Undying Warlord

Chapter 61 Death by lightning

At the end of the day, the Rian mountainside hospital was not only for dying patients, and for all kinds of rather ordinary diseases or ailments, but it was also a hospital for mentally ill people.

That was why Dilan shouldn’t have been too surprised to see the worst of the worst from mankind right in this second.

However, when looking through the VIP room, where more than ten naked women were trying their best to survive, and not be whipped to death, he was unable to keep up his cool.

“What the fuck…”

His attention was drawn to the chained 18-year-old girl, who had screamed out “Siss!!” the moment she saw Kathrine.

The eyes of the young girl were filled with tears, and her nearly malnourished body was covered with red stripes.

It looked like the young, naked man from earlier had mercilessly whipped the young girl, who seemed to be Kathrine’s sister.

At the same time, it was as if the man had been in some sort of trance because he hadn’t heard the thunderous noise of Dilan’s [Thunder Step] ability.

As such, he looked at Kathrine and Dilan with slight astonishment the moment he saw them.

Max, the young man, had been interrupted in his entertainment. This would usually lead to the death or a severe punishment to his own people, but he shockingly encountered strangers in his room of pleasure.

The toned man wielded a longsword, and blood trickled from its blade, while his eyes were ice-cold and filled with disgust.

But Max’s attention was not on the man who had stormed in, but rather on the woman beside him, whose fury seemed to have no bounds.

Yet, even then, her beauty was not marred by her facial expression that could cause terror in the hearts of weak-willed men!

A vibrant smile appeared on his face, and he turned the rest of his body as well.

His entire attention was now on the two newcomers, but mostly Kathrine. -.

Max loved her expression. It turned him on and gave him the satisfaction he had been searching for in the women he had already tortured.

His mind was high on ecstasy upon seeing nothing but hatred and anger in the eyes of a woman.

It was a great substitute for the fear, and desperation and a refreshing change from the other women who cowered in front of him.

Activating his passive ability, he pulled the katana that had been lying on the other side of the room towards his empty hand as if a piece of iron would be attracted to a magnet.

This happened in the blink of an eye, but neither Kathrine nor Dilan were interested in this.

Rather, Kathrine saw this as a signal for her to proceed with her own attack.

Electric currents manifested around both of her hands, and she was ready to burn the cruel monster of a human in his entirety like a living torch.

However, just at this moment, she felt a large hand tap her shoulder.

“Don’t shoot. Or do you want to accidentally hurt others?” Dilan suddenly asked, pulling her out of her trance.

He knew that Kathrine was unable to control her ability in the slightest.

And even if she were to be able to control it a tiny bit, the room was filled with several naked women, whose skin was already scarred, wounded and badly bruised.

That meant even the slightest brush of her lightning was enough to injure them severely.

The possibility of Kathrine accidentally killing others was simply too high.

As such, Dilan had to hold her back from acting in a fit of rage because she was currently too emotional and her senses out of control!

Dilan was having a tough time keeping his cool as well and even he wanted nothing more than to kill the young man in front of him.

This was odd as he should feel just the slightest remorse or be disgusted about himself for having killed several humans.

However, there was nothing but emptiness in his mind right at this moment.

He didn’t feel any remorse for killing these disgusting men because he could clearly sense their lust for all these women, their anger at him for killing some of their comrades, along with their incapability to hold him down and continue doing whatever they pleased.

It was a little bit weird if one were to think about it because too many men acted up like this.

However, Dilan didn’t really think right now as he let his body do whatever it wanted to.

He was just doing the same as the others, but instead of subjecting the women to humiliation like them, Dilan blasted ahead.

When he saw the devastating strength humans could obtain, Max was shocked.

In his opinion, he was the strongest, but Dilan’s Agility stat was certainly higher than his own.

Thus, Max wanted to make use of his high Strength and [Spiritual hand]; his activated ability.

Through this, he could control specific objects even at a greater distance.

His only restriction was that it was necessary for him to be able to carry the object and that he could only control one at a time.

As such, the katana was the best object he could ever wield right now.

Confident of killing Dilan at once, Max activated the [Spiritual hand] ability by enlarging his right arm using a semi-translucent membrane that held his katana tightly.

This increased the destructive capability of his attack which Max made use of as he attacked at a rapid pace.

His attack reached a terrific pace that was more than enough to pierce through every single being Max had encountered until now.

Even Dilan was slightly astonished when he realized how fast and powerful the thrust with his Katana was.

He used his ability in a quite simple, but efficient way.

However, Dilan also knew that the speed of the attack was nothing if he were to be able to use his [Thunder Step] ability, and not be weakened by 20%.

Unfortunately, this was the case, which turned to evading the attack a little hassle.

With that in mind, Dilan chose violence over using proper tactics!!

The katana that shot toward him didn’t possess any mana.

This was something one could faintly sense after having felt the familiar sensation of quite a few treasures.

Even the worst Trash treasures felt different from objects that belonged to the planet before the Primordial Ascension.

Dilan was not exactly sure how someone was able to lay their hands on a Katana inside the Rian mountainside hospital, but that was actually not important right now.

The only thing that mattered was to win against Max, without letting someone else in the room be hurt.

Because nobody was supposed to get inflicted in his fight except his opponent, evading the thrust was near impossible.

With that in mind, Dilan lifted his longsword at the perfect moment to block the attack.

Just a fraction of a second later, the Captain’s Sword began to tremble as Dilan was only holding it with one hand.

However, that was exactly what they planned, which was also the reason he couldn’t bother when the Captain’s Sword was pushed away.

The push was gentle and barely noticeable in the first moment, but it was more than enough for the Katana to slip past the longsword and pierce into Dilan’s shoulder.

The way Max wielded the weapon made Dilan realize that Max knew what he was doing and was extremely confident in his strength and skill.

In fact, Dilan would even say that his opponent had been trained in the art of Katanas, or that he had received an even better passive mastery ability than Oliver and Ailee owned!

But that was not something he could really pay any attention to because it took the Katana only a moment before it pierced into his shoulder. No sooner had that happened, Dilan moved his right hand.

Shaped like a knife, he inserted a trace of mana in the Clawed Gloves before he lashed out with it.

Merely a fraction of a second later the sound of a blade breaking apart into pieces reached every corner of the VIP patient ward.

But before the last piece of the broken Katana fell to the ground, Dilan disappeared from his earlier position.

Most women inside the room didn’t even see where Dilan had re-emerged, and they looked around in confusion as a pained groan escaped Max’s mouth.

Suddenly, Dilan had appeared right in front of Max.

His right hand moved rapidly, but everyone felt as if it was deliberately slow.

A moment later, his hand pierced through Max’s abdomen who could do nothing except exclaim in shock and pain.

It looked like Max wanted to say something, but Dilan twisted his hand within the naked man’s abdomen, mercilessly slicing through and cutting his internal organs, quieting him down.

A mere painful groan escaped his mouth, and Max’s face was drained of all color.

Blood spurted out of the big hole in Max’s abdomen, which Dilan looked at with an uninterested expression.

Dilan opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it again.

He didn’t even feel the need to say a single word to Max, not even in his last moments.

Instead, Dilan thought of something which led him to open his fist and spread out his fingers within Max’s abdomen.

This worsened the injury within the young man, even more, making him stagger and fall over Dilan’s shoulder.

Dilan merely shook his shoulders and let Max collapse. He landed right in front of Kathrine’s feet, bleeding heavily.

In seconds, a large puddle of blood would form under Max, and he was bound to die, slowly and painfully.

However, Kathrine had different plans.

She had seen the fight between the two men and realized that she would have died fighting against Max, without the use of her highly destructive ability that would have injured others.

But even then, the moment Kathrine saw the lethally injured young man in front of her, she wrinkled her nose in disgust to look at the pathetic man.

Yet, the man’s pathetic look was not enough to release the tension within Kathrine.

A single glance towards her beloved sister was more than enough to feel a tornado of anger and wrath surfacing within her.

Thus, she released all her mana within the [Lightning strike] ability at once, subconsciously altering it owing to the inserted emotions.

“Die, you piece of garbage!!!!!”

Kathrine could only scream furiously as a bolt of ginormous lightning appeared between both of her hands, slowly burning through Max’s skin and innards.

Meanwhile, his blood was boiled in a fraction of a second before it began to evaporate!


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