Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife

Chapter 119 A Conspiracy In The Darkness

That same night in the capital city of the empire, while everyone went to bed and slept, a conspiracy was brewing. There was a building in the capital, it was built in the shape of a triangle, at the highest point of the building, on it's tip, was a statue of a mecha warrior slaying a mutated nine tailed wolf beast. In his free hand he held an old model can_, old to the standards of the interstellar anyway. In that can was a nutrition solution. Day or night the walls of this building projected images of different types of nutrient solutions, advertisements of nutrient solutions by the hottest celebrities of the moment, endorsements from respected members of society. All day long, these images were played. This building was known to many people in the empire, one for its ingenuity in design and two it was the first and original company to gut, research and synthesize the good parts of mutated beasts to create the nutrient solutions. In the entire Sun star planet, nobody young or adult did not know about this company whose name was Origin nutrients. In school it was mentioned in the history and science classes, it was also mentioned in mutated beast anatomy. The founding family of the company Origin nutrients, the Rogan family was one of the wealthiest families through the years. Their wealth rivalled that of the royal family itself. There was a saying among the ambitious mothers of commoners, If my child cannot marry a prince or noble, they should marry a Rogan. That was how popular, influential and admired they were by the commoners. 

Inside of this building, a meeting of twenty men and women was being held in a room at the very last floor where only a few people had access to. The topic of discussion in this group was none other than food, matured and grown from the soil and it's effects on their business. The meeting was being championed by the current president of Origin nutrients Samael Rogan. 

At the age of One hundred sixty eight, he was hailed for being a shrewd business man. He grew the company to twice what it was today by creating a new nutrient solution that was termed as a luxury and beauty solution. He got the most beautiful celebrities to endorse it and launched a massive campaign that cost twenty million star coins to promote it. Drinking it could rejuvenate, repair and keep the skin beautiful and smooth. At the time, many had called him a fool and doubted his vision but women from noble families, people in the entertainment business, the royal family , wealthy commoners and even citizens of other empires loved this nutrient solution so much. It was the most expensive nutrient solution in the empire but it was also the best seller. The twenty million turned into two hundred million and Samael went from being called a fool to being hailed as a visionary. So when the visionary sent out an invite to the nineteen other presidents of nutrient solution companies, they all came quickly. Some of them hoped that this invitation was in the interest of a new business from which they would receive a little piece. 

"Gentlemen," Samael who looked very distinguished in green and white addressed them. "You must all be wondering why I have called you here right now. Many of you are very surprised to see each other here because you thought that this was going to be a private meeting. I apologize for not including the details of the invitation but I did it for good reason." 

The men and women were all sitting around a long table and Samael was sitting at the very center. Even though they did not work for him, it felt as if they were all his employees with the way he was lording over them.

 "That's not an issue Mr. Samael, we are happy that you considered our Falin nutrients for whatever you need." One overly eager man at the table said. 

A few people thought to themselves, 'What a kiss ass!!' Not everybody revered Samael or was happy to be here after all. Some of them were smiling but inside, they felt a different plethora of emotions like hatred, envy, greed, anger, and jealousy toward Samael. They only came because of his influence and power. 

"I have gathered you all here because we are all in the same line line of business and right now, we are facing a very big threat. The blue star and it's food." he said. 

These people looked at each other, all of them trying to guess what the other was thinking. All of them had tasted food and they were interested in it, they were all aware that if the food culture spread, the market for nutrient solutions might dwindle and they did not like it. 

"I know that you are all aware about this food!" he said the word food with great disdain on his face, his jaw was clenched as if the thought of food existing was so horrendous and unholy. "We are businessmen, our businesses come first, some people on the star net have been talking about the benefits of real food outweighing nutrient solutions. That blue star governor mentions these health benefits in her broadcasts all the time. A perfect example is her mentioning that milk provides calcium to the body which strengthens bones and teeth. Suddenly mothers are buying up milk and making videos of their children drinking milk with smiles. They are saying things like 'thanks to milk my baby will grow up to be strong and healthy.' This kind of thinking is going to push the nutrient solutions which we make for children out of the market. And how long will it take before it goes from children to adults'?" 

Some of the business owners nodded in agreement with his words but others remained stoic, not expressing anything at all. It was difficult for Samael to determine if they were with him or against him. But it was impossible for them not to stand with him, he thought. Their businesses were their livelihood, if food took over they would be faced with poverty. 

"We have to come together and stop this infringement on our businesses. We should be willing to whatever it takes to safe guard our interests." Samael spoke so inspirationally and valiantly. He was like a captain of troops, leading them into a war and those men followed him with the belief that he would protect them. This could be seen in the words of some people at the table. 


"They must be stopped." 

"Down with food." 

The enthusiasm of some business owners was really massive, one would think that an uprising against an oppressor was being planned in this building. But not everyone here was stupid enough to believe that Samael would protect them if things went side ways. First of all, one picture of the emperor and third princess eating food had gone viral. This clearly meant that the royal family was strongly standing behind the food explosion. 

Secondly the seventh prince was on the blue star where food originated, he was not there to relax and have fun. The blue star, they all knew was a deserted place with little to no buildings or development. It had been their dumping ground for years. the second prince was probably there at the behest of the emperor. 

Thirdly the planet was owned by a general, not just any general but Esong Wu, a nephew of the emperor. No matter how much Samael huffed and puffed, the Rogan family was not royalty or nobility. If the emperor discovered that they were putting their hands in his interests, there was no telling what he would do. It was not abnormal for an entire family to be wiped out for being seen as a threat to the crown. Samael Rogan was treading on very thin ice here and the wise business men knew that these fools that were chanting down with food would be the first victims of this little war. 

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