Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 198

Chapter 198

The knights who were leaning against the railings all applauded after the performance. Even Max clapped her hands and praised the sailor.

“It was a p-pleasing performance. But compared to the song I heard back in the festival...I think it’s a little different.”

“The lyrics and verses of Adelian’s poetry slightly vary from region to region. That was the second verse of the song that originated from Gillian, the capital of Roem. Didn’t the lady find the lyrics to her liking?”

Max quickly shook her head. “It was a very... beautiful song.”

“I’m glad the Lady says she enjoyed it.”

The sailor’s mouth widened into a gleeful smile. He placed an arm in front of his belly and bowed politely. Riftan, who was silently sipping his soup next to Max, searched his pockets and threw a denar at the sailor.

“It’s a reward for making my wife happy. Whenever you have spare time, play her the songs she requests to hear.”

“It will be a pleasure.”

The sailor smiled, delighted at the generous reward that is a gold coin. Riftan set his empty bowl aside, then urged Max to finish hers as well. When she finished her stew, the pale glow of dawn was approaching. She watched the silvery white rays of sun that shone over the dark blue sea, then Riftan escorted her back to their room. He stood by the doorway and gently caressed her cheek.

“Get some more sleep. We’ll get out of the dangerous waters at noon.”

“Riftan... are you not tired?”

A faint smile was seen on Riftan’s lips at Max’s worried expression. “This is nothing. Don’t worry about me and be at ease.”

Then, he lowered his head to place a kiss on her forehead and closed the door. Max smiled bitterly. Riftan didn’t seem to be aware that it was impossible for her to do what he says, to not care about him and put her feelings at ease. Max trudged to the porthole and gazed out at the turbulent sea. The ship sailed forward vigorously through the waves and for a long time, only the sounds of the waves were heard amidst the suffocating silence. Soon, the towering rocks that were dimly seen at the other side of the sea grew out of sight.

When they had sailed completely out of the Siren’s territories, the weary sailors descended from the deck to eat and sleep properly. The knights also removed their armors and went to rest. Only Riftan climbed up on the bridge, discussed with the captain of the ship, and held his vigilance. The sun was already setting when he finally returned to the room to take off his armor and eat a proper meal.

“The captain said that by tomorrow morning at the latest, we will be able to reach the banks of the Crisamt River. Then, we’ll reach Levan after sailing through the river for half a day.”

Max’s eyes widened, her heart beating loudly and sinking at the same time. Riftan gulped down some ale and continued to speak in a blunt tone.

“It was a usually bustling and noisy city, but the situation may not be as pleasant, as these days there’s a possibility that an army of trolls would lurk to strike their heads. Don’t mind it if people seem to appear a little wary.”

“Is it possible for dangerous situations to ha-happen... in the capital?”

“That will never happen.” He finished the meal set on the table in an instant and asserted coldly as he munched on an apple. “The monsters won’t travel further south. We will reclaim the castle they have captured and rescue the expedition team that went before us. You will stay in the monastery for only a few months.”

He threw the apple seed out of the ship and licked the fruit’s juice off his fingers. Although he appeared like a relaxed tiger resting on top of a rock, there was a determined glint in his eyes. “I will put an end to this war before the wind season arrives and take you back to Anatol. You’ll only have to wait for a little more.”

Max felt her heart pounding loudly against her chest and her throat tightening. The fire season had barely begun and even Riftan, who was usually confident, expected the battle to last at least months. She licked her parched lips, then Riftan pulled her to his lap and embraced her. She was trembling with the fear of their upcoming separation and burrowed herself deeply into his arms, like a child who had just woken up from a nightmare.

She couldn’t let it sink in that tomorrow he would go away from her. Max wrapped her arms around his neck, embracing him tightly enough to the point that it strained their breathing. Riftan took a deep breath and buried his face in her hair. Then her nape, which was cold in the night air, suddenly heated up from Riftan’s hot breath. Max muttered in a trembling voice against his shoulder.

“You must... hu-hurry and come back to me.”

“...I will.”

Riftan’s body also faintly trembled, he enclosed her in his arms and laid her against the bed. Max gazed up at him, her eyes shaking as she felt her blood rushing quickly. Riftan caressed her mounds over her thin robe and spread feathery kisses on her temples down to her nape. His damp lips wandered in the dip of her collarbones, then moved to the valley between her breasts. He lifted his head and captured her lips with his and Max closed her eyes, lost in the heat that made her feel like it was melting her whole being.


The next day, Max woke up to the sound of the seabirds. She rose from her bed, approached the porthole, and looked out to see birds soaring over the glimmering waters, flapping their wings. She was staring dazed at them, when Riftan also woke up and stood from the bed to follow and embrace her from behind.

“What are you looking at so interestingly?”

“I heard the sound of b-birds. There have been no s-seabirds in sight... until now.”

“Birds are usually only seen when it’s near land. Rarely do they fly out to the middle of the sea.” Riftan traced the bridge of his nose against Max’s nape and gazed out at the sea with his dark eyes. A weak sigh escaped from between his lips. “It seems like we’ll reach our destination earlier than we have planned to. We must prepare to board off the ship.”

He then slowly pulled his body away from hers. Max used all of her self-control to keep herself from clinging onto him. They washed their bodies in silence with the clean water brought by one of the servants and changed into tidy clothes. As always, Riftan took care of putting his armor on his own and went out of the room, Max then followed shortly after and went up to the deck. As Riftan had said, land then began to slowly appear from the far edge of the horizon.

“All sailors, go down and man the oars!”

At the captain’s command, the sailors rushed down the stairs to the oars. Soon, the ship cautiously approached the land, avoiding reefs as it drew closer inland. Shortly after advancing through the rocky interior, a wide triangular estuary linking the emerald waters of Crisamt River and the West Sea came to sight. The sailors pulled up the sails and tightened the ropes, then rowed vigorously up the river. The knights who were dressed in full armor went down to the stables to place saddles on the horses and load their luggage. Yulysion and Garrow took Max’s luggage and placed a saddle on Rem.

Max looked intently at the few cabins and other ferries lined up along the riverbank amidst the intense shaking and rocking, consequences of navigating through the river. Waterfowls were plunging their heads into the wide river to snatch a fish, before flying back into the sky. She also saw small merchant ships passing by, loaded with plentiful goods. As they sailed upriver, the number of ships and boats increased and soon a large pier lined with huge ships appeared. Placing a hand on the railing, Riftan spoke.

“That’s Levan, the capital of Livadon.”

Max stared at the huge harbor in amazement. There were dozens of giant ships and tall white buildings stacked evenly throughout the city. It would be unfair to simply call Livadon a neighboring country when the sheer exotic atmosphere exuded from its appearance. All of Levan’s buildings were either square or vaulted, completely straying away from the traditional architectural style of ancient Roem, whose building roofs were pointed into spires. The buildings in Levan were also incredibly pure white.

“That is the monastery where you will be staying.”

Riftan pointed to the huge temple perched beside a mountain. Looking at the white structure surrounded by ivory pillars with a curious gaze, it appeared completely different from what Max had expected. Just the outside alone was different from the desolate, restricted monasteries she knew.

“I-Instead of a monastery... it looks more like an a-ancient temple...”

“As you can see, all the buildings follow the pre-Roem era style. This is because Livadon preserved the ancient era architectural designs and lifestyles. Most of the country, except for the northern regions, follows the Protestant doctrine.” It wasn’t surprising that Riftan knew so much history given the amount of time he spent in Livadon as a mercenary. “It’s not as restrictive as you think, the people are much more free-spirited here.”

Max felt a little relieved. Ever since she was a child, she had been educated harshly by a cold priest, who was adamant about the doctrines of the Catholic Church, so she secretly worried about staying in a monastery where the lifestyle is usually strict.

As their ship drew closer to the harbor, the sailors ran busily around the deck, tossing out thick ropes, lowering the anchors and tying the ship tightly to the dock. Seeing Whedon’s flag fluttering in the wind, a curious crowd gathered near their ship. The sailors quickly lowered the gangplank and fixed the sturdy board firmly to the ground, before the knights led their horses down in a single file.

As soon as the people of Livadon realized that the strongest knight in the world had come to rescue Livadon from the crisis, they began to chant loudly in unison.

“Rossem Uigru de Calypse!”

The warm welcome was extremely enthusiastic, so Max’s worry of needing to be vigilant was washed away. She climbed onto Rem and followed the knights through the overwhelming crowd. Riftan’s strong aura emanated immensely as he led the knights at the forefront. His strong, masculine perched face, on top of his large black horse, gave off an authoritative air as he looked straight ahead, something that nobles could only wish to possess. Paired with his broad, powerful shoulders and long, thick legs that were in perfect control of his warhorse, he radiated a restrained power.

The people of Livadon, who gathered around the harbor to see the knight who vanquished the dragon, seemed completely enchanted by him. Wherever the Remdragon Knights passed, they showered them with colorful flowers and waved their white handkerchiefs enthusiastically.

“You persevered and came all this way, Whedon’s strongest knight, Sir Riftan Calypse. Thank you for coming to Livadon’s aid.”

Knights bearing the seal and white flag of the Livadon royal family approached after they passed through the main road and marched to get to the great hall. Max poked her head from behind and saw about thirty knights, clad in silver-gray armor, standing in the middle of the boulevard. And at the head, a middle-aged man greeted them atop a reddish-brown warhorse. Riftan moved towards him and spoke bluntly.

“... It’s been a while, Grand Duke Druick Aren.”

The Grand Duke gave him a wide smile and his formal tone immediately changed as if he was addressing an old friend.

“I’m honored that you remember my name. It’s been six years... no, another year has already passed...so it has been seven years since you gave my younger brother a good beating.”

Max started sweating profusely at the nobleman’s words. She wondered if this nobleman had hostility towards Riftan. However, contrary to her concern, the man simply led his horse to Riftan’s side, and with a friendly smile, extended his hand towards Riftan.

“I heard that you’ve become greater of a knight than you already were back then. It’s surprising how manly you have become. Sejour will surely become furious once he discovers your physique has grown more significant than his.”

Note – Nymeria: Such a bittersweet chapter T.T I don’t want my Riftan boi to go! I know we held a grudge against him a bunch of chapters ago, but now I just don’t want him to leave ç_ç


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