Type-Moon, but the Servant is Tom

Chapter 79: Spike vs. Gudako's Tatakai!

Chapter 79: Spike vs. Gudako's Tatakai!

"So fast!" Mashu exclaimed as she saw Spike rushing towards her at an astonishing speed. However... for some unknown reason, even though Spike was incredibly fast, and the distance between them was only about ten meters, Spike had been running for two or three seconds and still hadn't reached her. It was as if he was giving them time to prepare, preventing them from being caught off guard.

The other Servants didn't waste this reaction time given by Spike. First, Fou's eyes lit up as he saw the opportunity for revenge. He immediately went behind Merlin and swiftly kicked him, sending him flying to the front. After all, Merlin couldn't die, but teaching him a lesson was always good.

At that moment, time seemed to return to normal. Spike, who had been charging but unable to reach them, finally reached Merlin after he was thrown to the front. He opened his mouth, ready to bite Merlin.

"Grrr?!" Faced with Spike's bloodthirsty jaws, Merlin finally experienced the same compulsory 'panic' state as Gudako. Immediately, Merlin fell into a state of panic, forgetting that he still had his Holy Sword. He frantically tried to pull out something to defend himself.

But what he ended up pulling out was his staff, pointing it directly at Spike. "Crack! Crack! Crack!" Spike didn't show any mercy and opened and closed his mouth repeatedly. With his forward momentum, the staff was completely shredded, as if it had been fed into a shredder, inch by inch.

Soon, only the part of the staff that Merlin was still holding remained. And Spike's bloodthirsty jaws didn't stop biting. It was about to bite into Merlin's right hand, which was holding the staff. In Mashu's view, if Spike managed to bite down, Merlin would surely have to say goodbye to his right hand.

In this critical moment, Mashu decisively reached out her right hand, pulling Merlin, who was about to be drenched in blood, back and simultaneously raising her shield.

In the blink of an eye, Spike's bloodthirsty jaws reached the edge of Mashu's shield. And then... Spike stopped his movement.

It wasn't a metaphorical stop but a physical description. At the moment when he bit into the shield, Spike completely ignored inertia, maintaining the position of running and biting the shield as if time had frozen. This moment was destined to be short-lived, yet Spike remained in a frozen state.

However, his entire set of teeth cracked, and piece by piece, like a puzzle, they fell to the ground. The teeth on the ground didn't even resemble teeth; they looked more like a pile of shattered white opaque glass.

Not only did the part that bit the shield break, but even the part that didn't touch the shield shattered in the same way and fell to the ground.

"Huh?" Mashu, who had already planned how to counterattack, was completely thrown off by Spike's teeth shattering and falling to the ground.

Spike retracted his dog head and looked at the fragments of his teeth on the ground, then glanced at Mashu's undamaged shield, wearing a bewildered expression.


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His anger was immediately extinguished, replaced by an endless will to survive.

Right under the watchful eyes of the other Servants, Spike panicked and reached behind his back, taking out a bottle of cleaning solution and a cloth. Ignoring the puzzled and bewildered gazes of the others, he pressed the button on the cleaning solution and sprayed it on the spot where he had just bitten the shield.

After spraying the cleaning solution, Spike used the cloth in his right hand to wipe it off. He breathed a sigh of relief and wiped it again.

Finally, what appeared before everyone's eyes was a shield that was wiped to a reflective shine.

After completing all this, Spike returned the cleaning solution and cloth to his back. He then stood straight, with his hands behind his back, and looked at everyone with a shy smile.

Meanwhile, the expressions of the others were still in a state of "What is this sudden act? What's going on?" They hadn't recovered for a long time.

Here, Spike realized that his awkward smile didn't seem to work either.

So Spike decisively took a few steps back, then turned around abruptly, stretching his hands forward as if trying to grab something ahead, and ran away at full speed!

Spike had already rushed more than ten meters away when Gudako and Mashu suddenly realized that this dog seemed... extremely pathetic?

They initially thought that this dog, like "Schrdinger's cat," would be a strong combatant as an animal-based Servant. However, based on what they had just witnessed, it was clear that Spike didn't even come close to matching that cat in any way.

When other Servants' weapons struck the shield, the shield remained intact, and at most, the enemy's weapons would bounce off.

As for Spike, his teeth simply shattered, which clearly explained everything!

"L Bu, catch up to it! Don't let it escape!" Realizing that this dog was scared, Gudako decisively waved her hand and gave the order for L Bu to chase after Spike.

After swinging his Halberd a few times in the air, L Bu directly sprinted towards the fleeing Spike!

"Thud! Thud! Thud!" With L Bu's footsteps resonating, the ground began to tremble, emitting a series of dull sounds. Each time a dull sound echoed, Spike felt his heart tremble in fear.

Gudako watched as L Bu chased after Spike, running from one end to the other, then back again, but the distance between them didn't close in the slightest. She started giving random commands to L Bu, "L Bu, what are you doing? Cut off its path, don't chase it around!"

However, it was clear that L Bu didn't understand her commands and continued to follow Spike step by step.

Spike, who was running ahead, became more and more panicked. If he got caught, he would definitely get beaten to a pulp. That was unacceptable, absolutely unacceptable!

At this crucial moment, Spike suddenly noticed a set of dentures hanging on a rack nearby. Immediately, his eyes lit up!

Spike hit the brakes with both feet, quickly stopping his running motion. He stood straight, his whole body rigid, and extended his left hand towards L Bu behind him, signaling him to pause for a moment.

Just like Spike's gesture, L Bu maintained his running posture and stopped in his tracks.


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