Type-Moon, but the Servant is Tom

Chapter 117: Bai Song: I'm Going to Gill and Do Something!

Chapter 117: Bai Song: I'm Going to Gill and Do Something!

Upon seeing the large letters in the headline, Bai Song was dumbfounded, completely engulfed in immense joy. They were struck by this overwhelming joy, and when they regained their senses, Bai Song trembled all over, especially their hands, which shook like a sieve.

At this moment, Bai Song had no intention, and it was impossible for them to investigate who threw a crumpled paper ball to wake them up from their deep sleep. Even if they were to find out who did it, Bai Song would probably think it was fantastic and decide to lick them with their tongue!

Taking a deep breath, Bai Song tremblingly unfolded the clearly just crumpled paper ball and began to examine the contents of the newspaper, confirming whether it was as they had imagined, an opportunity to get free food.

After unfolding the slightly uneven paper, Bai Song's gaze immediately fell on the content below the headline they had seen earlier. For Bai Song, the mention of free food in that headline was simply too tempting.

Although they had obtained some food through the wishes granted by the Holy Grail last night, it was evident that the amount of food was far from enough to feed a cat, a dog, a mouse, and even Bai Song themselves.

The cooked barbecue provided by the Holy Grail last night was quickly devoured by Bai Song, the cat, the dog, and the mouse, leaving only a small amount of leftovers. It could barely be considered a single meal.

As for the uncooked food ingredients, although they seemed plentiful, they were not actually that much. Estimating the amount of food available, including the meager amount of money in their wallet, which they named "Ryuunosuke Wallet," and considering the appetites of the three animals they were taking care of, it would probably only last for about five days, assuming the cat, mouse, and dog each ate only once a day. Bai Song dared not even think about the actual situation.

While their battle prowess may have impressed Chaldea last night, the appetites of the cat, dog, and mouse deeply shocked Bai Song. After five days, Bai Song would be in a state of bankruptcy and would have to resort to begging for food.

Now, let's take another look at the headline of this newspaper. Written in black and white, it stated a full seven days of free playtime, with the parentheses indicating that it included food. This meant they had a whole seven days to freeload on food!

After reading the first part of the newspaper, Bai Song was excited to learn about the EUO Super Deluxe Seaside Paradise, which was set to open the next day and offer a week-long free gameplay event with food included. However, the newspaper became meaningless after that point, and Bai Song skipped through the rest of the lengthy text, searching for the location and opening time of the seaside paradise.

Bai Song's excitement grew slightly tempered by the thought that the newspaper might be outdated. Examining the date on the newspaper, Bai Song realized it was from May 20th and checked the calendar on Ryuunosuke's phone, confirming that it was currently May 19th. Relieved that the timing was accurate, Bai Song then focused on finding the location of the seaside paradise.

Upon discovering that it was located near Fuyuki, Bai Song couldn't contain their excitement. The proximity to Fuyuki made it all the more meaningful and worthwhile. The tiredness from waking up early faded away, replaced by a renewed spirit. Bai Song exclaimed, "Yes! It's right next to Fuyuki!"

Feeling rejuvenated, Bai Song no longer felt sleepy. The newspaper became a source of joy, and Bai Song even gave it a couple of kisses out of excitement. However, the next moment shattered their enthusiasm entirely. Bai Song suddenly noticed an indescribable foul smell emanating from the newspaper.

Realizing that the newspaper had an odor resembling a "garbage bin filled with trash and soaked in water for several days," Bai Song quickly pinched their nose with their thumb and index finger, trying to block out the stench.

However, Bai Song seemed to have forgotten that they had just used those two fingers to open the newspaper. It is widely known that the first time you smell something disgusting, it may be unpleasant but bearable. The second time, it might make you feel nauseous and want to vomit. And if you're foolish enough to try smelling it a third time, you'll definitely end up throwing up.

Unfortunately, Bai Song found themselves in a similar situation. After smelling the same unbearable stench on their two fingers, Bai Song couldn't bear it any longer. A rush of heat surged in their throat, ready to erupt. With the last bit of time, they lunged towards the trash can in the room, and all the barbecue they had consumed earlier came pouring out.


Cough, cough, cough.

Looking at the filth in the trash can, Bai Song felt a wave of sadness wash over them. The barbecue they had just eaten swiftly escaped their stomach in a conveyor belt fashion. Who could withstand such a situation?

It was known that Bai Song, along with their cat, dog, and mouse, had fought with all their might to win the Holy Grail War and gain the power to make a wish. In an unintentional slip of the tongue, their wish had been for a meal of barbecue. That in itself was not a problem; at least it had entered their stomach. So, it wasn't a total loss.

However, because they had just vomited out everything they had eaten, it meant they had eaten in vain. It meant their wish granted by the Holy Grail had turned into a lonely experience.

The conclusion was that Bai Song fought a Holy Grail War in vain. As a result, they needed to make up for it fiercely in the upcoming events.

Therefore... Bai Song decided to go to the seaside paradise and do whatever it takes!


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