Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife

Chapter 120 Chocolate Chip Cookies

"No training today?" Adler's voice surprised Scarlet and she gasped and clutched her heart.

"Did I scare you?" He asked her.

She rearranged the things on the kitchen counter slowly and arranged the freshly baked cookies on a tray. "Yes." She replied. "You almost gave me a heart attack."

"That's because you have been lost in thoughts for five long minutes. I have been standing here for a while but you did not even notice. What is running through your mind little sister?"

Scarlet blushed, the smooth white skin of her face turned red and it warmed up slightly. She was thinking about what had possessed her to bake chocolate chip cookies today. She could hardly concentrate all morning because the memories of the previous night were running through her mind continuously. Even something as regular as the brush of the wind against her skin had her thinking about the brushing of Esong's hands along her skin.

"Hey." Adler snapped his fingers and touched her forehead. "Are you ill again? Do you require a visit to the med bed?"

"No." She replied and pushed his hand away. "I am in perfectly good health, I am just thinking about my training schedule and some of the moves I want to adjust." She picked up the tray of three dozen cookies with the intention of carrying it outside to the children.

"Beord mentioned that you want to break Shadow's record."

"I am considering it."

"You have to be patient." Adler put his hand on her arm and held her back. She knew the look on his face, it was his 'I am going to give you some advice' face. "These fights are not just physical, they are also mental. Not all of your opponents will rely on simple weapons, some will go directly for your mind and try to break you from the inside."

"Isn't that illegal?" She asked him.

"No," he shook his head and sighed, "As long as one does not take it beyond the necessary limits it can be done. I knew a boy once who trained his mind to project very life like hallucinations on the minds of others. One minute you were in a classroom and the next you would find yourself in the middle of a field, it would be raining heavily, lightning and thunder everywhere and you would be surrounded by mutated beasts. Naturally in that moment your fight or flight instinct would set in, most of us would choose to run, but how can one outrun a mutated beast unless you are inside a mecha. You would lose the race and the beasts would pounce on you, their big razor sharp teeth ready to sink into your flesh and just when you were about to lose your mind from the intense fear he would stop and you would be back in the classroom. It was freaky and many of us avoided and disliked him but no matter how many reports were made to the principal or the RGB we would receive the same answer, it was not a crime."

"Huh," she responded, "You have just given me a brilliant idea. I should train my mind to induce a scary hallucination. It could be useful the higher up on the roll I go after all my mental strength is still lacking."

Adler slapped his forehead gently, this was not what he was going for. His aim was to encourage her to slow down before taking on more challenges not give her an idea which would push her to go after those in higher positions. "How are you getting along with your husband lately by the way? Is he being kind to you?" She had not been sleeping at home for over a week now, she was going on dates, smiling a lot and he was training her. They were spending a lot of time together which made them all think that the worst was over when it came to the relationship between her and Esong.

   "He is hospitable, we are getting along like bread and jam." She answered.

"That good, huh!" He teased, bumping into her slowly as she always did with him.

"Older brother." She looked up at him with a stiff face, "You will make me drop the cookies on the ground and then you will have to explain to the kids why there are no cookies to eat."

He took one cookie from the tray and slowly chewed on it, this was the first time she had ever tried to bake chocolate chip cookies in her life. Thank God that she had the common sense to keep all kinds of books in her storage space. She had about twenty cook books in there.

"How is it?" She asked him.

"A bit bitter." He replied, lacking the insides of his mouth with his tongue. "I think there is something you added a little too much of."

In Scarlet's mind she thought that it was probably the cocoa powder, next time she would do better.

"But it's still tasty, good job little sister." He snatched another cookie and raised his thumb at her. "Will these cookies be in the supermarket?"

She nodded her head in response to his question. The large supermarket was set to open today, as a matter of fact its where she was heading after distributing the cookies.

"Kids, the governor is here." Teacher Penny who supervised the below five children during their break called for their attention. "And she has brought snacks, what do we say to that?"

"Thank you for the snacks." They said collectively.

"You are welcome little ones." She replied with a big smile and gave the tray to teacher Penny. While the children collected two cookies each and a small cup of milk, she spoke to teacher Penny briefly. "The children received school uniforms, why are they still coming to class in plain clothes?"

"Principal Stash said that it will be better if the uniforms are worn starting on Monday. Today is Friday, it's the last day of school in the week, all they have on their schedule is story time, reading, one hour in the experimental farm and physical education. I think it's going to be your Justin's favorite day of school."

Both Scarlet and teacher Penny laughed as they looked in Justin's direction.

"Which class does he hate the most?"She asked her.

"That will be writing and reading. All the children that are originally from the blue star are a little bit behind than the ones that came from the capital in this aspect. It has caused some few issues here and there because the ones that are excelling at it like to boast about it and it has resulted in a few fights among the children but we are handling it well."

Scarlet frowned as she imagined the original little kids from the blue star being stigmatized because of something that was no fault of theirs, especially the ones with parents that were born here and had lived here all their lives.

"Justin is a bit different of course, he was taught by someone so he is not completely lacking. He has not been involved in any of the fights too" Teacher Penny hurried to say. When she saw Scarlet's frown, she assumed that it was because the governor thought someone was maybe picking on her son.

"Is separating them into two different classes feasible?" Scarlet asked the teacher.

"It can be done but it's not advisable, assimilation needs to occur so the children must learn to accept and help each other. Whether the child was born here or simply moved here now they belong to the same planet and must learn to exist together harmoniously. Separating them will do more harm than good."

"That's wise." Scarlet smiled, " I guess I should leave education to the experts and stick to politics and economics."

"You can trust us governor, we will do our best. In two months all the children will be friends and no child will be lagging behind." Teacher Penny assured her.

Scarlet saw Tion approaching her and she knew it was time to go. "Alright then, thank you for your hard work." She shook the teachers hand and left.

Teacher Penny was so excited and she sent a message in the group chat for the teachers, 'I shook the governor's hand, she is so nice and she gave me a cookie.'


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