Ultimate Choice System: I Became The Richest!

Chapter 21: Want to become a Chef?

Chapter 21: Want to become a Chef?

[Ding! Ultimate Choice System Activated]

Option 1: Help Caroline Become a World-Class Chef

[ Reward: 100% shares of a 1-star Michelin restaurant, An Intermediate Cooking Guide Book and An Intermediate Cooking skill]

Option 2: Ignore Caroline's Talent.

[ Reward: Basic Cooking Skill]

Option 3: Help Caroline get a job as a Commis Chef in a small restaurant.

[Reward: Basic Cooking Book, Basic Cooking skill]

Looking at the options laid out before him, Noah felt a sense of relief. This was more than just an opportunity for him—it was a chance to help his family grow and become more independent.

With his mom earning her own money, they wouldn't have to rely solely on him. The decision weighed on his mind, though. He couldn't make this choice without knowing if his mom was really interested in pursuing such a career.

As they were eating dinner, Noah decided to bring it up. "Mom, would you ever want to become a chef at a Michelin-star restaurant? I have a friend who's looking for a chef at their restaurant."

His mom, Caroline, wore a sad expression and sighed. "I don't think I have enough skill for that, son. I am a home cook after all."

Noah smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, Mom. Before the interview, the head chef gave me a cook guidebook that helped him get to where he is now. If you learn from it, I'm sure you'll be accepted. Plus, there's nothing to lose. You can practice at home, and when you feel ready, you can go for the interview."

Caroline still looked hesitant, but David encouraged her with a warm smile on his face.

"Honey, why don't you do what our son said, we all agree that you cook better than those restaurants."

Emily chimed in, encouraging her.

"Yeah, you're an amazing cook, Mom! You've got this!" Emily cheered.

After a moment of thought, Caroline finally nodded, agreeing to give it a try. Noah's heart swelled with pride.

"Great!" he said, smiling. "The book's in my room. I'll get it for you after we finish eating."

As he got up from the table, Noah muttered silently, "Option 1."

[Ding! You've selected Option 1: Help Caroline Become a World-Class Chef.]

[Ding! The Ownership papers of An's Gourmet are placed in the host's room with the cook guidebook]

Suddenly, a flood of knowledge and understanding of intermediate cooking techniques surged through Noah's mind as the system rewards took effect.

He knew, from that moment on, everything was about to change for his mom.

Noah entered his room and immediately spotted the items on his table—the Intermediate Cooking Guidebook and the ownership papers for the Michelin-star restaurant, neatly placed next on the table.

He picked up the ownership papers and tucked them into the same bag with the Walls4Us documents for safekeeping. His eyes then shifted to the guidebook. Curious, he opened it and began flipping through the pages.

As he read, he realized that everything he now instinctively knew about cooking was detailed within the guidebook.

However, unlike him, someone reading this book would need months, maybe even years, to fully grasp its intricacies, depending on their talent. He muttered, "This is a really good book."

With a small smile, he closed the book and headed back downstairs to give it to his mom. When he handed the guidebook to her, she carefully flipped through its pages, her eyes widening with admiration.

"This guidebook is amazing," Caroline said, her voice filled with awe. "The instructions are so easy to understand, and the recipes... they look like something from a high-class restaurant."

But then her face clouded with sadness. "But... I'm afraid I can't practice these recipes. There are so many ingredients we don't have, and we don't have the money to buy them."

Noah, seeing her distress, placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Mom, don't worry about the money. I'll buy the ingredients. I'm making enough now, and it's important that you give this a try."

Caroline still looked hesitant, so Noah continued, his voice filled with conviction. "If you get this job, we'll never have to worry about money again. You'll be able to earn what you deserve, and we won't have to struggle for food anymore."

Her eyes softened at his words, and after a moment of silence, she nodded, a small smile breaking through. "Alright, I'll give it my best."

Noah beamed at her, feeling a weight lift from his shoulders.

After spending a relaxing 15 minutes with his parents and little sister, Noah decided it was time to head out to meet Sarah. As he walked to the parking lot to grab his Lamborghini, he dialed Sarah's number.

"Hey, get ready," he said. "We'll head out soon."

On the other end, Sarah's voice was filled with excitement. "Okay!" she replied, almost too quickly, her eyes lighting up with anticipation.

Noah smirked, feeling the warmth in her tone, and hopped into his sleek Lamborghini. After a short drive, he arrived at Sarah's door and knocked.

When the door opened, Sarah stepped out wearing a long floral dress paired with boots that reached above her ankles. The dress was beautifully conservative—flowing and modest, with soft floral patterns that complemented her graceful figure without clinging to it.

The boots added a subtle edge while keeping her look feminine and elegant. The overall outfit was understated but charming, radiating a quiet confidence that suited her personality perfectly.

Noah took a moment to admire her. "Are you ready?" he asked, his gaze softening.

She nodded and said with a smile, "I made dinner for Layla and told her I'm heading out. Let's go."

To Noah's surprise, Sarah reached out and grabbed his hand as they walked towards the car. He could see a faint blush spreading across her ears, a hint of her nervous excitement despite her bold move. Noah felt a little taken aback, but he found the gesture endearing.

When they reached his Lamborghini, he opened the door for her, which sleekly lifted upwards, giving the car an even more impressive look.

Sarah slid into the seat, still holding his hand, and he closed the door behind her.

Before getting in himself, Noah turned to her and asked, "Wanna see me play basketball before dinner?"

Sarah nodded eagerly, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Sure," she said, her smile widening.

Noah drove smoothly to a nearby open basketball court, known for its casual games and amateur players.

As they arrived, he noticed a sizable crowd in the spectator seats.

As Noah parked outside the court, the sleek, expensive car turned heads. The game on the court came to a halt as players and spectators alike stopped to gawk at the stunning vehicle, murmurs spreading through the crowd.

Stepping out of the car, Noah walked around to open the door for Sarah, who gracefully stepped out, her floral dress swaying gently in the breeze.

The crowd's eyes followed every movement, mesmerized by the car. Holding her hand, he led her toward the spectator seats, where he gently helped her sit down.

Once she was settled, Noah looked toward the players on the court. "Hey, mind if I join in?" he asked one of them, his voice casual but confident.

The group playing looked at each other, sizing him up. After a few seconds of silent debate, one of them shrugged. "Why not?" the guy replied with a smirk, clearly intrigued by this stranger who just stepped out of a luxury car.

With a nod, Noah grinned, knowing that the real fun was about to begin. As Sarah watched from the sidelines, her curiosity piqued, he readied himself for the game. The atmosphere buzzed with anticipation—people were eager to see if this guy could play or if he was just another rich kid with a flashy car.

As Noah stepped onto the court, the air around him shifted. His posture was relaxed, almost casual, but his eyes carried a focused intensity.

The players on the opposing team sized him up, clearly underestimating him. They looked at each other and smirked, assuming this guy with a fancy car wouldn't have any real skills. But they were in for a rude awakening.

The game resumed with a throw-in, and almost instantly, the ball found its way to Noah. He caught it smoothly, his eyes scanning the court like a predator analyzing his prey. His opponent, a tall, muscular guy with a cocky grin, stepped up to guard him.

"Let's see what you've got, rich boy," the guy sneered, getting low in his defensive stance.

Looking at his stance which is filled with mistakes, Noah smirked.


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