Ultimate Choice System: I Became The Richest!

Chapter 3: Breaking Up

Chapter 3: Breaking Up

Noah arrived home as twilight settled over Birmingham. The comforting aroma of his mother's cooking filled the air as he stepped inside, greeted by the familiar, worn charm of their modest home. He followed the sounds of conversation to the dining room, where his family was gathered around the small table.

Caroline was busy serving dinner, a hearty stew accompanied by fresh bread. David, his father, sat at the table, looking utterly exhausted. The lines on his face were deeper than usual, and his posture was slumped, a testament to the gruelling hours he endured at work.

"Evening, Noah," David greeted, his voice rough from fatigue but tinged with warmth.

"Hi, Dad," Noah replied, taking his seat with a mixture of relief and concern. "How was work today?"

David sighed heavily, his shoulders sagging further. "Long day. We had a lot of orders to fill. I'm just glad to be home."

"Yea Dad, I missed you stupid orders need to go away," said Emily, as she pouted cutely.

Everyone laughed momentarily at her reaction.

Caroline placed a steaming bowl of stew in front of Noah and sat down beside him. "How was your day, dear?" she asked, her eyes filled with motherly concern as she served herself.

Noah tried to keep his tone light despite his preoccupation. "It was okay. Layla and I broke up officially today. We decided it was best to focus on our studies. Things have been a bit hectic, and we felt it was the right decision."

The mention of the breakup brought a noticeable shift in the atmosphere. David and Caroline exchanged concerned glances. "I'm sorry to hear that," Caroline said gently. "But maybe it's for the best if it helps you both focus on your studies."

David nodded, though his face was etched with concern. "Sometimes these things are necessary. Focus on your studies now, and everything else will fall into place."

"Yah Noah, Don't worry about this Layla girl. I never liked her from the beginning to be honest with you, she always seemed like a vermin to me." said Emily, as she acted like she was whispering in Noah's ears, although everyone on the table heard her.

"Emily! That's not nice. Say sorry to your brother now." said Caroline, with a heavy tone.

"It's okay Mom, leave her. hahaha" said Noah, as he ruffled Emily's hair.

Emily just pouted at her mom, "Hmph!".

The conversation continued on lighter topics as they ate, but Noah's thoughts were occupied with the evening's events and his father's weary state.

The sight of his dad, struggling under the weight of his long hours and worsening health, deepened Noah's resolve.

He knew he had to make a change, and the Ultimate Choice System had given him an opportunity to do just that.

As he watched his father's tired eyes, he vowed to use this chance to improve his family's situation and ensure they would no longer live under such burdens.

After dinner, Noah excused himself and went upstairs to shower. The hot water was a welcome relief as he washed away the day's stress.

The bathroom mirror fogged up, but as the steam dissipated, Noah's reflection came into view.

He looked at himself, noting his handsome features—chiselled jawline, dark tousled hair, and intense blue eyes. Despite the good looks, the fatigue was evident, and the weight of his responsibilities was etched into his expression.

Noah took a deep breath, resolving to make the most of the opportunity the Ultimate Choice System had provided.

He was determined to turn things around and ensure a better future for his family. He promised himself that soon, their lives would change for the better.

Finished with his shower, he brushed his teeth, changed into his pyjamas, and climbed into bed. The exhaustion from the day began to catch up with him, and he closed his eyes, letting sleep take over.

Next Day...

Noah awoke to the harsh reality of an early morning. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes, shaking off the drowsiness.

The previous day's events felt like a distant memory as he prepared for the routine of a new day.

He slipped out of bed and shuffled to the bathroom. A quick brush of his teeth and a splash of cold water on his face helped him shake off the lingering drowsiness. After dressing in his worn school uniform, he made his way downstairs.

The kitchen was bathed in the soft, yellow glow of morning light. Caroline was already up, preparing breakfast—cornflakes with milk, the family's usual fare.

The simplicity of the meal was a stark reminder of their financial struggles, but Noah was used to it. David sat at the table, nursing a cup of tea, while little Emily, his cheerful eight-year-old sister with her bright ponytail and sparkling eyes, eagerly awaited her breakfast.

"Morning, everyone," Noah said, taking his seat at the table. Emily looked up at him with a wide smile, her ponytail bouncing as she nodded in greeting.

"Morning, Noah," Caroline responded with a warm smile. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah, thanks, Mom," Noah replied, grabbing a bowl and pouring some cornflakes into it. "I'll drop Emily off at school and then head to mine."

David looked up from his tea, his face slightly more relaxed than the previous evening. "Be careful out there. And remember your mother and I are always proud of you, no matter what."

"Thanks, Dad," Noah said, his heart warmed by the supportive words. He knew his parents' sacrifices were immense, and he wanted to repay them.

After breakfast, Noah helped Emily with her little backpack. The morning air was crisp as they walked together toward her school, which was conveniently close to his own. Emily chattered excitedly about her day, her ponytail swaying with every enthusiastic gesture.

At the school gates, Emily hugged Noah tightly before skipping off to join her friends. Noah watched her for a moment, a smile tugging at his lips. She was the light of his life, and her happiness meant everything to him.

With a final wave, Noah turned and made his way to his own school. The familiar route felt comforting, even amidst the uncertainty of his current situation.

Noah entered the school pushing aside the remnants of fatigue. As he made his way to his first class, he couldn't help but anticipate the hour of mathematics.

It wasn't the subject itself that made it a favourite among the students; it was the teacher who made the class so special.

Miss Elara, their mathematics teacher, was universally adored. Her striking beauty, combined with her sharp intellect and genuine warmth, made her a standout presence in the classroom.

No student dared to disobey her; her charisma and kindness commanded respect effortlessly.

As Noah approached the math classroom, he noticed it was unusually quiet. The hallways were empty, and the classroom door was ajar.

Stepping inside, he saw that Ms. Elara was already there, arranging some papers on her desk. She looked up, her piercing green eyes meeting his with a look of concern.

"Good morning, Noah," she said, her voice soft but filled with a noticeable tone of worry. "You're early today."

"Morning, Ms. Elara," Noah replied, offering a sheepish smile. He was caught off guard by her early presence. "I guess I just got here sooner than I thought."

Ms. Elara's expression grew serious as she closed the distance between them. "Noah, I've been meaning to talk to you. I've noticed that your grades have been slipping with every exam. I know you've been going through a lot lately, and I'm genuinely concerned for you."

Noah shifted uncomfortably, his gaze dropping to the floor. "I've been trying my best, but it's been hard balancing everything. My family... we're struggling, and it's been taking a toll on me."

Ms. Elara nodded, her eyes filled with empathy. "I understand that your situation is challenging, and I don't want to add more pressure. But you need to focus on your studies. Right now, your education is crucial, and it's important to set aside distractions, including personal matters like relationships."

Her words were gentle but firm, and Noah felt a pang of disappointment. He had realised that too late, but it was fine. He has the system now after all.

"I'll do my best, Ms. Elara," he said quietly, meeting her gaze. "I appreciate your concern. I will prove to you by getting the first in the next mock exam."

He knew that the system was going to help him in everything, so he made a bold statement.

Ms. Elara offered a reassuring smile, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I know you're capable of great things, Noah. Just remember that you have support here. Don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it. We all want to see you succeed."

Although Ms. Elara said that, she didn't believe that Noah would get such things. But she didn't want to break his determination so she encouraged him.

As time went by...

The class was filled, and one of the students was Layla.


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