Ultimate Choice System: I Became The Richest!

Chapter 16: A Gift

Chapter 16: A Gift

After parting ways with Aiden, Noah made his way to the nearby elementary school where his little sister, Emily, was waiting for him.

The walk was short, only about two minutes. As he approached the school, memories of always picking up Emily flooded back, though yesterday was different since his mom had covered for him while he "studied" with Aiden.

Entering the elementary school, Noah navigated the familiar hallways to Emily's classroom. The school had a strict policy to keep the younger children in class until their parents or guardians arrived, ensuring their safety.

When he reached the classroom door, he peeked inside and immediately spotted Emily sitting at her desk, her small face lighting up as she noticed him.

Without a second thought, she jumped up from her chair and bolted towards him, her excitement palpable.

"Big brother!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around his waist.

"Emily! I miss you." Noah responded with equal enthusiasm, lifting her for a quick hug before setting her back down after a while.

Emily's teacher, a young woman with kind eyes, approached them with a warm smile. "Hi, Noah. It's always a pleasure to see you. I just wanted to let you know that Emily is doing exceptionally well in school. She's always so attentive and eager to learn."

Noah smiled back, pride swelling in his chest. "That's great to hear. Thanks for letting me know."

As they prepared to leave, the teacher couldn't help but watch Noah a bit longer. As he walked away with Emily's hand in his, she sighed softly to herself.

He's too young, but if only... she thought, her mind wandering to his striking features and how they seemed to have become even more defined recently. His eyes, in particular, left a lasting impression.

He's only going to get more handsome as he gets older... she mused, shaking her head slightly as she returned to her duties, pushing the thoughts aside.

Outside, Noah and Emily walked hand in hand, chatting about her day and excitement about the gift, as they made their way home.

As they approached the house, the comforting smell of home-cooked food wafted through the air. They opened the door to find their mother in the kitchen, busy preparing dinner.

"Wash up, you two. Dinner will be ready in about ten minutes," their mother called out without turning from the stove.

"Okay, Mom!" they both replied in unison.

Noah headed to the bathroom first, splashing his face with cold water and washing his hands. As he dried his hands, Emily came in, following the same routine with her usual efficiency.

Once they were both freshened up, Noah took Emily's hand and led her to his room. "I've got something for you," he said with a grin.

Emily's eyes sparkled as they entered his room. Noah reached into his bag and pulled out a sleek white bag with the Bitten Apple logo on it.

As he opened it, Emily gasped—inside were the Apple AirPods Max, a luxurious gift that was clearly expensive.

"Wow, Noah... this is...," Emily stuttered, her eyes wide with amazement. She knew exactly how valuable the gift was.

Noah crouched down to her level, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Listen, Emily. When Mom and Dad see these, just tell them that we got them for super cheap, like 3 dollars, because it's a fake model. Okay?"

Emily nodded slowly, but she looked troubled. "But Noah, this is too expensive. We're not rich... shouldn't we use this money for something more important?"

Noah smiled at her concern, proud of her maturity. He then pulled out a larger Bitten Apple bag, revealing his new iPhone, another pair of AirPods Max, and the 16-inch M3 MacBook Pro Max. Emily's eyes nearly popped out of her head in shock.

"Remember this morning when I told you, Mom, and Dad that Aiden and I started a business? Well, it's doing really well. We're going to be rich soon, okay? So if you want anything, just ask me. I'll start giving you pocket money from next week too, but make sure to keep it hidden from Mom. Got it?"

Emily nodded again, her expression a mix of excitement and disbelief. "Okay, Noah... but promise you'll be careful."

"I promise," Noah replied, ruffling her hair. "We're in this together, alright?"

She hugged him tightly, feeling reassured by his words. Noah felt a surge of protectiveness for his little sister, vowing to take care of her no matter what.

The sound of their mother calling for dinner broke the moment, and they both headed to the dining room, Emily still holding onto the box with her precious new gift, a secret smile playing on her lips.

After dinner, Noah spent some time chatting with his family, enjoying the warm and relaxed atmosphere. Once the conversation started winding down, he excused himself and headed to his room. The day had been long, but it was the kind of day that left him feeling fulfilled.

Noah took a quick shower, letting the hot water wash away the remnants of the day's activities. After drying off, he changed into his comfortable pyjamas and sat down on his bed, feeling the familiar softness beneath him.

He picked up his phone and noticed a notification—Sarah had replied to his text. He hadn't realized she had responded after he'd already fallen asleep the night before.

A slight pang of guilt hit him, but he quickly shook some of it off, knowing she'd understand.

Opening the chat, he read her message, which was something light and casual, almost as if she was testing the waters of their new dynamic. Smiling to himself, he quickly typed a response.

Noah: Hey, sorry I didn't reply last night. I knocked out early.

Sarah: No worries, I figured as much. How was your day?

Noah: Pretty eventful, actually. Basketball game, classes, the usual. How about you?

Sarah: Not as exciting as yours, that's for sure. Just some errands and work stuff.

The conversation flowed naturally from there, both of them sharing small details about their day. Noah could sense a slight hesitation in Sarah's replies, as if she was still unsure about how to navigate this new connection they were forming.

But he made sure to keep the tone light and playful, gradually easing any tension.

Noah: So, any plans for the weekend?

Sarah: Not really, maybe just catching up on some reading. You?

Noah: Got some studying to do... but I was thinking we could hang out a bit later tomorrow if you're free?

There was a brief pause before Sarah's next reply, and Noah could almost picture her thinking it over.

Sarah: Yeah, that sounds good. What did you have in mind?

Noah: I'll think of something. Maybe grab dinner, and then we'll see where the day takes us?

Sarah: Alright, it's a date then.

The word "date" hung in the air for a moment, making Noah's heart skip a beat. He grinned at the screen.

Noah: Looking forward to it. Goodnight, Sarah.

Sarah: Goodnight, Noah.

With a content smile, Noah set his phone down on the bedside table, he felt a warmth in his chest as he drifted to sleep.


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