Ultimate Choice System: I Became The Richest!

Chapter 6: Cafeteria

Chapter 6: Cafeteria

Noah also left the class a few seconds after everyone left because he was digesting the influx of information he received from the 'Basic Fighting skill'.

The bell rang, signalling the start of lunch break.

As he walked through the bustling halls, he spotted his best friend, Aiden, whom he calls "Fatty." Aiden was a bit on the heavier side, but he had a heart of gold and was always ready with a joke or a helping hand.

"Noah! Over here!" Aiden called out, waving enthusiastically.

Noah grinned and made his way over. "Hey, Fatty. Ready to grab some lunch?"

Aiden raised an eyebrow in mock surprise. "You? Eating in the cafeteria? Since when?"

Noah chuckled, realizing how much his life had changed in just a day. "Since today. Let's just say things are looking up."

The two friends made their way to the cafeteria, where the scent of various foods wafted through the air, making Noah's stomach growl in anticipation.

He had always skipped lunch at school, opting to wait until he got home to eat something small. But now it was different, he could not just skip school lunch when he has a Lambo waiting in the parking lot right?

They reached the counter, and Noah scanned the menu before deciding on the most delicious meal he could find—something he had only dreamed of eating at school before. He quickly placed his order, feeling a rush of satisfaction as the cafeteria worker handed him a tray loaded with hot, savoury food.

Aiden, who had also ordered a hefty meal, looked at Noah with a mix of curiosity and amusement. "What's the occasion? Did you win the lottery or something?"

Noah smirked as they carried their trays to an empty table. "Maybe I did. Or maybe I just got tired of surviving on air."

Aiden chuckled, shaking his head as they sat down. "Well, it's about time you joined the land of the living. Welcome to the world of actual food."

As they dug into their meals, Aiden suddenly started making exaggerated noises, trying to catch Noah's attention. "Psst, Noah, look behind you!" he whispered urgently, his eyes wide with excitement. "It's Lily, the Ice Queen. Dude, she's way too beautiful to be a high schooler. How are you so lucky to sit next to her every day?"

Noah, still chewing his food, turned his head slightly to see Lily entering the cafeteria, her usual composed expression in place as she gracefully moved toward a table. He could see why Aiden was so worked up; Lily had a presence that was hard to ignore, and her cold beauty only added to the mystique that surrounded her.

Noah shrugged, "Yeah, well, sitting next to her is one thing. Actually talking to her is another."

Aiden shook his head, still staring in Lily's direction. "Man, if I had your seat, I'd at least try to melt that icy exterior. You never know—maybe she's not as cold as she looks."

Noah chuckled, returning his attention to his meal. "Yeah, good luck with that. She doesn't seem like the type who's interested in small talk."

Aiden sighed dramatically, finally turning back to his food. "Still, you're living the dream, Noah. Sitting next to the smartest and most beautiful girl in school. Some guys have all the luck."

As they continued eating, Noah glanced over at Aiden and asked, "So, how are you feeling about the exams? Think you're ready?"

Aiden shrugged, his mouth full of food. "Most of the topics are fine, but physics and chemistry? Man, those are giving me a real headache. I just can't wrap my head around some of those concepts."

Noah considered this for a moment before offering, "Want me to help? I could go over some of the material with you."

Aiden paused mid-bite, looking at Noah with raised eyebrows. "Help me with carrying the books? No thanks, I've got that part covered," he said with a smirk, clearly not taking the offer seriously. He chuckled and shook his head, "But thanks for the offer, buddy. I think I'll just have to survive those subjects on my own."

Noah grinned, hiding the fact that he could easily help now, thanks to the Ultimate Choice System.

"Well, the mock exams are soon. He will find out then, I wonder what his reaction will be. heh" thought Aiden, with a grin on his face.

Aiden, noticing the grin, suddenly widened his eyes in mock fear. He leaned back slightly, holding up his hands in a playful gesture of surrender. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, what's with that evil grin, Noah? Are you plotting something? Should I be scared? If you're planning to ace the exams and leave me in the dust, just remember—I'm fragile!"

Noah laughed, shaking his head. "Relax, Fatty. I'm not plotting anything... yet."

Aiden let out an exaggerated sigh of relief, clutching his chest dramatically. "Phew! You had me worried for a second there. Just don't go becoming a genius overnight and making the rest of us look bad, alright?"

Noah chuckled, giving his friend a reassuring pat on the back. "No promises, but I'll try not to outshine you too much."

After finishing their lunch, Noah and Aiden headed to their next class, which they had together: History. As they settled into their seats, the teacher, Ms. Harper, began her lesson.

"Today, we're diving into the Treaty of Arvon. This was a pivotal moment in the 18th century when two rival kingdoms, Arvon and Beltrane, signed an agreement that ended a decade-long war. The treaty included several key provisions that shaped the political landscape of Europe at the time..."

As Ms. Harper continued her lecture, her voice droned on in a steady, almost soothing rhythm. For most students, it was engaging enough, but for Noah, history had always been his weakest subject. He found it hard to stay awake in this class, and today was no different. The combination of a full stomach and the teacher's monotonous tone was like a lullaby, lulling him into a drowsy state.

Despite Aiden's subtle nudges and whispered attempts to keep Noah awake, his eyelids grew heavy, and before he knew it, he had drifted off to sleep.

Ms. Harper, noticing Noah's head drooping, frowned. Her eyes narrowed, and she called out sharply, "Noah!"

Noah jolted awake, his heart racing as he realized he had dozed off. The entire class turned to look at him, some stifling laughter, others just curious to see what would happen next.

Ms. Harper, clearly displeased, pointed to the board where she had written details about the Treaty of Arvon. "Since you seem so well-rested, perhaps you can explain the significance of the Treaty of Arvon and its impact on European history?"

Noah blinked, still groggy, but as he glanced at the board, he quickly understood what she was talking about as it was part of the 'All-rounder Highshool knowledge skill'.

He took a deep breath and stood up, his voice steady and confident. "The Treaty of Arvon was significant because it marked the end of a long-standing conflict between the kingdoms of Arvon and Beltrane."

"The key provisions of the treaty included the exchange of territories, the establishment of a neutral zone to prevent future conflicts, and an agreement on trade routes that benefited both kingdoms."

"This treaty not only brought peace to the region but also set the stage for the eventual unification of smaller states under a single banner, leading to the creation of what we now know as the United European Kingdom."

The classroom fell silent, and Ms. Harper stared at Noah, her expression a mix of surprise and disbelief. The rest of the class was equally stunned, including Aiden, who had been certain that Noah would get into trouble for sleeping.

Ms. Harper finally found her voice, her tone softer now, "That... that's correct, Noah. Very well done."

Noah sat back down, feeling a wave of satisfaction wash over him. The entire class was still staring at him, most with their mouths slightly open in shock. Even Aiden, who was rarely speechless, could only manage a dumbfounded look.

Aiden stared at Noah, wide-eyed and completely shocked. He leaned closer and whispered, "Already?"

Noah gave him a confused look. "Already what?"

Aiden, still processing what had just happened, glanced between Noah and the board, then back to Noah's calm expression. Suddenly, it clicked for Noah.

Aiden was remembering their earlier conversation at lunch, when he had joked, "Phew! You had me worried for a second there. Just don't go becoming a genius overnight and making the rest of us look bad, alright?"

Noah smirked, suppressing a chuckle. "I guess I didn't need a whole night after all."

Aiden shook his head in disbelief, still trying to comprehend the sudden change in his friend. "Unreal, man... Just unreal."

With a slightly embarrassed look on his face, Aiden glanced at Noah and said, "So... Is the offer for science still available?"

Noah couldn't help but laugh at Aiden's hopeful expression. "No."

Aiden's face instantly fell, his expression turning comically sad as if dark clouds had appeared above his head. "Man, you're cruel," he muttered, looking utterly defeated.

Noah chuckled, clapping Aiden on the back. "I'm just messing with you. Of course, I'll help you."

Aiden's face lit up immediately, the imaginary clouds disappearing as quickly as they'd appeared. "Thanks, man. You had me there for a second. The books of biology, chemistry and physics have been feeling too heavy for me."

Looking at Aiden's smug face. Noah couldn't help but say.


"I'm joking! please help me with science. Thanks!" replied Aiden immediately, seeing that Noah was about to beat him up.


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