Unexpected Love: Mr CEO wild baby

Chapter 356 - Making Out In The Apartment

One week passed, Jasmine had been confirmed cured and was out from the hospital. Early in the morning, she was helped to get ready to return to the apartment with Luna and Nia while Keenan waited on the couch. During that one week, Keenan always looked after him for 24 hours.

"Keenan, bring this, let mom push Jasmine," Luna exclaimed as she handed over the bag containing Jashmine's and Keenan's clothes. Nia brought a bag containing other things such as food containers.

"Yes, Mom." Keenan immediately got up from the couch and grabbed the bag.

They immediately exited the ward and walked down the hospital corridor. Sometimes, Jasmine smiled with relief at being able to go home.

"Keenan, it's better to just go home to dad, because if you start working, someone will oversee your wife," said Luna.

"That's best, Mom, but what does Jasmine want?" Keenan turned to glance at Jasmine as he continued walking while carrying the large bag.

"How about it, Jasmine, do you want to stay at mommy's house for a while while you're still recovering?"

"Yeah, Mom, I'll go along," replied Jasmine with a smile.

Luna smiled in relief, she glanced at Nia who was also listening to the conversation since earlier.


Elsewhere, Keyra is visiting Aaron's apartment. Incidentally weekend, his girlfriend was certainly off work. he wanted to spend time with his girlfriend while helping clean the apartment and making him breakfast.

"Jeez, how long has it been since this floor hasn't been swept?' Keyra asked while sweeping the living room floor while Aaron wiped the table and cupboard glass.

"Since I moved here," Aaron replied with a shy smile. "When I'm tired, I go straight to my room and don't have time to clean up."

Keyra took a deep breath and then threw the trash out into the trash can near the door.

."You should at least hire a maid. So I can help clean, cook for you."

"I'm still lazy because I also rarely sleep here," said Aaron while looking at Keyra who was cleaning.

"Where do you sleep?" she asked.

."At the office, all overtime," Aaron replied casually and then sat himself down on the sofa.

Keyra looked pityingly at Aaron who was always alone, then put the broom near the door. He walked over to his lover and sat beside him.

"What do you want to eat? .let me cook for you?"

Aaron rested his head on Kira's shoulder. "I'm lazy to eat, I'll cook later."

"Don't be like that, you have to eat, honey," said Keyra as she wrapped her arms around Aaron's neck.

.Aaron looked at Keyra then moved his forehead to his lover's forehead and looked at him intensely. "Can you cook?"

"Yes," said Keira.

"That means it's appropriate to be a wife." Aaron touched Keyra's sexy lips and then devoured them aggressively. .reflexively his hand pressed against the nape of his lover to deepen their kiss.

Slowly, Aaron's hand moved mischievously to touch Keyra's chest which was still pure which had never been touched by anyone's hand other than Keyra's hand. .his lover immediately broke the kiss and bowed his head.

"Aaron, don't overdo it," said Keyra while removing Aaron's hand from his chest.

"Why? I just touched it. It's too beautiful to pass up, you are so sexy and charming..looking at you, it's like breaking my faith." Aaron said with a low groan, pressed his forehead to his lover's again, then devoured his lips aggressively.

Aaron's kisses, which always made Keyra weak, seemed to make her unable to refuse. .reflexively she wrapped her arms around his lover's neck and returned the kiss aggressively. Even the girl was getting wilder.

Aaron's kiss drifted off and down to her neck, occasionally huffing it, leaving a red stain there.

"Aghh...." Finally, Keyra sighed with pleasure and amusement, slowly closing her eyes. For a moment she enjoyed Aaron's touch which squeezed her supple chest as if it were getting more supple. she also felt her ower body feel wet, warm until she came back to her senses and opened her eyes.

Aaron pulled Keyra into a kiss again, though she was pushed away again. he didn't seem to want to let go of his lover, but instead kissed and squeezed her chest more aggressively until her clothes were wrinkled.

"Stop it, Aaron!" Keyra exclaimed a little annoyed because Aaron seemed pushy. She pushed her lover until he collapsed onto the back of the sofa.

"Sorry, I can't control myself," Aaron said sadly then got up from the chair. "Go to the kitchen, because if you stay here, I'll lose control," he shouted then walked to his room which was located next to the living room.

Keyra adjusted her clothes and looked at Aaron who left with a disappointed expression. She could see the sadness on her lover's face, which made her feel a little guilty.

"I just don't want to miss it. Am I wrong to avoid it?" Keyra grumbled confused and immediately got up from the chair. She walked to the kitchen next to the living room. "I'd better cook."


Keenan carried Jasmine across the stairs to the top floor where his room was. they had arrived at Ethan's house and decided to stay there for a few days.

"Keenan, actually I can walk by myself, there's no need to carry me like this," said Jasmine with a shy smile because on the ground floor there was her mother and mother-in-law who might be watching her being carried by her husband.

Luna and Nia just chuckled at the shy Jasmine.

"Newlyweds," Nia muttered with a shake of her head, then she sat herself down on the couch.

"Yes, they still want to always make out," said Luna, then remembered when she had just married Ethan. 'Me and Ethan when we were newlyweds, we weren't making out at all,' she thought then sat herself down on the couch.

Arriving at the room, Keenan immediately laid down Jashmine's body against the limits of his king-size bed which was covered with plain white sheets. he wrapped his wife up to her stomach.

"Your room is tidy," Jasmine muttered as she looked around the room which was dominated by cream-colored paint, there was a study table, cupboard, soda complete with table, tv, and door leading to the bathroom. .there are also several posters of musicians pasted on the walls.

"Maybe mommy or Mrs. Ira cleaned it up," said Keenan as he sat on the edge of the bed right beside Jasmine's feet. His hand slowly massaged his wife's leg which had not fully recovered from the sprain as well.

"Aghh...." Jasmine winced in pain as he looked at her leg which was massaged by Keenan.

"Why?" Keenan asked worriedly and immediately stopped the activity of massaging his wife's feet 

.Don't massage it, it hurts even more," said Jasmine, then sat up and stretched out her hand to hold her thigh which was also sore.

"Sorry, I thought a massage would make you feel better," said Keenan regretfully.

"Soaking in warm water might make the pain in my bones lessen."

"Then I will prepare warm water for you."

Jasmine nodded in agreement because it was time for a shower. She felt hot and sticky because she hadn't bathed in days. Keenan immediately got out of bed and walked to the bathroom to prepare warm water. ...


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