Unique Gamers Travels

Chapter 110: Chapter 109: Thanksgiving and Livewire

Chapter 110: Chapter 109: Thanksgiving and Livewire

[3rd POV] [A couple of days later]

It was a couple of days since Kara had called her, and Talia was now on her way to Kara's. The girl ended up giving her her address after Eliza, her adoptive mother had come over. Mostly just to make it a bit easier on herself for preparing the apartment for 4 guests, this being Eliza, Ales, Talia, and Winn who had also gotten an invitation after Kara found out he was going to celebrate Thanksgiving alone.

Walking up to the door of Kara's apartment, she lifted her hand and knocked a single time, before the door swung open. On the other side was a rather...beautifully dressed Kara.

"Talia! You're here!" Kara said with a happy smile, while Talia was taking in the gorgeous sight.

"You've dressed up" Talia noted, looking over her body shamelessly. Kara blushed slightly at the attention, before doing a small spin.

"Do I look good?" Kara asked, causing Talia to nod instantly.

"Both beautiful and adorable. Quite the dangerous combination" Talia said with small grin, very much enjoying the sight before her.

Kara smiled at the praise, before noticing the container in Talia's hands "Homemade deviled eggs. Thought I'd bring something to add to the table, and deviled eggs are one of my favorites"

The container had probably 40 deviled eggs inside or so. With each and every one of them being perfectly made, courtesy of Talia's perfect knowledge in regards to cooking.

"Wow they look and smell amazing!" Kara praised, as she looked at them. She had to admit they did smell amazing, better than any deviled eggs she had had before.

"Thanks for the compliment love, now, can I come inside?" Talia asked, while Kara blushed slightly at the word "Love".

Nodding, Kara walked towards the table, as Talia walked in.

"Um, Eliza, Alex, this is Talia Morningstar, the friend I told you about" Kara said, causing Talia to notice the evaluating looks of both Alex and Eliza. The two of them looked her over with interest, while Alex had more of a frown on her face than interest.

"It's a pleasure to meet the two of you" Talia said with a smile, as she held her hand out for Alex to shake, only for the woman to glance at it, before giving it a small shake, causing Kara to glare at her sister. Eliza sighed at Alex's attitude, before she shook Talia's hand.

"It's nice to meet you too, Talia" Eliza said with a small smile on her face.

"Ah, and I see you're already here, Winn" Talia said, noticing the man sitting at the side of the table.

"Didn't have much better to do than be here" Winn said with a shrug, which was the truth.

"Where should I put these?" Talia asked, glancing at Kara who grabbed them out of her hands.

"I'll find a spot for them. Oh, and you can sit next to me" Kara said with a smile, as she walked over to the kitchen counter.

Sitting at the dinner table, Talia glanced at the two, before Kara brought the turkey over and laid it on the table, where plenty of other dishes were already sat.

"Hmm, it doesn't seem the Turkeys cooked fully" Talia said glancing at it, causing Eliza and Alex to glance at one another, before Kara spoke.

"I got it!" Kara said with a smile, as the other three individuals in the room, eyes widened as Kara warmed the Turkey up via her heat vision.

"Kara you just-" "Hmm, just perfect Kara" Talia said, cutting the slightly shocked and horrified Alex off.

The three blinked in confusion as they looked to Talia and then Kara. "Oh...did I not say? Talia already knows I'm Supergirl" Kara said with a small mischievous smirk.

"Honestly Kara, I still fail to understand how others haven't figured it out. The glasses do little to hide it, same with that cousin of yours" Talia said with a chuckle.

"Kara you can't just tell random people your secret!" Alex said, shooting to her feet.

"Hmm? She didn't tell me though? I took on look at her and knew who she was. Like I said, the glasses do very little to hide who she actually is from me. As unlike others, I can totally believe that Kara is a hero" Talia said, cutting Alex off before she continued her small outburst towards her sister.

"And you're not going to tell others? Even though you could make a lot of money off that sort of information?" Winn asked, causing Talia to let out a small laugh.

"Please, money is absolutely no issue for me. And no, I certainly wouldn't sell Kara out. She's far to adorable to deserve something like that" Talia said, waving off his worries.

The three all blinked at the "Adorable" comment, with Eliza and Winn both noticing the bright blush that formed on Kara's cheeks at that.

"Trust me, Kara's secret identity is safe with me" Talia continued, ignoring the small glare she was receiving from Alex.

"So, before we eat, I thought it would be fun if we went around and shared what we were grateful for, or any other feelings that we might want to share with family and friends, so let's share" Kara said, noticeably glancing between Eliza and Alex, who were both...butting heads, sort of.

Mostly because of Eliza's constant doting on Kara, and lack of on Alex. Her making Alex take care of, and protect Kara for...her entire life, literally. And a host of other issues, that Alex had the right to be mad about.

Seeing that no one was speaking, Kara awkwardly began "Okay, I'll go first. Um...I'm grateful for everyone here. My best friend in the entire world, my sister who's always had my back, the woman who's always treated me like a daughter, and...Talia who...always checks in on me" Kara said, towards the end she struggled a bit, as Talia could tell she wanted to say some much more intimate things, but decided to awkwardly avoid that, for now.

"Alex, you wanna go next?" Kara asked, with Alex instantly saying "No" and bringing the glass of champagne back up to her lips.

"Talia, why don't you go?" Kara said immediately after hearing Alex's response.

"Ah well, I'm grateful for many many things, Kara. My friends, the opportunities I've been gifted with, and of course, You" Talia said simply, a small smile on her face as Kara blushed at the last word. Winn and Eliza both realized what sort of Kara and Talia might have, with Winn inwardly sighing sadly. He had been in love with Kara, but upon seeing the way she was reacting to Talia, it was pretty obvious he stood no chance.

"What about your family? You're not thankful for them?" Alex asked with a raised eyebrow, causing Talia to glance at her.

"Alex!" Kara whisper yelled, frowning deeply at her sisters rudeness.

"It's alright Kara, she doesn't know. And yes I am plenty grateful to them Alex, but I didn't mention them as they have been dead since I was young" Talia said, causing Winn to cringe as he looked to the side in awkwardly. Eliza sighed at her eldest daughter, while Alex opened her mouth before closing it, inwardly chastising herself for being so rude.

"Oh! Looks like Miss Grant needs me, why don't you come with, Talia?" Kara said, very much wishing to get away from...this.

Talia glanced at Kara, who had a pleading look on her face, causing her to chuckle "I'd love to" Talia said, getting to her feet, with Kara doing the same.

"We'll be back in a bit!" Kara said as she quite literally pushed Talia out the door, closing it behind her before the three could utter a word.

"I am so so so so so sorry for my sister. I have no idea why she was being so rude!" Kara said, causing Talia to wave it off.

"It's fine, Kara. What she said really didn't matter to me all that much" Talia said, causing

Kara to sigh.

"It should though, Talia. Something like that should make you mad" Kara said, causing Talia

to raise an eyebrow.

"I don't remember anything about them, Kara. There isn't much to be mad about, if there's nothing to remember about them" Talia replied, causing Kara to go silent, as the two began to walk out of her apartment building.

A little while later, the duo arrived at CatCo.

"What's the emergency?" Kara asked, as they walked into Cat's office. The screens were off, noticeably not working.

"Last minute conference call to London and Beijing and nothing is working. Not my computer, not my phone, not my backup phone. I got that text off to you, and then, boom! Everything just died. And what are you doing here, Talia?" Cat replied, ending with a


"She was over at my apartment for Thanksgiving, so I thought maybe she could come and

help. She's really good with this sort of stuff. But I also think this might be a sign that you shoudn't work on Thanksgiving" Kara said, while Talia was "looking" over the computer. "I always work on Thanksgiving, thank you very much. I know it probably seems sad to you, but I love it. Carter is with his dad, my mother won't eat a flightless bird, and I am not pulled in 400 different directions by employees who need constant wet-nursing" Cat replied, while

Talia sighed.

"Yeah this isn't something that can be fixed in just an hour. It'll take all night. Whatever is happening, it completely fried most of the tv's behind me, to the point that you'll probably have to buy new ones or repair them. Your computer is still on thankfully, but it's one power surge away from joining the tv's" Talia said, causing Cat to frown deeply.

As she said this, the sound of thunder filled the room, as the power cut off "That would do it" Talia said with a sigh, as Kara and Cat looked around.

"What fresh incompotence is this?" Cat asked, seeing as the power was now out.

"Gobble, gobble. Miss...miss me?" A voice sounded out, as the tv's flickered back


On the screen appeared a white haired woman "No. Leslie Willis is dead. D-E-A-D. Dead. She

died in that CatCopter of yours. This is Leslia 2.0. Livewire. And you and I...we're gonna have


Talia grabbed both Kara and Cat's hands, and slowly pulled them back, out of the office. "Ah ah ah, you aren't going anywhere" Livewire sounded out as electricity surged through Cat's office, forming into Livewires physical form.

Grabbing the two, she pulled them out of the way of a blast of electricity, before pulling them

behind nearby cover, outside of the office.

"She was in a coma" Kara whispered.

"Clearly she's recovered" Cat whispered back while Talia silently watching Livewire.

"Ms. Grant, we have to get help" Kara whispered to Cat, causing the woman to nod.

"Yes. Yes. Security. Security is 20 floors down. You two go, while I keep her busy" Cat whispered back to them.

"But-" "No, 20 floors down. Go, go" Cat said, causing the two to look at one another, before

quietly running off.

Getting to the elevator, Talia quickly spoke to Kara "I can stop her, but I've got to get close to her, enough to touch her"

"Alright, and how are you going to do that?" Kara asked.

"Simple. I move really really fucking fast" Talia replied with a smirk, as the two both rapidly changed into their suits, and took off out of the building.

As they flew around the building, to a window that would lead to the offices that Livewire was

in. Talia noted that Livewire was about to attack Cat. Kara also saw this and gave Talia a nod, as they both flew into the office. Kara landing in front of Cat, and Talia blurring to Livewire. Without hesitation, her hand snapped to Livewires neck, and gripped it. Phaseleech activated, and rapidly began to absorb the womans power. She couldn't even lift her arms before her hair began to return to it's normal blonde color, and she dropped to the floor, depowered, and very


Looking to the unconscious villain laying on the ground, and the wide eyed Supergirl and Cat,

Talia only had one thought on her mind.

'That was...easy'

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That's the end of the chapter!

Not sure how well this was made, as I am like half awake right now. So parts of it was

definitely rushed, but, I did try my best.

Next chapter will be the "Talk" and will probably be roughly the same length, or shorter.

Anyways, have a good day!


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