Tell me more about this...Robot"

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That's the end of the chapter!

Not sure how well this one was written, as I was struggling a decent bit with it.

Talia and Kara will probably be getting together within 5-10 chapters, hopefully. Anyways, have a good day, see you later!


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