Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 199

Chapter 199

“Is Sejour Aren in Louiebell?” Riftan asked while lightly clasping the outstretched hand of the Archduke.

Archduke Aren’s smile faded from his lips and he nodded calmly. “He’s trying to rally the scattered allied forces to face the Troll Army.”

“How many additional reinforcements have been deployed?”

“3500 in total, including the knights.” The Archduke replied in a concise tone, then continued. “Whedon’s royal family sent 1500 troops and Balto sent 2000. As soon as they arrived, they immediately left for the battlefield.”

“Have the Holy Knights arrived?”

“The Knights of Osyria are traveling inland, so it will take them some more time before they get here.” The Archduke turned his horse and rode alongside Riftan. “Let us head to the royal castle first. We have prepared a welcoming banquet for the Remdragon Knights.”

Riftan shook his head. “I don’t intend on wasting time. We have already eaten and drank our fill on the ship. We shall stop by the central temple, prepare the ranks, and leave for Louiebell immediately.”

“Still as impatient as ever.” The Grand Duke sighed. “If that is the Sir’s wish, then I shall guide you to the central temple. “

He motioned for the Royal Knights of Livadon to follow him and the men drove their horses to follow his direction, then began to traverse the main road. The crowd paved the way for them, immediately splitting left and right to clear the road. Max and the Remdragon Knights rode their horses in an organized line. The streets were lined with rows of green fresh laurels, and crude stone buildings lined either side of the wide road made of flat stones in perfect symmetry.

They marched for quite some time before a large, open courtyard with a fountain appeared; in the middle, there was a wide stone staircase that led to the Central Temple. The Grand Duke stopped in front of the stairs and began to give a brief explanation.

“The building at the top of the stairs is the Central Temple. The sanctuary and infirmary are on the right side behind the chapel, and the guards’ post are on the left. The knights’ lodgings are located just behind the guards’ post.”

Max stared in amazement at the splendor before her. The temple exuded a certain sense of calm with its rustic yet elegant appearance. Six ivory-colored pillars stood tall to support a huge circular turquoise ceiling carved in marble. Roem’s first emperor, Darian, could be seen along Uigru, the first twelve knights and the celestial dragon, defending the men. While looking at the surprisingly detailed and delicate image, Yulyson gently approached her.

“M’lady, I’ll help you descend from your horse.”

Max hurriedly lowered her gaze. Soon, Riftan and the Remdragon Knights got off their horses and headed towards the stairs. She also swiftly came down from Rem with the help of Yulysion. As she followed the men who were heading to the stairs, priests in monastic robes appeared out of the temple. The knights then entrusted their horses to them and went inside the temple. Max stroked Rem to calm the horse, who was unfamiliar with the surroundings then handed the reins to one of the priests. Afterwards, she walked into the temple’s entrance.

Livadon’s temple exuded a sensual atmosphere, so unlike the church buildings in Whedon. The temple’s arched ceilings were covered in ancient paintings and colorful rays poured out of the stained glasses that filled the huge windows. The priests’ robes were also far from pretentious, they were made of stiff dark brown cloth that reached their toes with a twisted rope as a belt.

An elderly man, who seemed to have the highest authority among the priests, stepped towards Riftan and Archduke Aren.

“Welcome to the Lord’s resting place.”

“These precious guests came from Whedon to aid Livadon. Will you allow them to stay in the temple until they leave for Louiebell?”

As the Archduke spoke, the elderly priest’s pale blue eyes flew towards Riftan and the Remdragon knights.

“Of course, I shall tend to them with hospitality. Please tell me if you need anything.”

“We won’t be staying for long. We shall leave immediately once we have gathered enough supplies and armory, we’ll also be needing a high priest who could accompany us on our journey to Louiebell.”

The old priest, who was looking into Riftan’s eyes, nodded slowly and whispered an instruction to the priest standing on his right. The priest who received the instructions immediately left the line to do the tasks.

“I shall immediately call for two high priests. We shall also provide the supplies you will be needing.”

“We’ll help prepare and replenish your weapons and armory. Three hundred elite knights of Livadon are to accompany the Remdragon Knights.” Archduke Aren declared and pointed to the line of knights who stood outside of the temple. “Leave the preparations to us, the guests shall rest and relax until everything is ready for departure.”

As soon as they finished exchanging words, the priests split into two groups to guide the knights. They passed through the arched doors, then through a cast garden doused in sunlight and through an orchard densely populated with pomegranate trees. A grayish white building, surrounded by beautiful cypress trees, soon appeared before the stone paths. The knights followed the priest and entered the building that had a cozy atmosphere. Before them appeared a large two-story hall that could accommodate at least 800 people.

“This is where pilgrims come to rest. We will prepare a meal right away, please rest comfortably in the meantime.”

When the priests left, the knights let out a long sigh as they slumped on the thick padded chairs or opened the even partitions and laid out cots. The apprentices ran hurriedly towards them to help them remove their armor, all while looking curiously around the room. Max also wandered her eyes, looking at the paintings on the wall and the intricate carvings on the pillars. She was only pulled out from her daze when Riftan called out to her. He was sitting across the Archduke on a long table, waving his hand at her.

“Maxi, come here.” He beckoned her.

She hesitated for a moment then walked towards him. The Archduke’s curious brown eyes flew to her. Riftan placed his large hand on her small back, as if claiming her as his own, and spoke.

“This is my wife, Maximillian. I would like to ask a favor from the Archduke, to take care of her in my absence.”

“Your wife?”

The man exclaimed as he gawked at her to the point that it embarrassed Max. She struggled not to hunch her shoulders, then the man stoked his neatly arranged beard and tilted his head to the side in disbelief.

“Of course, I will do my best to ensure her safety and comfort, but I don’t understand... Why did you bring your wife on such a dangerous expedition?”

“Lady Calypse is an excellent healer.” Hebaron, who was hunched over in his chair at the end of the table sipping wine, chimed in. “Since the wizard of Remdragon was sent with the troop that went before us, Lady Calypse had no choice but to take his place.”

“... I see.” The Grand Duke’s face softened as he looked at her. “It must have been very difficult to come along all this way. I will arrange a place in the royal castle for the Lady right away so she can live comfortably.”

“I intend for her to stay in the monastery.” Riftan immediately corrected him. “I heard that there are plenty of Livadon’s noble ladies who are currently staying in Levan’s great temple. Could you arrange for her to stay there?”

“That wouldn’t be difficult for me to do... but wouldn’t it be better for her to stay in the castle?”

“I don’t want my wife to get involved in any political matter.”

Riftan’s statement could be interpreted as rude, especially when the person he was addressing was an Archduke, but all Max could do was stiffen at the impudence of her husband’s attitude and stare at the man; however, he simply burst out laughing, not in the least offended.

“I heard that Elnuma Reuben III is keeping an eye on you right now. Are you worried that having your wife stay with the royal family at Livadon will fuel his distrust?”

“There’s no guarantee that she wouldn’t be approached with ulterior motives if she stays in the castle.”

“...I suppose.” The Archduke sighed, and his short, dark brown mustache fluttered slightly. “Considering your current position, it would certainly be best if you stayed at the monastery. I understand, I shall ask the High Priest to take you in.”

Max straightened her sitting posture, holding Riftan’s hand under the table, while her fate was being decided upon. Feeling her touch, he gazed down at her anxious face and clasped her hand tightly. The Archduke quickly briefed them on the situation in Louiebell before leaving them to supervise the preparations.

After a while, the priests entered with baskets filled with all kinds of food, wine and fresh fruits. Max sat with a grim expression as she ate her last meal together with the knights. Even the men around her were more tense than usual as they calmly discussed the itinerary for the next few days.

She longed for some time to spend with Riftan and to bid farewell properly, but he was also busy discussing with the knights, so she didn’t dare bother. Then, the knights of Livadon came to inform them that the preparations for the battle had now finished.

“Wagons filled with food and weapons are ready, and are standing by the square.”

“And the priests?”

“There are two high-ranking priests ready to leave.”

Riftan and the knights immediately wore their armors back on. Every move they made felt like a shovel digging into her heart. She knew it would be painful to let him go, but the reality was much more difficult than she had imagined. Unable to say goodbye to the knights, much less Riftan, Max stood there like a honey-fed mule and watched them leave the temple. Riftan stood in the doorway, speaking to Archduke Aren, then turned to her.

“Maxi, the Archduke will introduce you to the High Priest. Come.”

Max followed him out and, after crossing the garden and into the main temple again, she saw a middle-aged priest with curly grayish blonde hair waiting for them. He bent his knees stiffly in a curtsy to show proper due respect.

“I am Ma-Maximillian... Calypse.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you. This faithful servant of the Lord is Shem Mordecai, I have been told that you will stay with us for a while. Please make yourself at home.”

“Please take good care of my wife.” Riftan bowed his head politely toward the priest.

Max’s heart felt like freezing to the corner of her chest. Are we saying goodbye here?

Then, he straightened up and turned to her. “If any problem arises, let Archduke Aren know. He’ll take care of it for you while I’m away.”

Max couldn’t answer, she pursed her trembling lips. Riftan looked down at her silently, his face remained impassive and cold, like steel armor, devoid of any emotion.

“Take care.”

Note – Nymeria: What?! That’s it?? Dude, you won’t see her for god knows how long, say goodbye properly!! I hope next chapter he will :C


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