Ultimate Choice System: I Became The Richest!

Chapter 15: Mock Exam Is Next Week

Chapter 15: Mock Exam Is Next Week

After the basketball game, the students headed to the locker room to shower and change before their next class.

The gym was still buzzing with chatter about Noah's incredible performance, but he kept a low profile, focusing on getting ready for the day ahead.

After a quick shower, he dressed and joined Aiden, who was still catching his breath from the game, in heading to their next class.

The transition from the energetic atmosphere of the gym to the focused environment of the science classroom was stark. The students settled into their seats, and Mr. Harris, their science teacher, began the lesson on chemical reactions.

"Today, we're diving into exothermic and endothermic reactions," Mr. Harris announced, writing the terms on the board. "Can anyone tell me the difference between the two?"

A few hands shot up, and Mr. Harris pointed to a student in the front. "Exothermic reactions release heat, like when you burn wood. Endothermic reactions absorb heat, like when you mix baking soda and vinegar."

"Exactly," Mr. Harris nodded. "Exothermic reactions result in an increase in temperature, while endothermic reactions cause a decrease. Now, let's take a look at some examples in your textbooks."

As the class flipped through their pages, Noah's mind wandered slightly, the adrenaline from the basketball game still coursing through him.

"Becoming an NBA player could be a way to show money to my family," Noah mused, tapping his pen lightly against his textbook. The idea had a certain appeal—glamour, fame, and, most importantly, money. But almost as quickly as the thought came, he found himself reconsidering.

"But it's too high profile," he thought, frowning slightly. "I'd have to sign a contract for a long period. Plus, the spotlight would make it hard to keep things quiet.

The thought lingered in his mind as Mr. Harris continued the lesson, the words becoming a distant hum.

The idea of becoming an NBA player was enticing, but the complications that came with it were too great. He needed something more discreet.

After science, they moved on to math class. Ms. Elara, their math teacher, was already at the board, writing out a quadratic equation.

"Alright, everyone," Ms. Elara began, "today we're going to tackle solving calculus problems."

Ms. Elara smiled. "Today, I want you to focus on calculus. It's important to be comfortable with different methods as you'll need them in your mock exams next week."

She spent the next part of the lesson guiding them through several problems, making sure everyone understood the process. The class diligently worked through the equations, the room filled with the quiet sound of pencils scratching on paper.

As the class neared its end, Ms. Elara looked up from her desk. "Alright, everyone, I want to remind you that next week is your mock exam. You have the weekend to prepare, so make sure you revise thoroughly and come back ready to ace it."

The mention of the mock exams brought a wave of quiet murmurs across the room. Some students looked anxious, others determined. Noah, however, was calm, knowing he'd find a way to get through it.

As he packed up his things, he noticed Lily glancing in his direction.

Lily, usually reserved and quiet, hesitated for a moment before finally speaking up. "Noah," she said softly, catching his attention for the first time this year.

He turned to her, slightly surprised. "Yeah?"

"Are you going to study for the exam?" she asked, her tone neutral but with a hint of curiosity.

"Maybe," Noah replied with a casual shrug. "Are you?"

"Yeah," she responded, her gaze steady.

Sensing an opportunity, Noah decided to take a shot. "Do you want to study together this weekend?"

Lily didn't respond right away. She seemed to be thinking it over, her expression unreadable as she sat silently for about 15 to 20 seconds. T

he silence stretched, and Noah started to feel a bit uneasy, thinking he might have overstepped. Just as he was about to turn away to avoid the awkwardness, Lily finally spoke.

"Okay," she said simply.

Noah blinked, a little taken aback by her agreement. He hadn't been sure what to expect, but hearing her say yes filled him with a sense of surprise and excitement. He smiled slightly, nodding. "Great. Let's figure out the details later."

After giving him her number, Lily gave a small nod before gathering her things, leaving Noah with a lingering sense of anticipation for the weekend.

On the other side of the classroom, Layla discreetly glanced at Noah and Lily conversing, her eyes narrowing slightly.

She watched as Lily nodded to something. The way Noah was smiling at Lily—stirred something within her.

Layla shifted in her seat, pretending to focus on her notebook, but her thoughts were elsewhere.

She couldn't help but feel a pang of something she couldn't quite name—jealousy? Regret? Whatever it was, it gnawed at her.

The bell rang, jolting her from her thoughts. As everyone began packing up, Layla stole one last look at Noah, who was now gathering his things, a hint of excitement in his expression.

She knew she had no right to feel anything, not after everything that had happened between them, but that didn't stop the feelings from bubbling up.

With a sigh, Layla pushed the thoughts aside, grabbed her bag, and left the classroom, the smile on Noah's face lingering in her mind.

As the final bell rang, signalling the end of the school day, Noah gathered his things and made his way to the entrance of the school.

The halls buzzed with the usual post-class chatter, students eager to leave for the weekend. On his way out, he spotted Aiden waiting for him near the lockers.

"Hey, man," Aiden greeted, falling into step beside Noah as they headed toward the main entrance.

"Hello," replied Noah.

As they walked, Aiden turned to Noah. "So, about the science mock next week... I could really use some help. You're pretty good at this stuff. Could you help me study?"

"Sure," Noah said without hesitation. "We can go over the material together."

Aiden's face lit up. "Awesome! How about this Saturday, then?"

Noah shook his head. "Can't do Saturday, I've already got plans to study with someone else. How about Sunday instead?"

Aiden raised an eyebrow, curious. "Who are you studying with?"

Noah's smile widened slightly, but he kept it casual. "Just a classmate."

Aiden didn't press further, nodding in agreement. "Sunday works for me. Thanks, man."

"No problem," Noah replied as they reached the school's entrance.

They exchanged goodbyes and headed off in their separate directions.


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