Type-Moon, but the Servant is Tom

Chapter 118: The New Holy Grail War!!!

Chapter 118: The New Holy Grail War!!!

As Tom looked at the crumpled paper ball that had flown into Bai Song's room and shattered the window, he immediately panicked.

"Who did this?!"

An angry roar came from inside the room, causing Tom to become even more flustered. His heart rose to his throat, figuratively speaking, and from Butch's perspective, it appeared as if Tom's neck had extended about 20 centimeters, with a heart-shaped object lodged in the middle.

"Gulp~" Tom tried to swallow several times, but he couldn't manage to swallow the heart in his throat.

"Smack!!!" In the end, Tom smacked himself on the forehead with a twisted cane, causing the heart that had been stuck in his throat to finally drop down.


After being liberated from his narrow throat, the heart freely fell to his buttocks, hitting the ground, and then bounced back to its rightful place in his chest.

Witnessing Tom's comical display, Butch couldn't help but burst into laughter, clutching his stomach. "Hahaha~!"

Seeing Butch mocking him, Tom didn't care whether Bai Song would discover that it was him who broke the window. He immediately rushed towards Butch with the cane, intending to attack him.

As long as he could catch this stupid cat, Tom could frame him for breaking the window. It seemed like a foolproof plan!

Butch, on the other hand, seeing Tom approaching with a cane, swiftly chose to flee. Without any weapons of its own, faced with Tom and his cane, what else could it do except run? Did it want to get beaten up?

However... it seemed to have forgotten that whenever it tried to escape in a hurry, it would inevitably slip for a few seconds. And this led to it presenting its behind to Tom.

As Tom approached from behind, he abruptly stopped, observing Butch's squirming rear end as it attempted to escape in place. A wicked smile spread across Tom's face, his tongue hanging to the side.


Feeling the intense pain on its rear end, Butch flew up one meter high, clutching its behind. "Ouch!"

Although its behind hurt, after receiving that hit, Butch finally managed to break free and entered into a chase with Tom. They were now in a "you chase me" situation.

But perhaps due to the blow it had received on its rear end, Butch was slightly slower than Tom throughout the chase. Every few meters, it would let out a miserable yelp, clutching its behind and soaring into the air.







Tom and Butch, the two cats, continued their chase around the front yard. Clearly, today's victory belonged to Tom, in a stunning comeback.

In a house located about a hundred meters away from Bai Song's residence, known as the Uryuu Residence, the trio gathered once again in front of the television, their faces filled with silence.

"Speaking logically, shouldn't the Holy Grail War end after seven Servants are killed, leaving only one alive?" Waver recollected the words he had heard through his familiar, Risei, a supervisor in the Holy Church, and his whole being froze.

"Normally, the Holy Grail would indeed appear before the victor after six Servants are killed," Zhuge Liang nodded, speaking earnestly as he finished the first half of his sentence. After a moment's pause, he continued.

"But... the reality has shown that the Holy Grail War has never been normal."

Upon hearing this, Waver tilted his head, wearing a puzzled expression as he looked at Zhuge Liang. "Huh?"

After taking a sip of his drowsy red tea, Zhuge Liang calmly said, "What I mean is, the Holy Grail War has been held four times until now, and there has never been a 'normal' Holy Grail War as you mentioned."

"On the contrary, if one of those Holy Grail Wars were to proceed normally, it would give rise to a feeling of 'Why is everything going so smoothly? This can't be right!'"

"...So, are the Three Families conducting the Holy Grail War just for laughs?" Upon hearing Zhuge Liang's description, Waver couldn't help but cover his face.

Waver gradually regretted it. If he had known that this Holy Grail War, initiated by the Three Families, would be such a mess, he would never have stolen his homeroom teacher's package and eagerly come to participate in the Holy Grail War.

For this reason, he borrowed money for round-trip tickets and living expenses from his classmate, Toussaka. If he returned home empty-handed, it would be like taking a trip and returning with a pile of debt, becoming a penniless burden.

But that wasn't the point. The matter of owing money to a classmate was not important. What was important was that he felt like he was being played!

Alexander, in the end, raised his right hand and asked, "So, does that mean one of the Sixth has stolen the Holy Grail?"

"Although that is indeed the case, what do you mean by 'the Sixth'?" Waver nodded, then asked in return.

Alexander shook his head while spreading his hands. "I don't know. It just popped into my mind when I was about to ask. Maybe... it's common knowledge instilled in this world by the Holy Grail?"

"What world is this common knowledge from..." Waver's mouth twitched slightly, clearly not agreeing with Alexander's response. However, he didn't delve into it any further and turned his head to continue questioning Zhuge Liang.

"By the way, why do you seem to have no reaction to the Holy Grail being stolen?"

"Well... there's no point in getting worked up about it, is there?"

Of course, Zhuge Liang wouldn't mention that the Holy Grail was most likely snatched by Gudako, which is why he appeared so calm.

As everyone knew, Chaldea was responsible for retrieving the Holy Grail. If the Grail was taken by Chaldea, the demonic beasts from Chaldea would naturally return to their original world. In other words, this meant he was safe.

And indeed, he could no longer sense the presence of the Chaldea demonic beasts, so it was certain that Gudako and the others had snatched the Grail and returned to Chaldea.

He showed remarkable restraint by not using Waver's money to buy champagne for this fortunate turn of events. Should he now feel sorrowful for being able to survive?

While Zhuge Liang was secretly amused, the television suddenly interrupted the morning anime broadcast with a news flash.

"This morning, a certain blonde CEO happily announced that a grand opening ceremony will be held tomorrow. The next seven days will be free for all to enjoy, and there will also be a competitive tournament. All residents of Fuyuki City are welcome to participate!"

The trio watched the news with expressionless faces, a slight hint of displeasure evident.

"Slurp~" Zhuge Liang sipped his tea, calmly observing the news.

"The grand prize of the tournament is... the Holy Grail."

Upon hearing this, Zhuge Liang spewed out the tea he had just sipped, his face devoid of expression. "Puh!!!"


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