Type-Moon, but the Servant is Tom

Chapter 80: Spike Strikes Back at Chaldea!

Chapter 80: Spike Strikes Back at Chaldea!

After L Bu noticed Spike's hand gesture, he didn't understand its meaning, but his body immediately stopped running, as if someone had used a time stop on him, abruptly freezing in place.

Once Spike signaled to stop, he wasted no time and opened his big mouth wide. He reached inside with his right hand and pulled out the remnants of his shattered dentures, casually tossing them to the ground like an annoying piece of garbage. It was as if he had abandoned his old love for a new infatuationa true scoundrel, or rather, a scoundrel dog.

Because the dentures in front of his eyes completely captivated him. The length of the teeth, the size of the denturesall surpassing his previous set. And most importantly, the teeth on this denture were made of steel!

Without hesitation, Spike grabbed the metal denture and stuffed it into his mouth. After a few jaw movements, the new denture fit perfectly in Spike's mouth, as if it were his own teeth and not a set of dentures.

With this metal denture on, Spike felt a surge of courage. With this denture, what could possibly break him?

Spike could confidently assert that the current version of himself, now equipped with the metal denture, was invincible!

In that moment, Spike tilted his body sideways, facing Gudako with his right side, casting an evil glance towards Mashu. It was as if he wanted to devour Mashu whole.

At that moment, Spike resembled a demon from hell, lacking only the red skin, demon horns, and a trident.

However, before exacting revenge for his shattered teeth, there was one obstacle to overcomeL Bu, who had been released from his immobilization after Spike donned the metal denture.

"Hah!" L Bu raised his Halberd and leaped into the air, descending with immense force towards the wicked Spike. The speed of his strike was like lightning, swift and powerful.

"Woof!" Facing L Bu's fierce attack, Spike remained calm. He simply tilted his head and bit into the air.

His mouth full of metal teeth bit directly onto L Bu's Halberd, just as it was about to strike him. It was a perfect fit, with no deviation in timing, as if L Bu himself had delivered his Halberd into Spike's mouth.

"Crack!" Without enduring even a fraction of a second, the spearhead of the Halberd in L Bu's hands disintegrated into a pile of debris on the ground.

"The Halberd is shattered?!" Witnessing this scene from afar, cracks formed on Chen Gong's glasses, and veins popped up on his forehead. "Impossible, absolutely impossible! General L is invincible!"

Even Mashu, who had just developed a condescending attitude, had to swallow her thoughts and exclaimed in amazement, "So strong!"

"This dog is fierce, even more so than Cu Chulainn!" Even Gudako felt surprised.

However, normally people would become more cautious when facing a formidable opponent. But Gudako didn't feel anxious. Instead, she grew more excited. If Spike was powerful, it meant that her previous momentary fright from Spike's barking didn't make her weak.


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So even if their side was losing, she couldn't help but internally cheer for Spike, shouting, "Go for it!"

On the battlefield, even after L Bu's Halberd was bitten and shattered, he maintained his striking posture. Similarly, Spike kept his mouth closed, maintaining the biting action.

After maintaining this position for a while, L Bu tilted his head slightly. Even though his face was typically expressionless, it was evident that he was confused. It was as if he was saying, "How did my precious weapon break?"

Although perplexed, L Bu's limited rationality prevented him from dwelling on the matter. Since he couldn't think it through, he decided not to think about it at all, as strategic thinking was Chen Gong's responsibility.

Without further ado, L Bu swung the Halberd, treating it as a big stick, directly aiming for Spike's head.


However, with just a raised hand, Spike easily caught the Halberd swung by L Bu. The expression on Spike's face was one of ease and contentment.

L Bu became more frantic, exerting all his strength to try and press down the Halberd. Yet, he couldn't make any progress, even letting out a cry similar to Ultraman's battle shout, "Hah!"

"Hah~" Spike, on the other hand, appeared relaxed. He even lazily rested his unoccupied left hand on his mouth, yawning in exhaustion.

After the motion concluded, Spike contemptuously glanced up and down at L Bu, thinking, "Such a big guy, and this is all he's got?"

Feeling bored, Spike decided not to torment him any longer. With a casual pull, he snatched the Halberd that L Bu was gripping with all his might and pressed it down towards himself. Gripping both ends of the Halberd, he exerted force, bending and distorting it.

Soon, the entire Halberd was twisted into an inverted U shape by Spike!

As L Bu looked at his Halberd, now transformed into a U-shaped lock, a giant question mark appeared above his small head.

But clearly, L Bu didn't have enough time to contemplate how his Halberd had changed from a Halberd to a stick and finally into a U-shaped lock. Because at that moment, Spike had already decided to launch an attack. He folded the U-shaped lock in half, with the portion gripped by his right hand extending over ten centimeters longer to serve as a handle. The rest of the lock was twisted by his left hand, forming a spiral shape.

In this way, the Halberd eventually transformed into a twisted spiral with a handle. Spike waved the twisted spiral in his hand, feeling quite satisfied. Then, he swung it towards L Bu with a forceful thrust, "Bang!"

In the moment it hit L Bu's face, he turned into a baseball, soaring through the air in response to Spike's swing. The speed was as fast as lightning!

"Boom!" Finally, accompanied by a tremendous impact, L Bu found his resting place in the earth.

"General L?!" Watching L Bu's upper body buried in the ground with his head sticking out, Chen Gong felt a sense of unease engulfing him.

"Be careful, Mr. Chen Gong." Noticing Chen Gong's distraction, Mashu quickly issued a reminder, then continued to be fully focused, guarding against Spike, who had already shifted his gaze towards her. Her heart began to tremble.

"It...is coming!"


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