Ultimate Choice System: I Became The Richest!

Chapter 5: Lily

Chapter 5: Lily

Noah returned to his seat, feeling the weight of the class's stunned silence as he walked. Whispers rippled through the room, most of them filled with disbelief and envy. The student who had earlier mocked him leaned over to his friend, still sceptical. "He's just writing random equations, right? There's no way Noah could actually solve that."

But the murmurs of doubt were quickly overshadowed by Ms. Elara's words of praise. "Excellent work, Noah," she said, her voice filled with genuine admiration. "You've demonstrated an impressive understanding of the material. Well done."

As Noah sat back down, the stares from his classmates were intense, a mixture of shock and envy. For someone who had been struggling academically, his sudden display of brilliance was nothing short of miraculous. Some of the students, particularly the boys, glared at him with newfound competitiveness, while others exchanged looks of disbelief.

Yet, among the sea of reactions, there was one person who remained unchanged—his deskmate, Lily. Known as the "Cold Beauty," Lily was a girl who rarely showed emotion, her icy demeanor and striking appearance earning her a place as one of the four high school beauties.

With her long blue, flowing hair, sharp features, and calm collected aura, she exuded a quiet confidence that intimidated most of her peers.

Lily was also the top student in the class, her academic prowess only adding to her mystique. Despite being the smartest, she never flaunted her intelligence, preferring to keep to herself. Few dared to approach her.

As Noah sat down, he felt the weight of Lily's gaze on him. Unlike the others, her expression was unreadable—neither impressed nor dismissive, just...observant. She studied him for a moment, her eyes cool and calculating, as if trying to decipher the sudden change in him.

But then, as quickly as she had looked at him, she turned her attention back to her notebook, her face impassive as ever. It was as if nothing had happened, and Noah was just another student in the room.

However, Noah couldn't help but notice that Lily's brief glance carried more weight than all the other stares combined.

As the bell rang, signalling the end of class, students began gathering their belongings and heading toward their next class.

Noah was still seated, feeling the lingering stares from his classmates as they filed out. He glanced over at Lily, who was calmly packing her bags, her expression as unreadable as ever.

Just as Noah was about to gather his things, Layla approached his desk. Her face was a mix of annoyance and something else—perhaps guilt or discomfort.

"Noah," she began, her tone flat, "I want to break up with you. Not that we've done anything more than talk or hold hands." She continued, trying to stop Noah from begging her not to. "This is fina—"

[Ding! Choice initiated, Please choose carefully]

Option 1: Remain silent. [ Gain $10,000 Reward]

Option 2: Beg her to not break up [ -10 Charm]

Option 3: Humilliate her [Charm +10, Beginner fighting skill and $50,000]

Noah silently chose Option 3, without much thought.

[Rewards Granted!]

[Charm Increased, Beginner Fighting Skill Rewarded]

[Ding! $50,000 was Rewarded to the Bank account ending in xx04. Current Balance $59,025]

Before she could finish her sentence, Noah interrupted with a smirk, "Who said we were in a relationship to begin with?"

Layla blinked, caught off guard. "What? But we—"

Noah leaned back in his chair, feigning deep thought. "I mean, if talking and holding hands is all it takes, then I must be in a relationship with my math textbook too. We've been really close lately—spending long nights together and everything."

Lily, who had been quietly packing her bag, paused for a moment. Though her expression remained neutral, Noah thought he saw the tiniest hint of amusement in her eyes.

Layla, now visibly flustered, struggled to find a retort. "That's not what I—"

Noah held up a hand, cutting her off again. "Don't worry, Layla. You're officially free to pursue more... academic endeavours. Good luck with Mark and those thrilling study sessions. I hear quadratic equations really bring people closer."

A few students who were still lingering in the classroom couldn't help but snicker at Noah's playful tone. Layla, now red-faced and clearly irritated, turned on her heel and hurried out of the room, leaving Noah with a satisfied grin.

Lily, who had finally finished packing, glanced at Noah as she stood up. "Interesting response," she murmured, her voice as cool as ever.

Noah shrugged his grin still in place. "Just thought it was time to redefine what 'dating' really means."

Lily gave a small nod before heading toward the door, leaving Noah with a feeling that, for the first time in a long while, he was starting to enjoy high school in ways he hadn't expected.

As she walked away, a stray thought flickered through Lily's mind.

"He seemed more handsome for some reason... "

The thought caught her off guard, and she quickly pushed it aside, mentally chastising herself.

"Focus on your studies, Lily!" she muttered under her breath, giving herself a quick pep talk as she exited the classroom. No distractions—especially not the kind that came with a smirk and a sharp tongue.


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