Undying Warlord

Chapter 62 Sisters

The entire VIP patient ward was lit up, owing to the flash of lightning, dazzling everyone within.

Even Dilan had to turn away his head to prevent being blinded by the bright light.

His eyes were tightly shut, and only after a few seconds had passed by did he dare to open them once again.

The first thing that he saw was a heavily breathing Kathrine, standing above the charred corpse of the young man.

She had killed him without a single second of hesitation.

From the looks of it, her anger made her even forget about the two men she had killed not even five minutes ago.

Her expression was filled with anger, and Kathrine was visibly exhausted, while she tried to calm herself down which was an exercise in itself. It was only when heard a voice from just a few meters away that she regained her senses.

“S–Sis!!” The young, chained girl cried out in between her sobs. She continued to scream, while Kathrine regained her senses before she rushed toward the young girl.

“Yvonne!!” Kathrine screamed out with open arms as she tightly hugged her sister, who flinched the moment she was touched.

The red stripes, where she had been whipped, burned as if they were on fire when Kathrine’s clothes and body came in contact with them.

Most of her wounds were still fresh and bleeding, clearly showing that Max had tormented her not too long ago.-.

“Oh my God… are you fine? Sorry…let’s get rid of these chains first!!” Kathrine exclaimed, flabbergasted about the injuries of her little sister.

Only now did she realize that she had made Yvonne feel more pain by hugging her.

The moment Kathrine stepped back, Dilan appeared next to her.

The tip of the Katana that had been stuck in his shoulder had already been removed.

But even then, a little bit of blood oozed out of the wound.

However, that was not something Dilan was worried about because the wound was not deep. His Health was far higher than what ordinary beings before the Primordial Ascension could reach.

Thus, ordinary weapons didn’t injure him much anymore.

In fact, Max’s attack had worked only because of his powerful ability.

[Spiritual hand] was certainly an active skill that had a potential similar to Kathrine’s [Lightning strike]. Maybe, it had been even higher!

He was not holding the Captain’s sword right now and reached out for the young girl.

Yvonne was still naked, but Dilan’s expression didn’t falter and was exactly the same as a moment ago.

Flinching upon seeing the other man, Yvonne closed her eyes, and even Kathrine wanted to intervene, but then her eyes fell on the blanket he was holding in his hand.

He threw it over Yvonne to cover her, before using his Clawed Gloves to open the chains around her wrists and ankles.

Afterward, he turned around to take a look at the wardrobe.

Yvonne fell onto the bed she was standing close to after she was released. Her legs had gone numb, and Kathrine helped her up to get on the bed.

Kathrine kept looking at her younger sister for several minutes, only for Yvonne to tightly hold onto her despite the pain.

She was shivering, clearly recalling the wrongdoings of Max and his small group of disgusting horny beasts who called themselves human!

Fortunately, they had not forced themselves on her because it had just been seven days since she had awoken.

Kathrine had already presumed that something had changed about her sister and seeing that she looked far healthier than she had ever been, a bright smile emerged on her face.

Despite all the mess that had happened, and the fact that Max injured Yvonne, Kathrine couldn’t help but be happy that her little sister was alive!

She didn’t even need an oxygen mask to breathe properly either, which was one of the biggest joys Kathrine felt in her entire life.

Thus, her mind had forgotten the thought about Yvonne having been mistreated, even if her condition was not as bad as the other women.

When her eyes flicked to the other women, Kathrine saw that most of them were sobbing, or trying to make themselves disappear into the wall they were crouching against.

It was as if they had lost all their confidence and hope. Even after she and Dilan killed Max right in front of their eyes, it was as if they didn’t believe that something good could possibly happen in the future.

Kathrine understood this to some extent. Life was cruel, even more so after the Primordial Ascension.

It might even be the worst to be a beautiful woman in this dangerous era.

Being alive had no meaning if one encountered the wrong people in this time, even less if one had to use all their might and advantages to stay alive.

Shuddering at the thought of some disgusting men even laying their filthy hands on her little sister, Kathrine couldn’t help but mumble,

“You have to become stronger…We have to become stronger…more powerful than anyone else!!”

Yvonne was still crying, but she still heard the words of her sister.

Her mind was still a mess, but Yvonne couldn’t help but look at Dilan through her teary eyes.

“Even stronger than him?”

It was quite obvious that Dilan was a person her sister seemed to trust, and that he was somewhat different. Yvonne could clearly sense this.

She knew that it would be hard for her to trust any man again because even the thought of a man caused her to flinch and shiver.

Yet, while looking at Dilan, she felt no fear or discomfort, almost as if her brain could look past the fact that he was a man and see that he wasn’t going to pounce on her the moment he could.

Though she didn’t sense immediate danger from him, the trauma inflicted by Max and his men would take a while for her to start trusting the opposite gender again.

Right now, Yvonne was just confused when looking at Dilan because he seemed to care about people, but at the same time, looked completely unbothered.

Following Yvonne’s gaze, Kathrine looked at Dilan as well. She tilted her head and was unable to find the right words to express herself.

Kathrine was confused and she tried to speak, only to blabber an uncertain answer,

“I…don’t know if that will even be possible…but I do…not think that it is necessary…probably?”

After Kathrine said this, the siblings kept looking at Dilan. Oddly enough, it was calming to see how Dilan moved around the room with a straight face, completely unbothered by the naked women around him.

Quite a few of them were even beautiful, rivaling her own, and Yvonne’s look.

“Why are you so calm?” Kathrine couldn’t help but ask out loud, still holding her sister in a protective embrace.

She had seen how calmly Dilan walked through the room, handing everyone a blanket, some clothes, or other means to cover themselves.

Observing his eyes, she sensed that he was not even remotely interested in the women, which was somewhat weird in Kathrine’s opinion.

After all, some of them were gorgeous!

However, the moment Dilan heard Kathrine’s words, he couldn’t help but look at her with a deep frown.

“What the hell do you want me to do? Pounce at each of them, and take them forcefully because I am strong enough? You are really weird.”

Shaking his head, Dilan felt like he had to add something, just to say,

“First of all, don’t even dare to compare me to these disgusting men! Just because you saved me once, doesn’t mean that I give you the liberty to assume rubbish about myself!

I already helped you out and repaid my debt!

Second of all, sex might be exciting, but it is definitely not enticing if you want to take someone by force or have sex without your partner actually feeling like it as well! That is just lust and for people who never felt how real sex is!!”


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