Type-Moon, but the Servant is Tom

Chapter 203: Opening Day of the Racing Competition!

Chapter 203: Opening Day of the Racing Competition!

After a series of gestures, Bai Song finally managed to grasp Tom and Jerry's intentions.

Firstly, Jerry would be sitting at the front, in charge of controlling some weapons, brakes, and even the horn.

Then, Tom would sit in the middle, also responsible for controlling some weapons and the horn, as well as managing the throttle... or should it be called an accelerator?

The third seat was designated for Bai Song, the person with a recently broken left leg. He wouldn't handle weapons, but he would need to control the steering wheel and honk the horn.

"What kind of absurd driving division is this?!"

Bai Song couldn't help but cover his face with both hands in disbelief. He initially thought that Tom and Jerry's division of labor for driving would involve one handling weapons while the other drove the vehicle. However, it turned out that their approach was quite unconventional.

Weapons? Everyone would control them together! Driving? Everyone would control it together! Horn? Everyone would control it together!

This operating system left Bai Song flabbergasted. If they were to win with this approach, it would likely mean that none of the other participants had prepared their own vehicles and opted to drive the toddler bicycles (note: with training wheels) provided by the organizers.

Furthermore, they would need to ensure that none of the participants were even a Rider Class Servant. A Rider Class Servant with Riding skills, even if placed on a tricycle, could likely overwhelm both himself and the cat and mouse.

Especially with himself in control of the steering wheel, that would be a guaranteed disaster.

"Are you sure you want to do it this way?"

Upon hearing Bai Song's question, Tom and Jerry exchanged glances and resolutely nodded.

"No changes?"

Once again, both of them nodded decisively.

"Fine, let's get this show on the road."

Bai Song's vision darkened. He wished he had insisted on designating one driver and one weapons operator, even if it meant seeming biased towards one of them. Just imagining a scenario where both Tom and Jerry controlled the vehicle simultaneously left Bai Song feeling hopeless about their chances of victory.

Rather than hoping for a win, it seemed more prudent to wait for the next race at this amusement park.

The bad news was that they were probably the most likely pair to be eliminated first from the competition.

The good news was that they might be the quickest to prepare for the next round.

Regardless, no matter how it went, the reality was that there was no need to strive anymore. It was time to get the show on the road.

At noon, Bai Song used Gudako's free summoning ticket twice, and packed one of the meals for Spike to enjoy. This was essentially a reward for Spike's contribution to beating up C Chulainn.

In the evening, Bai Song used his last free summoning opportunity for the day and got himself a roasted chicken. Clearly, he did it to prevent any arguments among his three companions about who would get the two chicken legs.

In a selfless act of sacrifice, Bai Song chose to proudly display his own two legs along with the two chicken wings. Then, the chicken without legs or wings was cut in half, with the lower part going to Spike and the upper part being divided equally between Tom and Jerry.

This was a perfect example of three people receiving an equal share, with no tilt whatsoever.

What's fairness? This was the epitome of fairness!

The next morning, a little past 9 o'clock.

"Mmm~ Ah, mmm..." Bai Song's eyes twitched a few times before slowly opening.

What met his eyes was a dirty and messy dead-end alley. If it wasn't for Tom and Jerry teaming up to construct a makeshift tent, Bai Song would have practically slept out in the open all night.

Though the so-called tent was actually a matchbox structure made from some unidentified wood scraps, covered by a large piece of canvas laid horizontally over this hollow matchbox. As a result, there were open spaces at the front and back, and there was no actual door.

Fortunately, the back was leaning against the alley wall, making it possible to consider the empty back as if it didn't exist, effectively making it like an open door for sleeping.

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Bai Song retrieved his phone from his pocket.

"Already 9:59? Oh my god!" Seeing the time, Bai Song's drowsiness immediately vanished, replaced by shock, and he stood up abruptly, "Ahh!"

However, the moment he stood up, Bai Song felt an intense surge of pain in his left leg. It was at that moment he remembered that he had fractured his left leg the previous day.

But Bai Song's outburst wasn't in vain. His loud shout managed to wake up Tom and Jerry who were sleeping soundly.

Except for Spike, who was sleeping like a log. Although it was lying to the right of Bai Song, his shout didn't manage to wake it up.

"Smack!" Bai Song casually patted Spike's head to wake it up, and it was much easier than expected.

In the instant that Spike was awakened by the pat, it was initially ready to pounce on the intruder who dared to disturb its sleep. But then it realized that it was Bai Song who had woken it up. Immediately, its aggressive barks turned into a series of submissive whimpers.

Seeing Spike's swift change in demeanor, Bai Song absentmindedly patted its head again and said, "Help me onto the car, we're getting ready to go."

Upon hearing this, all three of themTom, Jerry, and Spikesprang into action.

Tom took care of supporting Bai Song's right leg and the injured left leg, while Jerry helped stabilize Bai Song's waist. As for Spike, it took on the responsibility of lifting Bai Song's upper body.

With Bai Song properly lifted, the trio headed towards the direction of the car with a serious expression on their faces.

Tom and Spike managed to carry Bai Song quite competently, while Jerry, responsible for supporting Bai Song's waist, had to dangle from Bai Song's waist due to his shorter height. Nonetheless, Jerry maintained a serious expression, even pretending to take steps forward while his feet were still off the ground. At least he was making an effort.

After placing Bai Song in the driver's seat number three, the trio took their respective positions.

By the way, even though no driver's seat was prepared for Spike, there was a designated spot for ita shopping cart placed on top of the rocket thruster at the very rear.

Upon settling into their positions, the cat, the mouse, and the human simultaneously retrieved their respective keys.

Indeed, this odd vehicle not only had three separate driving positions but also required three keys to start the ignition, which needed to be inserted simultaneously.

"Ready for launch!" Jerry inserted key number one and reported.

"Ah-ha!" Tom inserted key number two and reported as well.

"Position three ready!" Bai Song inserted key number three and called out to the two in front, "Ignite!"

"A humming sound~"

With the vehicle successfully started, Tom stepped on the accelerator, and the car began to move.

Guided by Bai Song, the car headed towards the location of the race, ready for the opening of the competition!


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