Transmigrated As The Perverted Young Master

Chapter 224 The Apprehension!

In the heart of the Judicial building, a storm of voices clashed like swords, each demanding attention and validation. The room pulsed with tension as the weight of their decisions pressed upon them like a crushing anvil. The Summer king's question hung in the air like a guillotine, slicing through any semblance of ease.

"Where do you think the terrorist is hiding?" The Summer king's voice echoed, the urgency and fear palpable in the silence that followed.

The Spring king spoke with a voice tempered by caution and experience. "Anywhere and everywhere," he said, "A shadow amongst shadows, lurking in the darkest corners of our city. A necromancer, a puppet master of death and chaos, pulling strings from the veil of anonymity."

Madelyn's eyes flared with determination as she interjected, "This foe, this wielder of death's power, is no ordinary adversary. Whoever it is, they possess unfathomable strength, enough to commandeer legions of the undead as their minions. We must tread with utmost care."

Calen, with his usual wit and bravado, offered a daring suggestion. "Why not assemble a small, elite team? The best of the best, a lightning bolt of skill and power to strike down this necromancer. Swift and precise, cutting through the darkness to deliver the final blow."

The room buzzed with murmurs of agreement and scepticism. A plan so audacious was not without its risks, and the thought of confronting a potentially combative and powerful foe sent tremors through their ranks.

But Madelyn saw the merit in Calen's idea. A small team could move like a shadow, swift and elusive, with the capacity to dismantle the necromancer's web of darkness. "A calculated risk," she stated, her voice resolute, "One that we must take to protect our city and its people."

As Aurelia stepped forward with her own insights, Danielle felt an internal tug of war between her duty as a protector of the city and her unwavering need to find her brother, Damien. She knew he was caught in the middle of this turmoil, and she couldn't bear to see him alone in the face of such malevolence.

"My brother," she finally declared, her voice tinged with emotion, "he's out there, and I need to find him. I can't sit idly by while he faces this danger alone."

Madelyn regarded Danielle with both empathy and firmness. "Your concern is valid," she acknowledged, "but the risks are too great for you to face alone. We need all hands on deck here to protect the city."

Danielle refused to back down, her resolve burning like an inferno. "I can't abandon my family," she retorted, "The only reason I'm here is to confirm my parents are indeed here. Now that I know, I'm going out there."

"I understand your concern, young lady," Madelyn said, her voice cold and calculated. "But your powers are much needed here. Without your healing ability and your knowledge of magic and weaponry, the city is doomed. I cannot allow you to go. Apart from me, you're the only competent healer here."

Danielle met Madelyn's gaze with steely resolve. "Then you're going to have to stop me," she declared, her voice laced with a familiar ferocity. "I'm going, and nothing you say can stop me."

Madelyn sighed, a flash of regret crossing her face as she realized she could not force this girl to do anything she didn't want to. "Apprehend her." She commanded. "Make sure she can't escape from here."  I think you should take a look at

The words were simple and nonchalant but the power they held was immensurable. Immediately two holy knights suddenly flashed beside Danielle and held her by her upper arms.

"What?!" Danielle squirmed but the knight's grip was like stone.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Duke Zadkiel slammed on the table with his meaty arms. "You dare to detain my daughter in such a way?"

"It's the only way to ensure she stays here. Her safety is paramount, and the only way to keep her safe is to restrain her." Madelyn replied, her voice calm and unwavering. "Your daughter's life is not the only one at stake here."

Duke Zadkiel glowered at Madelyn, his face contorted with rage and indignation.

Laila, Marcus and Nevil quickly drew their weapons, pointing at the holy knights. Like a domino effect, everyone else drew their weapon. Everyone pointed their weapons at each other.

"Unhand me!" Danielle thrashed around, trying to shake the holy knights away. She tapped into her mana reservoir, felt its might on her heart and called upon it. But nothing happened. The mana was there but it wasn't obeying her.

It was not only her but the whole people, who were aiming their weapon, who was suspended in their action. Like time stopped for their weapons.

In the midst of the confusion, the old man spoke for the first time during the meeting. Danielle had completely forgotten about the old man as he was seated in his chair with a defeated face.

"I would not have any more blood spilled on this hallowed ground," he said, his voice resonating through the room like an ancient bell tolling with the weight of history. His eyes, clouded with memories of countless battles and the scars of time, bore witness to a life devoted to service and sacrifice. "No more," he repeated, the word echoing like a solemn vow that carried the weight of the ages. "I have given my entire life to protect this city, to defend its people, and to ensure its prosperity. But I will not stand by and watch it torn apart by senseless violence and darkness."

The air around him grew heavy, like a dense fog of despair and sorrow that weighed down on everyone in the chamber.

"As much as I wish to stay by your side and fight against this darkness, my body has long abandoned its vigour and my hands are too weak to wield a weapon. If my voice alone can not stop the violence, then I shall take the most logical course of action." He paused for a moment. "Abonden all the hatred you have and bear this sadness with me. For today, let's forget about the rivalry and unite under the starlight."


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