Ultimate Choice System: I Became The Richest!

Chapter 20: [GRADE: A] TALENT??

Chapter 20: [GRADE: A] TALENT??

After checking the time, Noah realized it was only 2:30 PM. With plenty of time left before his dinner with Sarah, he decided to run some errands for his family.

They hadn't bought meat in a very long time, and it would be easy to explain it away by saying he'd found a good deal or made a little extra cash. It felt like a good gesture to surprise them with something nice.

He made his way to a well-known butcher shop nearby, the smell of fresh meat filling the air as soon as he walked in. The butcher, a broad-shouldered man with a friendly demeanour, greeted him.

"How can I help you today?" the butcher asked, wiping his hands on his apron.

Noah smiled and stepped closer to the counter. "I'll take 1kg of ribeye steak, 1kg of sirloin steak, 2kg of lamb ribs, and 2kg of chicken thighs and wings."

The butcher gave a nod of approval. "Great choices. Are you stocking up or preparing for a feast?."

"Stocking up," said Noah, as he looked around the shop checking it's hygienic protocols, and he wasn't disappointed.

As the butcher prepared the order, Noah glanced around the shop. It had a traditional feel, with fresh cuts of meat hanging behind glass, each piece carefully displayed.

It reminded him of how much his family had missed out on things like this. But that was about to change—starting today. He smiled to himself, feeling proud that he could provide something special for his family.

After the butcher finished packing up Noah's order, he gave him the total price. Noah paid without hesitation and added a tip. The butcher smiled in appreciation, thanking him for the generosity.

With the meat sorted, Noah headed to a nearby grocery store to pick up the rest of the ingredients. He grabbed some gravy packets, rice, and a variety of sauces and spices to add flavour to the upcoming feast. He made sure to include tenderstem broccoli—his personal favourite, with its distinct crunch that set it apart from regular broccoli.

Moving down the beverage aisle, Noah picked up a large bottle of Pepsi, a large bottle of 7-Up, and two jugs of juice—one orange, the other pineapple. He smiled as he imagined his family's reaction when they saw all the ingredients.

Noah entered the house, his arms full of grocery bags, and was immediately met by his mom, who eyed the haul with surprise.

"Noah, what is all this?" she asked, her voice a mix of curiosity and concern.

"I got us some meat and groceries for the house," he said casually as if it were no big deal.

His mom's eyes widened as she looked through the bags, her disbelief growing with each item she pulled out. "Noah, why did you buy so much? We're doing fine; you should be saving your money for university, not spending it on all this! It's too much!"

Noah smiled, trying to ease her worry. "It was all on discount, Mom. Plus, the business Aiden and I started is doing great—we just acquired a company recently." He said it lightly, as if buying a company was a regular occurrence.

His mom froze, staring at him in disbelief. "You... bought a company?" Her voice trembled slightly. "Noah, are you sure you're not doing anything illegal? I'm worried."

Noah could see the genuine concern in her eyes and quickly moved to reassure her. "No, Mom, it's all legal, I promise. In fact, if you're still worried, you can come with me some time and see the company for yourself."

She nodded slowly, still processing the news. Despite her lingering worry, she softened, but her protective instincts were clearly still kicking in. "Alright, but just... promise me you're being careful, okay?"

"I promise," Noah said, giving her a reassuring smile. "Now, don't worry about the groceries. Let's cook up a big lunch so everyone's happy and full."

As his mom counted the meat and ingredients, her shock resurfaced at the sheer volume of what he had bought.

Suddenly, Emily ran in, curious about all the commotion. When she saw the bags of meat and drinks, her face lit up with joy. "Wow! Noah, this is amazing!" she squealed, running over to give him a big hug. "Thank you!"

Noah grinned and patted her on the head. "Anything for you, Emily."

Noah sank into the couch, scrolling through his phone as he passed the time. It was already 3:30, and his dad was due home by 5. He decided to check out the latest trending videos on TikTak to kill some time.

As he scrolled, one video instantly caught his eye. It had millions of views, countless likes, and comments pouring in by the second.

The video was set on a basketball court, filmed from a side angle, showing a player executing an incredible, seemingly physics-defying dunk. Noah's eyes widened as he realized—it was him.

He clicked into the comments section, curiosity piqued, and began reading some of the top comments out loud to himself.

"Yo, this guy's hops are insane! Is this even real?" one user wrote.

Another comment read, "NBA scouts better be watching this! ??"

"That dunk defied the laws of gravity. Somebody get NASA on the phone!" someone else joked.

Noah chuckled, his ego getting a slight boost from all the hype.

"Bro, I've been to this court. How have I never seen this guy?" one comment read, while another said, "Anonymous legend. We need a face reveal ASAP!"

He grinned to himself, amused by the mystery surrounding his identity. Scrolling further, he saw a flood of comments demanding to know who the player was, with wild guesses about whether it was a pro athlete in disguise.

"Whoever this is better be in the NBA draft next year, or it's a waste of talent," read one particularly enthusiastic comment.

Noah laughed quietly to himself, enjoying the buzz without feeling the need to reveal who the player really was. He liked the anonymity for now.

"Maybe one day," he muttered with a smirk, locking his phone.

As time passed, Noah's dad finally came home, stepping through the door right as his wife was finishing up in the kitchen. His timing was perfect. Noah looked up from the couch and smiled, saying, "Welcome home, Dad."

His dad, looking a bit worn from work but still cheerful, responded warmly, "Thanks, son."

Emily, always excited to see her dad, ran up to him and hugged him tightly. "I missed you, Dad!" she said with a beaming smile.

Her father returned the gesture, patting her on the head, his face softening. "I missed you too, sweetheart," he replied with a warm smile.

After washing up, David took his seat at the dining table, where a feast of deliciously cooked meats and side dishes awaited him. His eyes widened in shock as he took in the sight of all the food.

"Where did all this come from?" he asked his wife, clearly impressed.

She smiled and nodded toward Noah. "Your son brought all this. Can you believe it?"

Then she explained everything Noah told her, to David.

David turned to him with a proud expression, his smile broadening. "Good man, Noah. I'm proud of you," he said, his voice full of warmth.

Hearing that made Noah's heart swell with joy. His dad had always been a rock for the family, working tirelessly to support them, so hearing those words from him meant the world. Noah felt his chest tighten.

He nodded back with a smile, trying to keep his emotions in check.

As they all sat down to eat, Noah dug into the food his mom had prepared. The moment he took his first bite, his face lit up with astonishment. "Mom, this is incredible!" he exclaimed, unable to hide his excitement.

His dad and Emily nodded in agreement as they savoured the meal. "Yeah, this is amazing!" Emily chimed in, her eyes wide as she enjoyed the tender meat.

Noah's mom blushed slightly at the praise, smiling shyly. "I'm glad you all like it. Now, enjoy it before it gets cold," she said, clearly pleased with the reactions.

The family continued eating together, their laughter and conversation filling the room, making the meal even more special. For Noah, seeing his family happy and content felt like a win in itself.

"Talent Finder!" he thought in his mind as he activated the skill whilst looking at his mom.


Name: Caroline Thompson

Age: 40

Talent Grade: A

Talent: Chef

Description: With immense potential yet to be unlocked, Caroline can become a world-renowned chef if given the right resources.

Noah couldn't help but smile in disbelief. His mother had always been an excellent cook, but this confirmed it on a whole other level. She wasn't just good—she had the potential to be extraordinary, even world-famous if the circumstances aligned.

"Wow, Mom... you really are something else," he thought, feeling a surge of pride.

As he watched his family happily enjoying the meal, Noah realized that this could be more than just a special meal. Maybe, just maybe, his mom's hidden talent could be nurtured into something far greater.

"Should I tell her about this?" he wondered, glancing at his mother as she smiled while refilling his dad's plate.


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