Ultimate Choice System: I Became The Richest!

Chapter 2: Ultimate Choice System

Chapter 2: Ultimate Choice System

Noah stepped into the house, feeling the stark contrast between the opulent interior and his own modest home.

The walls were adorned with tasteful art, and the scent of something floral lingered in the air, a far cry from the utilitarian feel of his kitchen.

Layla's mother smiled warmly before pointing towards the staircase.

"It's the first room on the floor above," she said. "I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything."

Noah thanked her and made his way up the stairs, excitement mingling with a sense of nervous anticipation. He reached the door to Layla's room, but as he approached, he began to hear strange, unsettling sounds coming from inside. His heart pounded harder with each step.

As he reached the door, he recognized the sounds of Layla's voice, mixed with what he could only describe as distressing noises.

A cold realization struck him, connecting the dots in a way that made his blood run cold. She was with someone else.

Anger surged through him like a tidal wave. He had worked tirelessly for weeks to afford this small gift, sacrificing so much just to make her happy. And this was how he was repaid? The sense of betrayal was almost unbearable.

He was on the verge of bursting into the room to confront her when a robotic voice suddenly echoed in his mind, freezing him in place.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host binding the Ultimate Choice System!]

Noah's eyes widened as the voice continued, presenting him with a series of options:

Option 1: Enter the room, she will kick you out with a green hat on your head. [$100 Reward and a green hat]

Option 2: Leave like you did not hear anything, and break up with her. [Rolls Royce Phantom and Basic-Driving Skill Reward]

Option 3: Marry her mom. [Lamborghini Aventador SVJ, Intermediate-Driving Skill and 10,000$ Reward]

Noah stared at the options, the fury and betrayal mixing with a strange sense of amusement. The absurdity of the choices offered to him felt almost surreal. He couldn't help but smirk at the options laid out before him.

Each choice seemed to offer a different path, and though he was burning with anger, a part of him was intrigued by the possibilities.

The sound of Layla's voice continued from behind the door, mingled with the overwhelming emotions Noah was feeling. As he weighed the options, the future seemed to stretch out before him, full of unexpected twists and turns.

"I choose Option 3!" Said Noah.

[Ding! Option 3 Selected. Lamborghini Aventador SVJ is waiting outside. Check your pocket for the keys.]

[10,000$ Deposited into your account. The host does not have to worry as the funds are completely legal and traceable]

Noah's heart skipped a beat as the system's announcement faded away. He reached into his pocket, feeling something cool and metallic.

Pulling it out, he discovered a set of sleek car keys with the emblem of a Lamborghini prominently displayed.

The weight of the keys in his hand seemed to calm the storm inside him. He took a moment to steady his breath before heading back downstairs.

His footsteps echoed in the quiet house as he approached the kitchen, where Layla's mother was still busy at the stove.

Sarah looked up, her expression shifting from surprise to concern. "Oh, Noah, you're still here. Why didn't you go study with the rest?"

Noah forced a smile, his mind already shifting gears. "I changed my mind after seeing you, wanna go for a ride?"

Sarah's eyebrows arched in curiosity. "A ride? What's this about?"

Noah took a deep breath, trying to project confidence and charm. "I just got a new car, and I thought it might be fun to take a spin. It's a Lamborghini Aventador SVJ. Care to join me?"

Sarah's eyes widened slightly, and she seemed taken aback by the offer. "A Lamborghini? Are you serious?"

"Absolutely," Noah replied with a reassuring smile. "It's right outside. I promise you'll enjoy it."

She was a die-hard sports car fan. Unfortunately, she couldn't enjoy them at all due to financial reasons.

Facing such an offer, Sarah couldn't resist the offer. Noah's smile also somewhat dazzled her.

"What's wrong with me? why am I feeling like this? He is my daughter's age... Although I bore Layla quite young." Sarah thought.

After a moment of hesitation, Sarah's expression softened. She nodded, a hint of excitement showing in her eyes. "Well, how could I say no to that? Let's go."

Noah led her outside, the gleaming Lamborghini Aventador SVJ parked elegantly by the curb. The car's sleek, aerodynamic design and its striking, metallic paint made it look like a high-tech marvel. Sarah's eyes widened in awe as they approached.

"This is incredible!" she exclaimed, her excitement evident.

Noah opened the door for her, and she slid into the plush interior, visibly impressed. He took the driver's seat, the roar of the engine bringing a sense of exhilaration.

As they cruised through the city, Noah and Sarah talked and laughed, the conversation flowing easily.

The anger and hurt from earlier seemed to dissipate as he engaged her in genuine, charming conversation. The more he spoke, the more he could see Sarah's initial hesitation melting away.

By the time they returned to her home, the mood had shifted. Sarah's demeanour had softened significantly, and she looked at Noah with a new appreciation.

"Thank you for this, Noah," she said as they arrived back. "It's been a while since I've had such a wonderful time."

Noah smiled, feeling a mix of satisfaction and curiosity about where this new path would lead. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. Maybe we can do this again sometime."

Sarah nodded, her smile reflecting genuine warmth. "I'd like that."

After dropping Sarah off at her home, Noah felt a peculiar mix of satisfaction and bewilderment. The Lamborghini Aventador SVJ, now parked safely in front of her house, was a dazzling symbol of his recent, surreal choice.

The ride had been exhilarating, and Sarah's genuine enjoyment had been a pleasant surprise, but now Noah faced a new dilemma: where to hide the car.

He knew he couldn't take the Lamborghini home. His parents would find the situation too implausible to believe, and his modest, rundown neighbourhood would be a stark contrast to the luxury of the car.

The last thing he wanted was for the car to draw unwanted attention or cause unnecessary questions.

As he drove around Birmingham, searching for a solution, his thoughts turned to the $10,000 he had received. He realised he could solve his problem. The amount was substantial enough to handle the parking situation for a while.

After some consideration, he spotted a secure parking facility in the city around 15 minutes away from his house. It was a high-end lot with surveillance cameras and gated access—a place where he felt the car would be safe.

He pulled into the facility, the Lamborghini gliding smoothly over the polished asphalt as he navigated to the front office.

The attendant greeted him with a polite nod as Noah approached, feeling a mix of excitement and relief. "I'd like to rent a parking space for a week," Noah said, pulling out his apple pay.

The attendant glanced at the car, his eyes widening momentarily before he composed himself. "That'll be $1,000 for a month's worth of parking."


The payment went through, as Noah's old and broken iPhone x touched the POS device.

With the transaction complete, Noah carefully parked the Lamborghini in its designated spot, ensuring it was secure.

As he locked the car and walked away, he felt a wave of relief wash over him. The car was now safely tucked away, and he had managed to handle the situation without drawing undue attention.

He took one last look at the Lamborghini, its sleek lines gleaming under the facility's lights, and then made his way back to the bus stop, a sense of accomplishment and curiosity about the future mingling in his mind.

As he rode home, he reflected on the day's events and what lay ahead. The unexpected turn of events had set a new course for his life.

"I will make you regret cheating on me... Layla" said Noah with a smirk.


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